Post a screenshot!

How is Planetside these days? I played the beta way, way back. It was fun, but infantry combat was kinda clunky and it quickly became a very repetitive game of just capturing bases.
How is Planetside these days? I played the beta way, way back. It was fun, but infantry combat was kinda clunky and it quickly became a very repetitive game of just capturing bases.

Yeah TIIMMYY, good you give some more info? I am not downloading a 1.8GB client if it's not worth it.
Prey, getting spirit mode



Hl2 lemon bombs

CS:S sun bright!

What a silly admin note:

"if u r caught u r ban"
That's your secret project!?

It looks like Halo and Half-life mixed.
Gun needs a more gritty looking texture tbh. Having it more to the righthand corner would LOOK more functional.

Looks pwnagepenislol though.
Textures are currently placeholders. So is the pistol model :)
Yeah TIIMMYY, good you give some more info? I am not downloading a 1.8GB client if it's not worth it.

Well where should I start.

The recent release of Planetside Reserves means that there are a lot more players using the free client, which of course means bigger battles. Theres also been quite a few new vehicles added since it came out, such as new bombers, assault buggies and varients of other vehicles, as well as all the vehicles released with Core Combat (which is free now too).

Instead of only hacking bases and moving onto the next one, some bases now have LLU's, which you must transport back to your base to capture it. People with Command Rank 4 or 5 get to make use of Orbital Strikes.

Theres also the recent Battle-Frame Robotics, or BFRs, which are basically giant mechs. You need 100 cavern kills to use one.

Much more fun than it used to be :)
One of the new classes in Guild Wars, the Grim-Reaperesque Dervish :D

I love the art in GW, to bad it's not that fun to play IMO, but to each his own.
I was team killing on the runway, when an arty strike PWNT MY FACE!!1 D:



Look at their faces lying there on the ground. JNightshade knows why I killed them I bet. lol.
I have too many, so here is a random FarCry one..


And this is from Area 51, i found it quite funny as its on a SET..


And this one from PREY is a good shot of MP in action using multiple gravity..

I started playing Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil again and I snapped some pics here. Great game and fantastic graphics. :thumbs:






Hey satch. I really hate to stereotype the Doom 3 engine but....seriously, i can't see shit in those screenshots. Let alone what shit i do see, looks exactly like that...shit.
Needlessly harsh.

Only time i've ever really enjoyed a hospital corridor.

and the nurses are pretty hardcore too.

On the count of 3, one, two.. Alex I wub yoo.

Barney behind a door

Alex following me some more

Guy down a crack in the floor D:

The light! it burns XD
Hey satch. I really hate to stereotype the Doom 3 engine but....seriously, i can't see shit in those screenshots. Let alone what shit i do see, looks exactly like that...shit.

Adjust your monitor then. Or if you have a lot of light on in your room, then that would make the game look darker than it really is. I usually play the game in the dark so it's never been a problem for me. But whatever, I love the game's atmosphere and its graphics. In the end, that's what matters most. :thumbs:

Hey clarky003, you should turn on some AF if your video card can handle it because that ground texture is looking a little muddy.
I've always thought this was a very pretty game...well, before the uglyness kicks in.

And..that's an awesome looking bow in the trade window. wtf glitch?

I can see those D3 ROE screens no probs, but i do think that Doom 3 was a little too dark for my liking.