Post a speech!


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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Everyone post your favorite speech!
The only rule, don't make it too long and you MUST read every speech already posted in FULL
- James Connolly

Socialism and Irish Nationalism

Your turn, feel free to post more than one speech, but not in the same post.
James Connoly said:
If you remove the English army to-morrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organisation of the Socialist Republic your efforts would be in vain.

England would still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs.

Solaris - doesn't Cillian Murphy's character quote this in The Wind That Shakes The Barley?
I'm afraid I cannot resist:

This is just a trick to get people to pay attention to Solaris's kindergarten communism.

Also, Sulk wins.
"I have a dream"
That's still an awesome speech.

He was a great speaker, no one can deny that.

Another great speaker.
^^^hahaha you ****in win, this was the one i thought of as soon as I read the thread title :D :D :D
Wait... What is that from? I know its the office... but its not from an episode is it?
yup, and funnily enough the name of the episode is "Dwight's Speech"
what season? I could have sworn I had every episode.
I refuse to bow down to Solaris' attempts at Socailist reform of
May 16th Military Revolution, 1961.

"Dear respected chairman. Your loyal Army, along with the Marine Corps have risen up to save this nation. I am exeedingly sorry to have acted without superior permission, but we could not overlook the extreme danger that our people and the fatherland lie in this state. So with the unified belief that this is the only way to save the nation from ultimate destruction, we have acted as one. If this act shall be treason to the fatherland, the nation, and the Korean people, then we shall apologize to the people and henceforth swear to commit suicide. Mr. chairman, please recognize our act of loyalty, and lead us in this time of unprecedented supremacy of the Korean people. Major General Park Chung Hee."

The Articles of Revolution:

"One. Anti-communism will be the first and foremost."

"Two. We will follow international laws and streghten ties with Free Powers, including the United States of America."

"Four. We will solve the poverty that the citizenly suffer in."

"Five. We will boost our stregth to acheive the ultimate goal of reunification and the destruction of communism."
Possibly, I don't know. I'll have to check my father's history textbook from 1970, because I can't find it in mine.