Post count went down?


Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Okay, I know this isn't really important. I'm no post whore. I'm just curious.

Well, I was posting yesterday, and I noticed that I'd just posted my 600'th post. After the obligatory celebration (editing to say "HOT DAMN! #600"), I posted again (making it 601), and quit for the day.

In the last half hour, I posted twice. I have noticed that I had (at that point) 601 posts again. Well, if calculus class has taught me anything: 601 plus 2 is not equal to 601

So I'm wondering where these phantom posts have gotten off to? I'm fairly sure I haven't offended anyone, or posted anything offensive or _excessively_ stupid. Nor have I frequented threads that seemed without merit, i.e. the 'This thread is going to be closed so fast' type.

Curiouser and curiouser. Where oh where have my little posts gone?
If a thread is deleted then your post count drops. The gold forum your post count isn't effected, unless a thread from elsewhere was moved into it or out of it.

Chances are you posted in a spam thread that was later deleted, and I do remember deleting a few myself yesterday so its possible you had a few posts in those.
Ah. Very interesting. Didn't know that about the gold forum. And here I was trying to
make useful and productive posts* there, when it seems designed to eliminate just that :D
*may or may not be true​
my "#600" post isn't anymore. oh well.

arright, thx.
sigh... what's the use of spam if you don't get a higher post count?