Post embarassing storys


Jun 18, 2005
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Last year I can't remember why but I was in English and had a very young teacher.. (she was only 5-6 years older than me) and she was very beautiful. We had many conversations, and when she looked at me there was something very weird. It wasn't like when someone else (friend, teacher, cop :p) looks at me.. it was very weird and to this day I wonder if there were any "special feelings" :naughty:

But anyways I was thinking about this in class. She was wearing pants that were very revealing and caught me many a times just staring at her bum instead of paying attention to her lesson. All this time I had a building erection, and some girls were sitting beside me. Long story short they basically watched my pants rise up with a snake like figure propping them up.

The bell rang, but I was half awake at the time and had a full-blown erection. So it took me awhile to get settled and ready to move onto lunch. Everybody was out of the room now it was just me and the teacher. I forgot about my erection and immediatly stood up with a huge buldge out of my crotch area. She looked, I looked.. I tryed to dodge it but meh.. So it was kind of embarassing that she knew I fancy'd her.. But the worse part was those girls sitting beside me never really chose to sit beside me again.... :(

Post embarassing storys.
Stories* actually, and this was done a long time ago and it was pretty funny, i guess another one would be interesting. and dude your story is...weird.

Aside from the ones i did told you about last time, last snow day i lobbed a snow ball at my mate who moved and i hit an english teacher in the eye point blank range, it was so bloodshot it looked like i had hit him with my fist lol.
Hectic Glenn said:
Stories* actually, and this was done a long time ago and it was pretty funny, i guess another one would be interesting. and dude your story is...weird.

Aside from the ones i did told you about last time, last snow day i lobbed a snow ball at my mate who moved and i hit an english teacher in the eye point blank range, it was so bloodshot it looked like i had hit him with my fist lol.


The only embarassing thing I can think of at the moment is getting confused with the train ticket, and repeatedly putting it in the machine the wrong way. :eek:

Oh, and screaming and yelling at the top of my lungs that I didn't want to go on the log flume. But I was still quite young and hadn't really developed shame. And I still got forced on the bloody thing...
Ahhh, this wasn't embarassing at the time, since I thought I was supposed to be ignored and such in school

I asked every girl in my grade (~100) if they would go on a date with me, everyone said no. So hey!! I won the bet, and got a punch in the face from the popular guys!
Maybe this explains why I have such a low self-esteem!? *GASP* DAMN YOU CHILDHOOD!
Heh. My most sorta embarassing moment has to be when I was 10-11 years old. It was assembly and I accidently let one off...

Everyone started turning around to see who it was, what did I do? Turn around aswell. I dodged that bullet since no one suspected me.

@BF2Slut - :LOL:
BF2slut said:
Last year I can't remember why but I was in English and had a very young teacher.. (she was only 5-6 years older than me) and she was very beautiful. We had many conversations, and when she looked at me there was something very weird. It wasn't like when someone else (friend, teacher, cop :p) looks at me.. it was very weird and to this day I wonder if there were any "special feelings" :naughty:

But anyways I was thinking about this in class. She was wearing pants that were very revealing and caught me many a times just staring at her bum instead of paying attention to her lesson. All this time I had a building erection, and some girls were sitting beside me. Long story short they basically watched my pants rise up with a snake like figure propping them up.

The bell rang, but I was half awake at the time and had a full-blown erection. So it took me awhile to get settled and ready to move onto lunch. Everybody was out of the room now it was just me and the teacher. I forgot about my erection and immediatly stood up with a huge buldge out of my crotch area. She looked, I looked.. I tryed to dodge it but meh.. So it was kind of embarassing that she knew I fancy'd her.. But the worse part was those girls sitting beside me never really chose to sit beside me again.... :(

Post embarassing storys.

:LOL: Ahahaha! :LOL:

Ah the memories of those accidental boners in 4th and 5th grade.
Standing up proud...only to realize you've got a woody.
This was during one of those times you were walking a girl you liked to class but she didn't know you liked her:

It was a rainy day and she was getting cold so I gave her my sweater. Ok, when metal gets wet, it gets slippery, you guys know. We were talking and I stepped on a water-draining-thingy, slipped, and get completely wet. Water is not exactly clean in the rain. I also got a lot of dirt and leaves stuck on me. I remember laughing for almost 3 hours before getting up though. She didn't seem to care. It was awkward.
this isnt that embarassing.. but once someone pressed a grape into my face from behind and i looked around and took a water bottle and drenched him and we started a minor scuffle. it was pretty funny looking back on it
Someone else's embarrassing story:

Basically, this friend of mine had a major sweet tooth. There he was in the schoolyard near D Tree (long story) actually eating icing sugar, eating it from a big fat packet. The stuff was making him more and more hyper and so he was eating more and more; getting more hyper...before long, he had white goo, icing suger mixed with drool, just cascading out of his mouth. Couldn't speak, just going 'aghaghaa!'

So my other friend punches him playfully in the stomach as a teacher passes by. Bam, fist in the stomach, and the guy coughs out this great white cloud of icing suger, like a smoke bomb, and it goes all over everywhere and all over this teacher who's passing by.

Ah...happy days. :LOL:
This was my cousin, but funny enough to hear about....

He was standing at the bar in a club, I was near him talking bullshit, he was pretty pissed, to the point where he was trying to make suave comments, but ended up sounding retarded.

Anyway, a girl he liked started talking to him, just friendly chatting, when all of a sudden she shoved him back and slapped him, I realised what happend, lets just say he poked her without using his hands.

He didn't do it deliberatly, he was so drunk though, after she walked away, I looked at him, I have never seen sombody look so hurt, he looked like his girlfriend of 10 years had left him, it was crazy.
xlucidx said:
Standing up proud...only to realize you've got a woody.

only to realise you've got a woody? am i the only one that finds it completley obvious that i'm getting stiff?
Sulkdodds said:
Someone else's embarrassing story:

Basically, this friend of mine had a major sweet tooth. There he was in the schoolyard near D Tree (long story) actually eating icing sugar, eating it from a big fat packet. The stuff was making him more and more hyper and so he was eating more and more; getting more hyper...before long, he had white goo, icing suger mixed with drool, just cascading out of his mouth. Couldn't speak, just going 'aghaghaa!'

So my other friend punches him playfully in the stomach as a teacher passes by. Bam, fist in the stomach, and the guy coughs out this great white cloud of icing suger, like a smoke bomb, and it goes all over everywhere and all over this teacher who's passing by.

Ah...happy days. :LOL:
Hahahaha!!!!! :LOL:
Well, it's more of a story about my friend...

Well, he was being really dumb that day and annoying, so after awhile I got mad. He was eating pizza... so I took his plate and put it in his face with pizza sauce and peperoni all over his face. Everyone at the table (who were also sick of him that day) laughed and called him pizza face.

Another is when my friend, at breakfast, spilled some syrup on his crotch. So, after, we went into the bathroom and he wet a paper towel and started scrubbing. All of us started laughing... it looked like he was... yea...
Farted in the middle of karate class.

My dad caught me masturbating.
Pesmerga said:
Farted in the middle of karate class.

My dad caught me masturbating.

First one I could probably shrug off, but the second...

Unlucky mate...
My friend was humping his sofa with his trousers down when his mum walked in the door. He says he managed to roll behind the sofa when he heard the door handle moving. This was when he was about 14.
StardogChampion said:
My friend was humping his sofa with his trousers down when his mum walked in the door. He says he managed to roll behind the sofa when he heard the door handle moving. This was when he was about 14.

What the ****. Why would anyone actually hump a pillow. I mean, my dog does that, and it's a she.
My friend kept hitting on this asian girl in class. Well on our field trip he followed her around the entire time, and he kept staring at her breasts, and he made it very obvious. She told him that she had a boyfriend, and he asked "Are you happy with him?"...I don't know what happened, as I walked away, I couldn't watch that anymore. I of course (being the good friend I am) harassed him about it. He never really gave up either...
I accidentally walked into the girls change room. No one was in it though. :(
Sober said:
I accidentally walked into the girls change room. No one was in it though. :(
Hahahaha that must have sucked so bad. Don't tell anyone that story, but you just put it on the net, nice one :)
Q_onfused said:
Oh, that really sucks.


My rents walked into me jacking a few times.. (like 5 times) all it did was teach em how to knock. If you want your parents to respect your privacy then the best way to go about it is make sure they walk in while your jackin it.. If your rents STILL don't knock then .. thats just wrong.

I knew a girl that got in trouble for sneaking out alot, etc.. and as a punishment her parents took her door off!

Poor girl... :dozey:
*embraces thread*

i read this story on the internet about a girl who was using eyelashes and went to bed with her b/f. she took her eyelashes off and put them on the bedside table. in the morning, she got up and went somewhere around the house. when she came back to the room she slept in, the boyfriend (who used glasses but was not using them at the moment) was smashing the eyelashes. she asked, "what are you doing?" he said, "i'm killing this spider. i hadn't seen one as big as this one." she laughed and he was embarrased.
One time, I posted 2,388 times on an internet forum. :(
on the very last day of school, the day of leaving, i had a nose bleed all day. might not sound bad but it felt very tragic and embarrassing to me at the time
Last night, when I had to ask the girl I was with what her name was... afterwards. Yeah, I sort of avoided her all night after that.
When I was like 10 or something, I let out a HUGE burp in class. The situation was hilarious : My friend (which is still my friend today) was being incredibly annoying. Actually, he's ALWAYS annoying, but right then, he was crossing all lines. He was irritating me all the time, and just finished another stab at me (a cynical joke). He asked "So what do you have to say to THAT?" and I just BURP right in his face for like 4 seconds :D
I had a gigantic, huge pimple right on my nose. Everybody laughed at me at school that day and I still feel embarrased about it :(

It was a couple of months ago
Insane said:
I had a gigantic, huge pimple right on my nose. Everybody laughed at me at school that day and I still feel embarrased about it :(

It was a couple of months ago

wtf, when I wass in my early teens, my whole ****ing face was coverd in them, I mean one on top of the other. Imageine what they would have done to me.
When I was a younger kid (elementary school) I had lots of farts at the wrong time.

What I mean by this, I would always feel the need to fart in the middle of class while everything is silent, so silent you could hear a pin drop. The silence would go on and then *RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP* I would fart trying my hardest to keep it in. All the guys would laugh, but that didn't matter.

What mattered to me was all the girls thought it was "icky!" and I never had a special someone in all my elementary school years because of it. I don't have that problem anymore though, but when I feel the need to fart I just let 'er rip because i'm not quite that insecure anymore.. :angel:
Doppelgofer said:
only to realise you've got a woody? am i the only one that finds it completley obvious that i'm getting stiff?
Shit I knew..It was a pretty much daily occurance for me in school! Then again, I never had a girlfriend up until highschool and the only thing I could think about UNTIL highschool was I held my books in front of me alot.
Noobulon said:
woah, WOAH! :eek:

what the hell is that about? :x

I had a child-hood friend that made a hole in his HUGE pillow (the size of an actual human) he would ALWAYS just stay in his room and hump the pillow doing you know what with the hole.. When I slept over at his house I always made sure not to sleep on a pillow with a hole in it.
Ever have one of those zits that like, pokes people when they pass by. My face is usually completely clear of zits, with the rare exception of one or two usually on the chin or near my temples, anyway I had this huge one like right on the edge of my lip, between the lower and upper lips. You would have laughed at me had you seen me trying to cover it with my hands all day during school. 6 hours of hell :(
I used to live near west edmonton mall, the worlds largest indoor mall. I think it still is. One day when i was about five my mom took their to looka round and run out my energy. In the main food court, is a massive water fountain display... kinda like a pool almost. Soo being nieve, and thinking i was superman.. i ran around the edge of the pool ****ing fast. Slipped and basically fell head first into the water. Imgaine a cat drowning in agony... that was me. MY mom picked me out and i had to walk thu this enormus mall soaking wet. Hilarious now that i think of it:cheers:


Pesmerga said:
Ever have one of those zits that like, pokes people when they pass by. My face is usually completely clear of zits, with the rare exception of one or two usually on the chin or near my temples, anyway I had this huge one like right on the edge of my lip, between the lower and upper lips. You would have laughed at me had you seen me trying to cover it with my hands all day during school. 6 hours of hell :(

lol same here but i had this red boil on my forehead (i thought i looked like a unicorn... and the boil was painful) and then they had to take us pictures for the school credentials that same day (which had to be paid for) and i never payed mine and never got it ^_^
BF2slut said:
I had a child-hood friend that made a hole in his HUGE pillow (the size of an actual human) he would ALWAYS just stay in his room and hump the pillow doing you know what with the hole.. When I slept over at his house I always made sure not to sleep on a pillow with a hole in it.
Holy shit...someone sig that.