post ur neat tricks with the grav gun


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
mine is when you get the sentry gun, from the nova prospect lvl, you can hold the sentry gun pointing infront of you, and you can walk around with it, and it will attack enemies, even when ur running lol
I guess grabbing health an ammo from otherwise unreachable places... oh and in Ravenholm I had full health, but knew I'd need some more pretty soon, so I shot the med packs into the distance So I'd get them a little later.
I like putting junk on the stair wells so combine can't go up and chase you. Like in the E3 2004 vid where you are in the house that has a tire swing in the back. when I go to the second story I just pile all the junk I can find on the stairs.

I also like zapping the headcrabs out of mid-air. Plus zapping the full size cars into the combine. Picking up nades or zapping the nades into other combine is really cool.
its not my trick, but i commonly use barrels and metal objects as cover while (hold them infront of me and run towards them)
the sawblades you throw are great. see how many headcrab zombies you can get in one shot.
throwing nades back at enemies..doing the yo-yo thing with junk..sawblades!!! oh yeah and anything involving the organic grav powerful,so versatile
Not my idea, but you can throw down a grenade down at your feet, then pick it up with the gravity gun and throw it with it. Pretty useful for taking out those snipers.
Grabing hold of manhacks and using them to cut up combine. Its alot fo fun, allthough if you have a team with you, they will destroy it. Which can be just as good, grab one, team kills it, repeat.
At the first part in Route Kanal (after you kill the guy thats on the stairwell) i like to place 1 or 2 exploding barrels in the door, then let them all pile up, and boom, no more combine
what i did is i take a small object and toss it into the air and try to catch it on my head. If I crouch and catch it on my head, I can't jump anymore. It's really funny. You should try it
The end-game grav-gun is really powerfull and only fun because you were limited before. I couldn't see myself playing with it for a long time and still having fun.

Pushing people off cliffs with stuff is cool too.
if you get the end game grav gun, and go back to say the coast, where you first get the buggy. If you try to grab anyone, there corpse comes to you, but they still remain at the gun, you can do this as much as you like, and just pile up bodies
wonkers said:
I like putting junk on the stair wells so combine can't go up and chase you. Like in the E3 2004 vid where you are in the house that has a tire swing in the back. when I go to the second story I just pile all the junk I can find on the stairs.

I also like zapping the headcrabs out of mid-air. Plus zapping the full size cars into the combine. Picking up nades or zapping the nades into other combine is really cool.
I tried this too the second time I played, but it doesn't help.

The scripted animations will happen no matter what - everything in the way will be pushed aside. I believe it does slightly delay them, but not really.

Interesting thing was the part with Dog in Anticitizen One where he starts trashing up the cars etc. There's the bit with the few combine who are in the shop shooting at you, and then Dog gets a car and rams it into them or something, killing them.

I was too eager to kill the combine, so I ran over to the window and was just in front of it, shooting them. Then all of a sudden the car that dog throws comes up behind me - it would have completely squished me, however because it was a scripted animation, I got pushed aside (quite a distance, very fast).

Was rather disorientating - one minute standing there, killing combine, the next second I'm standing 10 metres to the left, all the combine are dead and there's a flaming car there.
Ritz said:
Grabing hold of manhacks and using them to cut up combine. Its alot fo fun, allthough if you have a team with you, they will destroy it. Which can be just as good, grab one, team kills it, repeat.

Ehh...too much effort and time. Just grab them and chuck them at a nearby wall. That'll kill them quite fast and keep them back.
wonkers said:
I like putting junk on the stair wells so combine can't go up and chase you. Like in the E3 2004 vid where you are in the house that has a tire swing in the back. when I go to the second story I just pile all the junk I can find on the stairs.

I also like zapping the headcrabs out of mid-air. Plus zapping the full size cars into the combine. Picking up nades or zapping the nades into other combine is really cool.
I don't get why you can zap headcrabs with the regular gravity gun...
AmishSlayer said:
Ehh...too much effort and time. Just grab them and chuck them at a nearby wall. That'll kill them quite fast and keep them back.

Meh, not as fun.
how do you get the end-game grav gun in earlier levels?
I remember right before the bridge sequence around those houses, there was a garage with some combine hiding in it. I went up to the door and started bouncing it back and forth on its hinges, every time it would hit the combine and bounce back to me, then i would hit it with the grav gun again to send it back. Took about 3 bounces for it to die, but it felt awesome being able to kill it by swinging the door into it over and over. Showed the true versatility of the system :)
i found a harpoon, it kills the big antlion thing in one hit

heres a pic of me shooting this poor combine all the way up the beach and onto this rock (manip+harpoon = rofflewaffle).

oh yes, view my pic above with the harpoon. har.

edit: oh, and i kept the harpoon for giggles all the way to nova prospekt and beyond. here's a screenshot of a dead combine impaled on his arm with the harpoon. > : )
harpoon...mmm, nice find!!gotta look for that myself on my 3rd trip through
Where is this big stick/harpoon :naughty: I want it too!
Throwing things straight up while outdoors is fun. Just don;t let it land on you.

Throwing two objects straight up quickly is cool, you can make them collide in mid air.

Making the second object a "hopper" is more fun because it explodes and shoots the other object into orbit! Try it with a garbage pail and a hopper. WHAM!

Trying to juggle is a challenge.. but doable with practice.

Launching yourself with carefully placed shot to an object you are standing on works sometimes.. but usually just hurts you real bad.

Firing manhacks into the stratosphere.. it takes them a LONG time to find their way back. SOmone else mentioned holding them to cut up combines.. awesome!
more grav fun

in the closing sequences grap the combines (draw towards gun) then fire them back into their fellows. I guess this means the combines aren't human as the grav gun works on them. hehe
I saw a couple of harpoons when ur on ur way upto (literally upto) nova prospekt. Its after you go past alot of combine, just up the hill, over the jump thingy. There next to a zombie sitting next to a fire. If any of that makes any sense :)