Post vids of your town attacked by combine


Aug 19, 2007
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Greetings gentlemen of leisure and captains of industry,

I have recently finished the second in an ongoing series of short films that attempts to document the immediate aftermath of the 7 Hour War. I love the Half Life universe and have tried to respectfully recreate it both in tone and atmosphere. I figured you guys would be excellent critics of these films, since we have a shared liking of the subject.

You can watch the second here: City 12 Two: Episode 1
The first (City 12) is found in the "decent" library on the same site.
Can't seem to get the first one to launch in Opera.
Watched it -- very cool stuff!

I got myself two airsoft MP7's with the intention of doing some stuff about the resistance eventually...
wow, making a realistic hl2 video is very difficult, I dont think many people will attempt it as compared to pics.
That was awesome!!! I like the part with scanner and the civil protection. You have done a great job! Just one question. That trains, were they abandoned or was it on the real railway? Did you ask some guy if you could record it there or did you just record when nobody was around?
i sware im gonna make an awesome 3dsmax movie on an army fighting (cs and dods models) during the seven hour war (unfortunately, combine models) once my exams (40 more days!!! my present- ep2) are over..i can't wait..
Can't seem to get the first one to launch in Opera.

That's real weird. Make sure java is enabled. If anyone else has trouble with Opera let me know. I can't help but laugh at the irony of an iTunes-modeled site not working with Opera.

Planning a part 3 I hope?

It's being written. Dealing with the 7 Hour War is tough, though. We have no clue what really happened, so respecting the HL2 canon is tricky. The plan is to use that haziness to our advantage.

That trains, were they abandoned or was it on the real railway?

No, it was gone the next day. But I kinda like the idea that a lambda symbol is floating around the country somewhere.
I really don't think CPs came until after the war, when Humans volunteered to be CPs (Remember CPs are Unmodified humans)
Crashed my browser and lost half of the Bioshock demo download.

I will kill.
Basically what it amounts to is that I have to wait a few more hours before I get to play the demo and will probably wait until tomorrow to try viewing panz's video. I think my blood pressure rose for a moment though.
Pretty cool - great concept, well-paced and -directed as far as I could tell. The only bit I didn't like was the camerawork - it was incredibly shaky. Got a steadier-handed person you could use? Maybe a tripod for the not-moving shots?
Crashed my browser and lost half of the Bioshock demo download.

WHAT!??!? Dude I never meant to get in between anyone and Bioshock. I'm so sorry about that. If you don't mind, let me know what browser and what exactly happened.

I really don't think CPs came until after the war...

Yes I totally agree. Even 3 months afterwards might seem a bit early for the emergence of CPs. But as you said, they aren't physically modified. Psychologically, I imagine that's another story. The way I see it, the Combine would want a human-run police force as soon as possible. So they take a few "volunteers", give them a few months of brainwashing and training, and set them loose. ( The extent of the brainwashing is questionable, as Barney alluded to in EP 1.) Once a few humans are already CPs (and show off the benefits), it would most likely bring in more real volunteers. The real question is, where did our individual of interest get HIS training? After all, we all know the only way to bring down a CP in two shots (with a pistol) is with 2 head shots (assuming we're in hard mode).

The only bit I didn't like was the camerawork - it was incredibly shaky.

Thanks for the feedback on that. The shakiness was part of the design, but it's questionable whether it served its purpose. The philosophy behind the shakiness was to give in a more raw, real feel. Almost as if someone was there with him filming everything. I think the reason that the UFO Haiti video looked so good was that the added camera shake made it seem more genuine. Of course, if you're watching a HL movie, you already know its not real, so its self-defeating anyway. That's something we will more than likely be toning down in the next episode.

How much did it cost to make it?

50 bucks.
The Bioshock demo loser should just get it off Steam.
Hey what was in that red toolbox? I saw bullets, a multi tool, and what maybe a box of matches and a can of spraypaint, but what was the other stuff?
Wonder if we could get a picture of that Combine uniform? The mask is a russian PMG, I've yet to see a decent CP costume yet that looks fairly nice. I'd like to have a closer look for references and suchnot.
They do it in various occasions, mostly to mark that they've spotted freeman and whatnot.
It didn't work for me , i got quciktime and it only plays the audio , not the video .
Exactly im confused. I will try on my other computer ASAP
I've tracked down all the video problems to a bug in the new h.264 codec. I'm re-rendering to mpg-4 right now.

That City 17 film was sweet. I'm really jealous of the locations and the strider shots.

Wonder if we could get a picture of that Combine uniform?

Dude, you don't want to see it. The reason you don't get a great look at it in the movie is that up close it really looked kinda weak. You're right about the mask. It was used, and we had to wash it a few times before anyone would wear it.

Hey what was in that red toolbox?

It was typical resistance gear. Spraypaint, multitool, a few bullets, a boxcutter, and some cheap first aid stuff like you would find in a car. Oddly, the individual of interest only chose to take the bullets and the multitool.
Tonight? It'll be early morning in here by then! Post now!

Uggh, I can't believe I'm posting this. (Not worth staying up late for, huh Kevin?) I'll be honest, I wasn't a huge fan of the outfit, so I never took any pictures, figuring it would be improved upon for the next episode. It took me a while to get a hold of a picture from someone else. This is the pretty pathetic result. Doesn't that CP look soooo enthusiastic??


I might be able to get a full-body shot from someone tomorrow.

Hah, it's not bad at all, really. The pants in the game arn't cammo though, they're green with white stripes down the side.