Post your Amusing Dawn of War Pics :)

some screenies, back to finishing this map. :thumbs:






I wanna see what a bloofthirester looks like, getting the game tommorrow so I guess I will.
omg summoning the Blood Thirster has to be the best entrance for any unit in a RTS ever. :D
They are cool :)

Too bad the distributor failed to deliver the game in time to my retailer... oh well I am doing a hardware upgrade next week so at least I will be able to play DoW at higher settings...
The expansion possibilites seems to be endless
Is anyone having trouble with long load times with medium-low settings and a 2400xp+ cpu? My bro is for some reason. My p4 3.0ghz is having no issues. I feel sorry for him since he loves the game. :(

Can anyone help? We both have 9800 pro. I'm on Xp, he's on windows 98. We're thinking of formatting and installing XP on his since he had a bunch of spyware and crap (which I got rid of, but I'm still skeptical).
XP should be faster so install that asap. Then hopefully it'll speed up, also check he has enough ram.
Finally a game to pass some time :)

This is great, ive always thought warhammer figures was cool but never fancied them as a hobby but this game is ace! :D

@ Kiva : Im only running a 2.6+ amd so i dont think his CPU is the problem, im using XP as well with an x800pro no runs smooth as butter at 1280x1024 @ max settings no aa/af, does'nt really need aa/af that much as its just a RTS game. My load times are pretty fast as well (7200RPM hdd). I'd install XP on his system anyway, even if it does'nt fix the problem XP is far better than 98.
Pressure said:
The great thing is the game is only $39.99. I'm picking it up tomorrow for sure.
Where did you get it for 40? the EB down the road is 50 and newegg os 43
Kiva128- tell him to check his motherboard drivers. For some reason the game runs like shit or not at all if they're outdated. XP'll probably help as well, of course.

And I recommend everyone who plays this game get a mousewheel mouse- it's surprisingly annoying trying to play it with a trackball mouse. Stupid biased camera controls.
Looks like an interesting game, is it anything like Total Annihilation? for any who have played both. Thanks.
Not real TA was very much a build a tank/bot rush game DoW armies and smaller and can be more specialied. Also large scale battles are spectacular, ill take some shots later. :)