Post Your Desktop! Part 10,000

Hahah, /steals Dalamari's wallpaper. Funny, funny.
eh, found this on 4chan a while ago.. there's an original version that's the complete opposite, color wise, but this one looks cooler and more crisp
john3571000 said:

the best so far

i've seen that on the forums, i believe. amazing 3d work.
Idonotbelonghere said:
Can ye tell me how you do that?

The only way I can get a .gif working as a wallpaper is if the gif file is actually on the desktop (and unhidden) but I like my desktop full of nothing.

Windows XP: Right-Click on desktop, Properties, Browse, Choose your GIF file, OK.
Jelly, would you mind posting a link to that background? I like it. :D
i hate windows themes with the apple look when it's not full blown apple style
I like my hybrid of Mac and Linux's looks and features :)

Uses less RAM than Explorer so ;)
but you're running explorer aren't you anyway which just adds to the slowdown - besides badger you're current setup to be blunt is quite ugly
the colours jar and it just looks bad compared to some of your old stuff
i use google desktop which uses much less ram than explorer and while it isn't terribly pretty its a beast of effiency meaning i have explorer.exe disabled most os the time

may not be the most original or creative desktop but it gets the job done and is sorted well enough for me to use effectively
JellyWorld said:

Its 2MB, pretty large.
Holy awesome background batman!

And heh, Icy Tower! I never would have thought I'd find someone who has played that before.

Ok, here's mine. After about half a year of the same background, I finally decided to switch it up.


Omaha :D

Trying to figure out how to tweak it up a bit. Make it less bland. I already added the cold blue tint, but I want to do more. Sadly, I am no photoshop expert.
vegeta897 said:
Holy awesome background batman!

And heh, Icy Tower! I never would have thought I'd find someone who has played that before.

i use to play that all the time in web design class

and whats up with the "recent" folders
Kamikazie said:
and whats up with the "recent" folders

It's where I put all the junk on my desktop. Desktop stuff being oldest, and !!!!!RECENT!!!!!RECENT!!!!! being the newest, so far. I really can't think of a more standout-ish title for the next recent folder. I thought I was stumped at !RECENTNESS!!RECENTNESS! :D
I got my theme off (it's an installer which installs all the programs you need to make your com look like a Mac, ObjectDock etc.) The desktop is from cgtalk, it's created entirely using 3dstudio max i think, except for the smoke.
Vegeta, would you mind posting your version of that wallpaper as well? I love the look of it, with the blue and everything.
vegeta897 said:

It's where I put all the junk on my desktop. Desktop stuff being oldest, and !!!!!RECENT!!!!!RECENT!!!!! being the newest, so far. I really can't think of a more standout-ish title for the next recent folder. I thought I was stumped at !RECENTNESS!!RECENTNESS! :D


or maybe


or even

john3571000 said:
but you're running explorer aren't you anyway which just adds to the slowdown - besides badger you're current setup to be blunt is quite ugly
the colours jar and it just looks bad compared to some of your old stuff
i use google desktop which uses much less ram than explorer and while it isn't terribly pretty its a beast of effiency meaning i have explorer.exe disabled most os the time
I'm using a blackbox shell - explorer doesn't run. Yeah the colours are just the theme, It's a WIP I swear ;(

Zeus said:

or maybe


or even

The thing is, it has to fit on those two lines (without the "...") and still be more noticeable. I'm thinking about doing something like "New Recent 1", "New Recent 2", etc.

Terminas- Sure thing, I'll upload that blue version (along with other tweaks in brightness) I made right quick.

It's in super high res.
holiday? like what kind of holiday...

because we celebrate MLK Jr Day in january
OCybrManO said:

A GNOME user! :O ...

KDE ftw though...if I could ever get my wireless working on linux to apt-get the kde packages ;(
Kamikazie said:
holiday? like what kind of holiday...

because we celebrate MLK Jr Day in january

I was on a holiday in the US earlier this month. Nine days. Boston, NY and Washington. Now I am back in Amsterdam. That kinda holiday. ;)
Shakermaker said:
I was on a holiday in the US earlier this month. Nine days. Boston, NY and Washington. Now I am back in Amsterdam. That kinda holiday. ;)
thats why you werent on xfire...i was looking for a good game of BF2 and had noone to play with...
Kamikazie said:
thats why you werent on xfire...i was looking for a good game of BF2 and had noone to play with...

im back tho :sniper:

this might be a nice desktop.

Needs to be made a bit smaller tho.
Zeus said:
A GNOME user! :O ...

KDE ftw though...if I could ever get my wireless working on linux to apt-get the kde packages ;(
KDE is nice if you want plenty of eye candy. I don't care about that. It's nice... but it's not my thing.