Post your hate for assault here.


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I for one am glad Valve decided to leave that shit out. /me plays crap update of piranesi.
I love assault, especially as CT
Assault is good for 5vs5 max, anything more than that it's utter and complete bollocks. Three minute rounds become the most boring camp-fest of all times, Terrorists spam grenades through the ventilation shaft, Counter-terrorists just shoot at walls for the most part. In terms of map design it's a good map no doubt about it, but gameplay-wise it's awful. :)
Assault is an old skool map, I bet you're one of those 14 year old kiddies who likes AZTEC >=(
how can you hate it?.. it was an awesome map.. first map i EVER played.. since 1.5

@ Robert.. aztec is good to but assault >>> Aztec XD
Assaulut was an awesome map
I hope they put it in later.
Allong with Inferno and Mittila
sHm0zY said:
Assaulut was an awesome map
I hope they put it in later.
Allong with Inferno and Mittila

Never heard of those maps :LOL:
Assault is my favorite map... don't think for a second it won't be added through an update in the future.
My fav maps are Assult, Milita and Estate... :(
They will be added. Trust me.. Ok, don't. Trust VALVe though... :D
Assault is an awesome map for tactics and gameplay - you need a good team and a good enemy to get the most out of the map though.

I've found that the only people that hate Assault are aztec kids that think their noobcannon skills are teh leet.

I do wish assault was in because I did enjoy it. However, I'll be the first to say that without a decent team it is the most annoying map ever as CT. Almost no way in unless you work together.
assault is an amazin map.
My favourite maps are assault, dust1, and inferno.
I absolutely HATE aztec, the worst map in the world!,
Assault is definitely a great map.

It along with Survivor, 747 and Militia are my favourite maps. Would like to see Survivor and 747 ported.
Yeah assault can be annoying as hell for CTs, but I must say, I still really enjoy it. Tho I prefer assault2k (hope thats the right name?- the one with the extra upstairs door at the back- up the ramp- and the hossie room moved up a floor and including vent access)

Can't say I'm a massive fan of aztec and dust2
32 people assault sucks, but under 20 people, that map would be such an enjoyable and real tactical experience. especially when u play as ct and u want to score.

usually people don't like a map cuz they are doing bad in it. Me I like most of maps, milita, dust 1 & 2, assault, siege.........iceworld...and many other, by the way, the water in aztec looks sexy.
I would like that they included a modified assault. Make it bigger, maybe more streets, change the layout a bit, buildings,.. etc... so it becomes different and better for more players.
somt people dont like assault because
1. too many campers
2. sit in spawn and nade spam doors and vents
3. you actualy have to use strategy to win! what a concept eh?
Docks (!!!!!)

are the best maps, and all the maps that have been dropped, in favour of cs noobs with shit attitudes who bum the likes of aztec and dust2 which both suck, dont give into idiots valve, port those maps now, i see too many servers with aztec and dust2 on one after another, YAWN
Assault is a good map, when there's no campers. But then again, all maps suck when someone camps
pingu said:
are the best maps, and all the maps that have been dropped, in favour of cs noobs with shit attitudes who bum the likes of aztec and dust2 which both suck, dont give into idiots valve, port those maps now, i see too many servers with aztec and dust2 on one after another, YAWN

Relax, once the SDK/Hammer editor are out, we'll see those maps :)
lol, obviously pingu, you should try and play on our servers. The servers that is. Balance of maps, and it's good, all round fun
assault sucks. all you need are 3 t's and you can win every single round. one awping the big door, a guy watching vent and a guy on the back door with a para.
Oh yeah. 747 rocks.

Backalley forever, though.
Yea, I'm super thrilled valve left out 70% of the cs maps.
I never really liked Aztec, i thought it was overratted lie dust. But I grew to like dust eventually
what happend to all those old school maps? =( we need Siege as well, one of the first maps I played back in the beta days.
Ahh, cs_assault... brings back memories! It was the first CS map I ever played. Me and my friends used to play assault for hours in a row in LAN, we just loved it. It was so much fun, even with a 200mhz p2 in software mode, running around with an MP5, camping in the vents, spamming through the walls... man! :sniper:

Cs_assault is a great example of a map that new players tend to like. A simple layout, very easy to learn, fun features (cameras!!! They were so much fun back then!), only a few main choke points and so on. Siege, Militia and Dust are other good examples.

But as you play more and more, you start to see the problems with these maps. Balance is a very important factor in the long run, and playing a map like cs_assault on a big server can be quite frustrating sometimes. The value of maps like de_dust2, de_train, de_nuke and de_inferno is usually fully recognized only after playing the game a (long?) while.

These four maps are the main ones played in CS tournaments and ladders, and for a good reason too: they are the most balanced maps in the game. I really hope that Valve would release Nuke, Train and Inferno for CS:S soon, because they are not only great for public play, but also vital to the more competitive players.
mortiz said:
what happend to all those old school maps? =( we need Siege as well, one of the first maps I played back in the beta days.

With CS it's always the "beta days"... :LOL: