POST YOUR PICS (v. June 19, 2006)

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hahah Jangle, im also wearin threadless

dayum da pro photograph skillz
Every time I see a picture of Jangle the words "OH NOES D:" run through my head :D

and murray you look... angry in exile
I demand every member buys one of those shirts.
I demand you buy ever member one of those shirts.

dayum ic.
TheSomeone said:
hahahha da myspace-style pics
I knew that'd be comming :P I expected it sooner though :P
The D: OMG! cancels out any emo-ness though :)

And rofl at the money shot xD


Anyways let's move on shall we
CptStern said:
in what language? spanish? it must be slang cuz I'm pretty fluent and have never heard that word ..I thought you misspelt guerrero
It's calo, but I thought it was a 'real' word too. Guess not :O
RakuraiTenjin said:
It's calo, but I thought it was a 'real' word too. Guess not :O

heh I was going to ask what "calo" was but wiki saved the day ...although I dont understand how they got barrio slang confused with gypsy dialect ...the "barrio" is exclusively latin american wherea the gypsies (gitanos) are predominately a european (spain)/asian thing

oh and Reaktor4 proves my point as to why I'll never post my pic :E
CptStern said:
heh I was going to ask what "calo" was but wiki saved the day ...although I dont understand how they got barrio slang confused with gypsy dialect ...the "barrio" is exclusively latin american wherea the gypsies (gitanos) are predominately a european (spain)/asian thing
Gypsy? Weird. Pachuco makes more sense in that sentence but has nothing to do with gypsies.
CptStern said:
"Pachuco?" what the hell is that?
Um IDK how to explain it but it's pretty stereotypical. Like.. cholo?

edit: okay look I googled for a more fitting definition and I found one

Pachuco: Old school term for Chicano zooters - the dress, attitude, language, culture, etc.

suavecito zoot makers has this gloassary thing of slang apparantly check it out it also has guerro and calo in there

edit2: I never did buy my suit from suavecito too expensive >:|
man I'd get made for a gringo the second I walked into a conversation like that ..I dont understand half those slang words, nor have I ever heard them before. ...I guess my spanish is more spaniard than latino
I like Spain, but apparently the government gets all communist if you're a foreigner buying a property there. (e.g. charging you £1 million for water network pipes being tunneled under your property).
Also I don't like the tourist places.
CptStern said:
man I'd get made for a gringo the second I walked into a conversation like that ..I dont understand half those slang words, nor have I ever heard them before. ...I guess my spanish is more spaniard than latino
It's okay because a lot of people from latin america don't know it as well. Like if you get a guatemalen guy he might be like WTF?

Also some of these originated here and traveled back INTO Mexico. It's born of immigrant's sons/daughters. Also my spanish is not all that good but I am fluent enough with local dialect to understand everything/communicate. But say if I walked into a Mexican corporation where everyone is speaking formally, I'd be perplexed.

I accept all major credit/debit cards. PM me now and get a 25% discount

heres a pretty big pic of me at an airsoft event. The place were in is an abandoned hospital. Its really sweet and we play there every few weeks.
Shaved my head for our school production of Rashomon. I'm good friends with the school art geek...
ComradeBadger said:
Emo I ain't :)


Nice to see y'all

Batman Returns :O (sorry)

Hmm... why not.


Always have this stupid smirk in photos, can't seem to get rid of it >.>
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