POST YOUR PICS (v. June 19, 2006)

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venturon said:
That is the single worst pun ever created, but due to the awesomeness that is Boards of Canada, I'll let it slide.

It's not a pun at all, just a rather distasteful comment. But since you like Boards of Canada, I'll let it slide.
That's the happiest you looked all day

Fridays at Scream -

Mondays at Po Na Na



Had highlights done recently:

My hair as it is now:

Me hanging out behind the watertower after a day at the beach..poor cellphone camera..
xcellerate said:
This first one is me having my picture taken while i take a picture of them....

I now question your given location of Birmingham, Alabama
Raziaar said:
You look stoned... good thing you gave that disclaimer so I wouldn't think otherwise. Heh.

dude... i'll try laughing at that.. But don't blame me if i can't...
Raziaar said:
You look stoned... good thing you gave that disclaimer so I wouldn't think otherwise. Heh.

and thnx fr the complements...POTTY MOUTH !!!!!!!
Instead of quoting the same thing twice with different replies, you could try using that magic 'Edit' button.
I got reeaallly ****ed up with my homegirl and don't remember much from the night, however there was a pic on my phone with us together and me in a tiara?

Axyon said:
Instead of quoting the same thing twice with different replies, you could try using that magic 'Edit' button.
sheesh!!!! have taken note of it.....thnx thougth..
Can't you make a new one? You've been posting that one for a long time now.
you look about 13 yrs old, numbers. It's not all that surprising that you're so brainwashed
That ones a bit old. And I can't be arsed to make a new one. :p

btw, I was 15 when I took that pic.
13, 15 same difference that age you still think your dick's for pissing
myth said:
dude... i'll try laughing at that.. But don't blame me if i can't...

It wasn't meant as an insult... don't be offended by it.

It wasn't meant to be funny, either.
CptStern said:
13, 15 same difference that age you still think your dick's for pissing
Most people have sex for the first time around the 15 mark I think.
CptStern said:
13, 15 same difference that age you still think your dick's for pissing
But is for pissing...I...

Oh nevermind.
CptStern said:
13, 15 same difference that age you still think your dick's for pissing

Yeah? Well, at your age, you...

Wait, I don't know your age. :p
ffs, get back on topic of posting your pictures. I need some wanking material!
Me and a friend after her graduation. Sorry it's blurry it was a cell cam/moving during the pic.

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