Post your picture *The WTF face edition*

If you knew one of my friends, you'd notice that he looks more like the guy in the picture than badgy..

wait a minute..maybe they are ALL THE SAME?~!?

Ok guys, give me a second. I am going to post my picture for the first time ever on the whole internet. Even my myspace page just has spengbab for my pics. You guys should feel honored. The internet has never seen me before, and in a few moments I shall present the only glance it will ever get... to you guys.
Ok guys, give me a second. I am going to post my picture for the first time ever on the whole internet. Even my myspace page just has spengbab for my pics. You guys should feel honored. The internet has never seen me before, and in a few moments I shall present the only glance it will ever get... to you guys.

I vote before he does it the internet shuts down.
damn... the internet is hard to shut down. i pulled out one of its wires and nothing happened!

So here it is. And before you give me any "thats not a wtf face!" shit... It is because you should be like "wtf! Krynn posted his pic?!!?"

Also, I zoomed in too much but cant be arsed to take another.

lol, unlucky for you the zoom cut off your chin, which leaves your moustache a little unbalanced :E
haha, oh well. It also cut off the part of my face where the skin is peeling from dry skin, so it balances out.

Well you look a lot different than I imagined:P
^ Yeah, wtf. Where's the goddamn santa hat?

Also, I thought that looked alot like Badge in Reginald's pic aswell. So much so I decided not to say anything cause I just assumed it was and that he was a RL friend of his :P
You look like that guy from House absinthe! Wow, remarkable! Incredible! Insatiable!...?
I have had my wisdom teeth removed the day earlier, so I was swelled like a balloon.

Also, I thought that looked alot like Badge in Reginald's pic aswell. So much so I decided not to say anything cause I just assumed it was and that he was a RL friend of his :P

Haha. We're like this


Obviously. :rolling:
Richard! Glad to see you could finally make it! Now you need to stay, make this place a little more lively! :D

PS, yes, funny as hell picture.

pitz <3 teh kok. im drunk.

adn he should be too!! mabye tomorrow???????
Pitzy has seen a 'WTF' pic of me and two mates from Wednesday night on my myspace!