Post your pictures here!

-FP- LoS

Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Im just curious as to what my fellow modders and gamers look like. Post a pic of yourself here!

Me...sexc, aint I

Feonce jennifer with brother steve
your Fiance looks really happy to be that close to your brother... keep an eye on him ;)
hahah yeah, hey man you should fight your bro, thatd be funny. think you can take him? i dunno he looks bigger than you.
oh i get it, yeah you should still fight him.
and videotape it, then post it.
New Los forums!! woo! Uhh...ya, he would own me at fist fightng, but him and I go paintballing and airsoft all the time...
hey valved, you got a pretty messy room there bud. for that i think you should fight Los. hmm who would win that?
Originally posted by The DemonWithin
hey valved, you got a pretty messy room there bud. for that i think you should fight Los. hmm who would win that?

hmm they match pretty well, neither of them lookes built, it would probably be like a highschool fight, meaning it would suck and no one would really win.
Me...20, works out on a regular basis.
Valved...16, works out...hell, no he doesnt :)P)

Game set, match, 2:0
yeah i say los would win, he looks mad, rage gives you strength. valved has a messy room, that means he doesnt have balance, and he doesnt look mad, so he would lose. then jennifer and steve come in, and own everyone.
Ehh, I am not the only one with pics...someone else put pics too!
im 18 even though im younger i can whoop your ass

i hate people that think working out makes your fight better wtf is that???
Valved, on IRC you told me you were look like your 15....something is goin on here, kid.
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
im 18 even though im younger i can whoop your ass

i hate people that think working out makes your fight better wtf is that???

I think the idea is that if you are stronger you can hit harder. But i know what you mean.
lol on ure pic valved ray u look pretty drunk/stoned/raped.
nah valved looks is cool, but i would still put my money on los, he looks like angry bull man... i wonder if its cause he hates having his picture taken? err... i dont have any pictures of my self, they would frighten you... i'm 16 but i'm a rather small geeky dude... think dexters labratory..
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
nah valved looks is cool, but i would still put my money on los, he looks like angry bull man... i wonder if its cause he hates having his picture taken? err... i dont have any pictures of my self, they would frighten you... i'm 16 but i'm a rather small geeky dude... think dexters labratory..

Do you have the Lab? If you did that would be so cool.

Anyway. Fighting isnt about brute force, its how you apply that force.
im not small im 6'1

EDIT: my room isn't dirty im just disorganized
"disorganized" cuz Jennifer and him had a little tango together :)
nah, i don't have a lab... who needs a lab when ya' got halflife 2 media released tomorrow... =), i'll try to get ahold of my dads digital camera and show you how uber-geek i am... i'll prolly haev to get dressed first tho... woke up 2 PM.. 3 hours later i'm still sitting here.... bleeh
EDIT- Dad took dig. camera to work today.. darn and I was looking rather spiffy. rofl

i seriously think that picture could be famous just spread it out
it's really original and you got a cool effect.
plus its funny as hell i give it 9 afros out of 10
:afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro: :afro:
Ahahah look at that pussy cry!! thats it! that other filler is fightin the dexter kid. haha and viscid wit his wierd physconess is fightin valved. knife fight, i got a knife, it owns that piece.

To me, you look like James Dreyfus as Constable Goody in The Thin Blue Line (mid-late 90s British Police comedy)

Jennifer would win any fight against any man. Heh, she would flash them, and when they are staring at her charms, she kicks them in the balls and runs off! ;) Thats my girl!
I dont have a camera, just trust me, im sexy.