Post your reason why the delay is a GOOD thing!

Coming from what appears to be a rabid cat? Thats rich.
I have a K-6-2 333Mhz processor, 32mb RAM, 8Mb integrated graphics. Can you guess my reason?
It means I'll have time to get me a new processor... 1.4Ghz Thunderbird ain't gonna cut it!
Originally posted by poseyjmac
i have a penis
The good thing about HL² being delayed is that u get enough money to get yourself a penis? I dont quite follow...

What are you guys talking about HL² delayed? Damn that would mean Id have to kill some one... They would have told us weeks ago not just a week b4 realease date... Right.. right...? :( ;o)

Anyway IF it for some reason shoud be delayed.. Wich it OFCOURSE wont :( I guess the good thing would be, that steam would be able to handle the pressure from millions of dans better, it would run better on my GF4 TI4600, and the guys who made CZ will (probably) get a lot more money than otherwise, they are allright.

BUT ITS NOT... De..layed... ;( ffs
Have to go with many of the same views in the thread...

Delayed means a more finished and polished game. There clearly is some problem(s) there and I'm glad they will take the time to fix it even if that means pissing off fans. I'd rather have people whining about it being late than whining because it's buggy. But then again, people are going to nit pick the game to death once it's released no matter HOW good it is ;)

Also, I held off on an upgrade, so now I can wait longer and have hardware prices continue to drop.
I'll go with the "gives me more time to get my new graphics card" folks.

9800pro yay
I must go the the "bundeswehr" (soldier training) at the 1. October...