Post your scariest experience


Oct 10, 2003
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Well, we had one of these threads for a while ago, and I thought it time to start a new one. IIRC, nw909 had some pretty freaky stuff to tell.
Simply put, post your scariest (real life) experience.
I battled some Sith Lord with my Green Lightsaber and won...but he zapped me earlier with lightning and I was having a hippy-dippy scary mushroom time.

Okay, fine, well, on Ebaumsworld, they had a video on Urban Legends and this one song was freaky!
eh.. fighting the butcher the first time in diablo. yeah, I was like 8 and not much has happened to me. Not much frightening stuff anyway. mostly annoying.
My most scariest experiance was when my comp temp went to like 65- 70 degrees Celcious. The mobo and Processor melted, and IT STUNK.
My internet stopped working for six hours once, that was terrifying.I had to read a book..ugh.
Lets see, Almost got ran over by a car, tire literally inches away from my head, that kinda sucked.

Staring down the barrel of a shotgun wasn't fun either.
Not having a computer for an entire week :(, I was going insane now knowing all the news and everything i'm missing.
1994 Northridge Earthquake. The scariest part was when we went outside. It was 4 a.m. and pitch black. Than there's this huge explosion just a couple blocks away from us. Literally night turned into day. Some guy tried moving his truck out of his house and ended up ignighting a broken gas line. Well there was a huge hole in the street now with a huge fireball right above it and firefighters couldn't do anything about it because the water main had broken and there was no pressure. It was a little wierd seeing fire on water. My dad ended up sleeping in the car with his shotgun that night to protect the house from looters :sniper:
I'd have to say car wreck, we hit a tree, i wasn't wearing a seat belt and pounded my face into the dash board... I was out for a few seconds but when i woke up i was perfectly fine, not a scratch but it was just scary as hell.
hehe got another one. I was climbing some granite rocks when I was younger to check out this waterfall that was pretty high up. (we're talking at least 100 feet). anyways on my way back down I was sitting on one rock and lost all traction on my feet and hands and started sliding down the rock. I stopped just a few inches from the edge of the rock where I would've fallen and most likely would have died. Yeah that was pretty scary.

Come to think of it the only time I ever actually peed my pants was when I got in my first car accident. I hit a curb in a Suburban, tipped it up onto two wheels and brought it back down onto all 4, than I hit a parked van. Anyways when I got out I needed new underwear. :LOL:
My scariest experience was when I were(seriously IRL) hanging from a balcony on the 6th floor of my appartment house after having gotten scared to death by my brother, the scary part was that I slipped with one of my hands so I almost fell down, huge chock >_>

and the other day I almost fell down on the rail in the subway when the train was coming, stupid station was overcrowded and some moron pushed me by accident >_<*Stabs morons*
I had no internet for 3 weeks when i changed ISP's about a year ago.. Kinda scary how i managed to survive 3 weeks without internet.
For any rock climbers out there, I was climbing a trad route at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. Took an extremely nasty fall, probably a good 30 ft. Luckily my placement held, but it scared the shit out of me. I litterlly pissed myself.
DarkStar said:
For any rock climbers out there, I was climbing a trad route at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. Took an extremely nasty fall, probably a good 30 ft. Luckily my placement held, but it scared the shit out of me. I litterlly pissed myself.

Once my house was invaded by the RIAA... yea... it was scary
PC wise id JUST got internet for my new DELL supermachine when immediately i got a virus / worm / thing. got rid of it but i was as scared as hell that my PC would never be able to turn on again...

and life wise, probally when i very nearly got run over by a speeding bike or something. there are loads of incidents like that that i cant remember.

W00T I R A ANTLION!!! errr.... when the HELL did that happen????
Scariest experience?
Tripping on DXM hard. I was bored, so i tried this pure DXM my friend made so i could make FLCL even weirder. At first I thought I was gonna die, then I had these horrible hulcinations for about four hours. My mind felt like it was breaking apart in like 20 places, different parts of my personality were talking to eachother, i thought dead relatives were in my room. The worst part about DXM is it makes you feel like you messeded something up perminantly in your head, and that's one of the scariest parts of all.
That was the last time I did any hard drugs, and it was like a year ago. I could go on for paragraphs about the incredibly strange experiences i had, but i don't think anyone really wants to read about all that.
The scariest experience that I can remember was getting stuck inside a wooden chest when I was a kid. I'd decided that I would play a trick on my parents, and hopped inside, but when I closed the lid, the latch flipped shut, trapping me.

My parents finally located me from the banging and screaming...
Zakat said:
My scariest experience was when I were(seriously IRL) hanging from a balcony on the 6th floor of my appartment house after having gotten scared to death by my brother, the scary part was that I slipped with one of my hands so I almost fell down, huge chock >_>

and the other day I almost fell down on the rail in the subway when the train was coming, stupid station was overcrowded and some moron pushed me by accident >_<*Stabs morons*

don't you see? god is trying to kill you off. Quit defying him. succumb and be destroyed.

anyhow, now that I think about it, I've had a few "scary" experiences, I can think of mainly the car crash I was in, but that had such a surreal feel to it I wasn't even really scared. Just kinda... dazed and confused. Or chagrined and bewildered.
Heheh, that reminds me of the car crash I was in when I was younger....

Might be because I was just drifting off to sleep at the time. :rolling:

The car just started sliding on the Ice (scotland, winter) and my dad lost it. He was going slightly too fast at the time. Nothing stupidly fast though. Just a little enthusiastic. We were late home after visiting my gran.
I didn't even notice anything had happend until we hit the first barrier. And then the second. And bk accros to the first again. lol. The car was a write off but no one was even scratched. Quite lucky if you ask me. Specially since there were so few cars arround. :)
I agree, car crashes are extremely scary but it has more of a sureal feeling than terror. When somethings just about to hit you or your going to hit something (I've never crashed. I'm a diligent driver =)) It's more of a "This CAN NOT be happening" type of feeling.

Other than that, I've been chased by the cops by borrowing a picnic bench to snowboard on, but that's a WHOLE nother story. PM me, I might just tell you about it!
Well.. Not sure.. Although quite a scary experience was when I was a bit younger , I and a pal went out in the neighbourhood i lived in at that moment, with Airsoft guns, shooting at balconies and stuff.

Then we came to a place where this indian family lived, and the husband in that family was kind of weird, but my friend was crazy (lol) enough to shoot a couple of times on their window and ring the doorbell, and suddenly that husband jumped off the balcony (ground level) and started chasing us, we went like 'wtf' and ran like hell..

He had some kinda baton or something that he tried to bash me with lol when he was really close.. I was really scared since I had the feeling that he'd punch me beyond recognition if he caught me, and we kept running on some pavement thingie.. I dropped my airsoftgun (a Desert Eagle) , and I stopped to pick it up, and he threw that baton thingie on my leg.. It hurt alot, but I started running again like there was no tomorrow and finally managed to hide in my pals apartement with my breath going like a hammer.. My pal was out for about 15 mins until he finally got home, he had stayed hidden at a friends place during those 15 mins..

After that incident, we decided to never go to that part of the neighbourhood.. lol
CrazyHarij said:
I and a pal went out in the neighbourhood i lived in at that moment, with Airsoft guns, shooting at balconies and stuff.

Haha, you know how many kids have been shot because police thought those guns were real? A thin strip of red plastic isn't gonna save your ass when crazy Indian guy jumps off the roof with akimbo shotguns :sniper:

And it's "A pal and I" ;)
I haven't had too many life-threatening experiences lately...but my most recent car crash I've been in (I have never been driving and gotten into a crash) was on a T-intersection. My former-friend was driving..he's a horrible driver..but he was looking to the right to see if anyone was letting him in. Nobody really was...but then there was a little space so my friend tried to squeeze in, the car had to slam on the brakes so he didn't hit them. I really thought that was dumb...then I glance to my left.

There's a white Ford Explorer about 4 feet away from the front of the car coming in at about 45 mph. My only thought was, "Ugg.."

*BAM* we're sent spinning (old oldsmobile piece of junk) from the hit just in front of the driver-side door.

My former-friend had only been looking left (so had I..but I had just woken up 10 minutes before and was listening to the radio...because I wasn't driving) and pulled right in front of the Explorer.

No injuries for either of us...but my former-friend totaled his car...serves him right. He crashed his next car 3 times since this too. That thing is a pile too...and he still hasn't learned to drive it seems.
RandomPING said:
Scariest experience?
Tripping on DXM hard. I was bored, so i tried this pure DXM my friend made so i could make FLCL even weirder. At first I thought I was gonna die, then I had these horrible hulcinations for about four hours. My mind felt like it was breaking apart in like 20 places, different parts of my personality were talking to eachother, i thought dead relatives were in my room. The worst part about DXM is it makes you feel like you messeded something up perminantly in your head, and that's one of the scariest parts of all.
That was the last time I did any hard drugs, and it was like a year ago. I could go on for paragraphs about the incredibly strange experiences i had, but i don't think anyone really wants to read about all that.

Oh I feel like that all the time.... is that not normal???
i was hit by a car on my bike with my mum when i was like 5, i saw the car coming from the side and actually said "its going to hit us" i get a "no it wont" from my mum and 2 secs later BAM! i kinda blacked out for like a minute and woke up like 15 feet from the car, i wasnt hurt at all i was just scared for my mum, and psychologicaly wise i said "i never wanna ride a bike again" which i dont remember saying but i ride a bike everyday. we sued the stupid bitch as she wasnt looking where she was going. also scary is having your appendix explode and being told the day after "you could have died" i also had a chase experiance, we were skating at school and the caretaker chased us off site, we shat our pants he was amazingly fast.
ukfilmer said:
on my bike with my mum

Heh, didn't read any further than that XD

Nah, seriously that sounds pretty freaky. I had a pretty horrific bike accident at about 5, flew off my bike midair and ended up with gashes pretty much all over my body, I can hardly remember anything except the crying :LOL: