Postal 2... need i say more?


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
I recently downloaded the demo of Postal 2 from the internet. i found it so damn fun, i ordered the game for a tenner and it came today.

I know this game is about a year old, but its just so fun! it sounds really immature, and i guess it is... but i never really get tired of bashing people with spades. The strange thing is though, i feel no symathy when blasting peoples head off with shotguns... or even slowly frying an innocent bystander to death- but i feel strangley sympathetic when i stick a cat on the end of my gun.

I have 25 cats in my inventory. I have only used one.. because i felt so sorry for it when i shot a few shotgun shells through it... it started going "mmmeeeeeeaaaaww......" in a helpless manner, and i felt so ashamed i pressed "K" and stuck a grenade in my mouth.

Oh well. that was a fun little section about cats! anyway, moving on, Im not saying that postal 2 is a good game, i mean the developers are slack and show no care in their work- its glitchy and as contraversial as hell. What im saying is that its so damn fun! but i dont even know why? its far inferior to GTA, and has no veichles or anyhting... but i find playing the game strangely satisfying.

what is it that makes postal 2 fun? and why arent i down at a church washing out my eyes? i bought it as a kind of challenge- to see if i could complete the game without firing one bullet- but i have FAILED MISERABLY! The game has a strange way of making you want to kill people. i mean, waiting in a que... then "finding" a can of gasoline... then seeing a group of protesters in a small, hunched together group.... i... cant... resist....
in fact, the bad AI (hell- APPAULING Ai) is actually a good thing, as it makes killing people more fun. It gives you a superior feeling.

does anyone else own postal 2? and if so, what do they think of it? and do you think its worth it for a tenner? personally i am pleased with my purchase, as there are no decent SP games i want to buy and i have loads of spare cash. Plus it has loads of replay value! I wouldnt buy the share the pain expansionn pack though.. or any other expansion for that matter, as it fun for the first time but another helping would get tedios.

mind you... spelling your name out in gasolene has never been so fun.
I downloaded the demo the other day too. I can understand why it might be fun for some, however, it is very offensive. People that are hispanic say things like "Ow, please don't kill me...I'm a minority." Everyone that has a middle-eastern background carries an automatic weapon and shouts "Alalalalalal!!!!" while they open up on you for no reason. People throw up when they see bodies, you can pee on animals and other people and they either freak out and run or throw up.

It is a screwed up game. The guns don't reload and people often hold other people at gun-point. The only rewarding thing about P2 is saving someone from a stick-up. The developers are sick people, and I felt dirty and bad after I played it.

Oh yeah, you can also sever a person's head and kick it's quite sickening really. ;(
Moto-x_Pat said:
I downloaded the demo the other day too. I can understand why it might be fun for some, however, it is very offensive. People that are hispanic say things like "Ow, please don't kill me...I'm a minority." Everyone that has a middle-eastern background carries an automatic weapon and shouts "Alalalalalal!!!!" while they open up on you for no reason. People throw up when they see bodies, you can pee on animals and other people and they either freak out and run or throw up.

LOL, you just convinced me to DL the demo..
I know it'll be god awful, and all, but, if you were trying to convince people why this is a bad game.. you did a very good job of making it sound absolutely hilarious

I'm sure I'll play this no longer than the Bikini Karate Babes demo
LOL, oh my..
The game is so bad.. I can see why it got horrible reviews
Kinda fun for about 10 minutes though
LOL I remember downloading this game...first thing i did was bash the dog repeatedly with a spade then piss on some woman :LOL: Shit game though.
yaaaaa fter playing the game some more ii can really tell that the actual game (sick stuff aside) is actualy quite shite. it uses the unreal engine, and everything about it is kinda clunky and strange. And when you get the milk, you go upstairs and loads of women come screaming "alallalalala!!" and killing you, just because (like moto x said) theyre from a middle eastern background.

i mean, who the hell would be insane enough to make a game as contraversial and clicky as this, without regard for anyones race or feelings? its no wonder the publishers decided not to fund the expansion pack!

mind you, i dont really mind the sickniss when im playing the game, and for now im gonna keep trying to complete the game like a good samaritan, minas the occasional killing spree. that means waiting in a lot of ques.... :LOL: This game would be a complete rip off for anything more than i bought it for, but i guess a tenner is ok. ittl keep me occupied for a few days anyway, then i can buy a decent game that doesnt involve pissing on the burnt remains of your uncle.

im in a kindof budget mood this week. know any good games for a tenner?
Moto-x_Pat said:
I can understand why it might be fun for some, however, it is very offensive. People that are hispanic say things like "Ow, please don't kill me...I'm a minority." Everyone that has a middle-eastern background carries an automatic weapon and shouts "Alalalalalal!!!!" while they open up on you for no reason. People throw up when they see bodies, you can pee on animals and other people and they either freak out and run or throw up.

It is a screwed up game. The guns don't reload and people often hold other people at gun-point. The only rewarding thing about P2 is saving someone from a stick-up. The developers are sick people, and I felt dirty and bad after I played it.

Oh yeah, you can also sever a person's head and kick it's quite sickening really. ;(
you and i are two very different people :angel: i love this game. never bought it though. but then again, ive only got maybe 5 games and there the gods like ut2k4, halflife, quake collectors pack [q1,q2,q3], rtcw, sof [1 and 2], age of empires and maybe a few others. most games i just play the demo of if i need a quick fix and get bored of what ive got.
If you ignore the fact that the game is taking the piss out of EVERYONE and EVERYTHING, and the fact that the game itself is poorly designed, i find the game pretty fun. gets boring though.
Try turning cheats on, much more fun that way :D
You actually can do a flamethrower piss action, where you piss flames.
Also cool to lay down a trail of grenades on the ground through the whole town, make a trail of gasoline and light it. VOOOOMMM! :D
That gimp that you sometimes see is hilarious too. The Pulp Fiction scene where you get the gimp suit on is funny as hell too :)

But yeah, the game blows. ^^

Strange though, I also feel much more sympathetic to animals in the game than humans.
PvtRyan said:
Strange though, I also feel much more sympathetic to animals in the game than humans.

ye, i said so in the origonal post. even though the humans stand shivering saying " i have kids, please, jesus!", i still find the animals more innocent than the humans. cats= thumbs up, humans= bullet in the head.

and i havent used cheats yet (i wount untill ive completed the game) but when i do, the scissors firing minigun is definately one i will give a go.
I think the game sucks. The grpahics are so simple it could have been out four years ago. And the character animations, jesus..And who makes games like that anymore: go to a place, receive object A, go to place B. And start all again.
funniest game ever :D. i dont know how people find it atall seriously offensive. but I guess if they do they should'nt be looking at it, let alone playing it. :p Seppo, chill it was made for a laugh, I mean god, it had Garry Coleman in it!, :LOL:
"Oh please God make it stop, arrrrrrghhhhhhhh*chop!* :LOL: 'And one to grow on'

Only played the demo and its good fun. Nothing like sneaking up behind people and chopping their heads off. Totally sick though.
I can't stand this kind of game. I agree with Pendragon, it's games like this that give our hobby a bad name.
The game is badly made by people with little to no respect for other people. It's completely racist and stereotypical, and it's 100% of 'whats wrong with America' summed up in a game.

Good stress relief though, since they are the dopey-ass americans that made the game that you're shoving your 10,000volt stun gun into, and watching them smoke.
(im talking about the people with the 'running with scissors' t-shirts on).
Pobz said:
The game is badly made by people with little to no respect for other people. It's completely racist and stereotypical, and it's 100% of 'whats wrong with America' summed up in a game.

Good stress relief though, since they are the dopey-ass americans that made the game that you're shoving your 10,000volt stun gun into, and watching them smoke.
(im talking about the people with the 'running with scissors' t-shirts on).

You're being hypocritical by saying this game is "stereotypical" when you have such views on Americans.

Anyway, I didn't see anything worse than what they put in the GTA games. It only thrilled me for a couple hours though.
no other game lets you stick the barrel off an m16 up a cats ass and use it as a suppresser, shooting through the cat till it eventually shoots of and explodes against a wall, you gotta hand it to them for origionality.

i thought it was fun for a while, controversy was its main selling point :|
burnzie said:
no other game lets you stick the barrel off an m16 up a cats ass and use it as a suppresser, shooting through the cat till it eventually shoots of and explodes against a wall, you gotta hand it to them for origionality.

i thought it was fun for a while, controversy was its main selling point :|

Thats about the only thing this game did that others haven't.
Pressure said:
You're being hypocritical by saying this game is "stereotypical" when you have such views on Americans.

Anyway, I didn't see anything worse than what they put in the GTA games. It only thrilled me for a couple hours though.

Postal 2 has a lot of things that GTA doesn't have. GTA is a great game. Even without all the controversy, even if pedestrians avoided your car and were immune to bullets, it would still be a great game. Also, GTA doesn't go nearly as far as Postal 2. I mean the cat thing is just ridiculous, so is pissing on people. I mean thats just f'ing stupid. Postal 2 is a game made for morons, by morons.
I know its dumb but I still don't see the "controversy" behind the game. So what you piss and you shoot with cats on your gun. Thats it, nothing special about it. Manhunt was a hell of a lot more violent than this game. Just because a game is stupid doesn't mean its controversial.
i love postal really is a bad game but it's so much fun, all of the shit you can do to people

-and i can understand political correctness..but please will you people go easy for once? you can't do anything in the country without some liberal organization on your ass
Once again, Manhunt was a really good game. There was violence for a reason. If it's nothing but stupid mindless violence for no other reason than being stupid mindless violence then it's controversial. I'm not offended by Postal 2, I don't get offended by anything really. I hate political correctness and all that crap. But the reason most people dislike Postal 2 is because it's nothing more than mindless sick violence, with absolutely no substance.

Imagine if Manhunt didn't have the great gameplay it does, and all it had was a dude running around a city doing executions with the same violence it has. That would be a crap game and just as controversial.

I'm all for their right to make the game, but I'm also for my right to say that them and anyone who honestly thinks that they've created a good game is a moron.
Manhunt has tension and skill, Postal 2 is just... crap.

It has ideas, but it's like the hideously multilated inbred cousin of GTA. It's sickening, sickeningly bad game too.
I never said I didn't like Manhunt. Infact, it's one of my most favorite games. What I'm saying is Postal 2 offended me in no way and never even came close to doing so. Maybe it's because you all hate seeing the cats killed, because thats what I've seen the most complaints about. For me, I could care less. The game was stupid, all the missions in it were basically the same and the humor was very bland, but it was entertaining for a couple hours.
when playing the game i am unaffected by the ciolence etc. I just bought it because, tbh, i like games that allow you do do anything you want- like GTA, postal 2 morrowind (plus little else). all of these i own, because i dislike scripted linearness. :(