Postal 3 announced for PC and Xbox 360!

#2 was soo bad and was nowhere near as good as #1, now they're going to make another abomination, sigh.

also, that site is horribly designed . . .
haha, if this is next gen stuff aswell with uber realisim then it may be very controversial, but who cares.. its all good fun.

postal 3 boasting..

realistic pissing action!

near to life like decapatation and maiming!

god awful language, and more hilarious cameo's!

first time technology simulating breaking bones!
Movie to be directed by Uwe fitting.
Bleeder said:
Movie to be directed by Uwe fitting.
Nah, it'll be too strange to set Boll loose on something that he can't possibly make any worse.
#2 was fun for 15 minutes. What other game can you piss on people, smoke weed, light shit on fire with gasoline, and every chick have big boobs?
I love the Postal series. Postal 3 should be another great satire on American society.
Yea it's cool that they are making it, but according to some people it's not coming out until like 2008!

No point in getting excited or hyped at all yet (considering we haven't even seen pics or gameplay features).
I hate to go off topic but I can not post new threads atm, So I will post it here.
Each of the Xbox 360 team staff get a wicked awsome custom 360 and no you can not get one on ebay lol :)


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xlucidx said:
Of course, that's why it kicks so much ass. :D

I'd wish somebody puts anthrax beta on the end of a boot and kicks it up Postal's ass :|
DeusExMachinia said:
I love the Postal series. Postal 3 should be another great satire on American society.

So much of quotidian American life is the perfect target for satire and the Postal series, like the Simpsons and Seinfeld and more, have exposed these inanities in extremely humorous ways for years now.

I can't wait for Postal 3. :sniper: