Potential for Hilarity.

My thoughts exactly. Still ongoing.

You say:
lol what lol
He/she says:
lol i lol dont lol know lol
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
i think i am lol out now
You say:
You say:
Puts on monacle*
He/she says:
*small smile*
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
*dresses like superman and ttrys to fly*
You say:
He/she says:
You say:
*childish giggle*
He/she says:
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
you remind me of my brother
You say:
You say:
god he must be awesome
You say:
he wallow much?
He/she says:
i don't know i relaly dont ask about about is wallowing
You say:
You say:
i don't know Texas wallowing ettiquete
You say:
You say:
idk if i should have tried to spell that
He/she says:
He/she says:
it is okay i think it is spelled somewhat right i dont know how to spell it either
You say:
that's comforting
You say:
i was SO close to sobbing
He/she says:
your not one of those emo kids are you ?
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
i still dont understand that
You say:
they're the most irritating people alive
He/she says:
i wouldn't know i try avoid them
You say:
He/she says:
so what grade are you in ?
You say:
but sometimes they try to sell me blades
You say:
and i was in the market for a good blade
He/she says:
You say:
the emos
You say:
gonna be a sophomore
He/she says:
oh yes they cut themselves i forgot
He/she says:
You say:
You say:
way to ruin an incredible joke
He/she says:
lmao sorry
He/she says:
i didn't know it was a joke
You say:
so much setup went into it
He/she says:
oh tell me anyway
He/she says:
i never heard an emo joke
You say:
i already did!
You say:
He/she says:
im sorry!!! lol
You say:
He/she says:
oh i am sadden now
You say:
i am please you are so sadden
He/she says:
i am so glad that i could please you with my saddness ( that was all sarcastic )
You say:
You say:
you had me right up until the end too!
He/she says:
You say:
He/she says:
He/she says:
so do you get on here and just chat with random poeple ?
You say:
You say:
found out about it today
He/she says:
oh okay lol
You say:
or rather
You say:
an hour ago
You say:
insomnia and what not
He/she says:
oh wow and you started talking to me wow im sorry to ruin your experience
You say:
i'm forgive you to i had great time!
He/she says:
He/she says:
so have i even if i did turn out become mrs/ pedophile
He/she says:
You say:
*slight eyebrow raise*
He/she says:
what i am like 12 years older then you
He/she says:
but then i talk to everyone so
You say:
i just didn't understand what you said
You say:
You say:
so what do you do on here?
He/she says:
i answer question
He/she says:
poeple ask question and i answer the best i can and if i dont know the answer then i dont answer them
You say:
You say:
Hey my pet's dying
You say:
can you help
He/she says:
oh no im sorry
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
He/she says:
you ass!
You say:
i find that amusing
He/she says:
i thought you were serious
He/she says:
usually i tell them to call thier emergency number for thier vet
He/she says:
or the emergency number for a pet hospital
You say:
He/she says:
i actually did talk to someone who feed thier dog chocolate
You say:
this is the goto place for 7 year olds with emergencies i take it?
You say:
how many people perished because of our conversation?
He/she says:
yeah and student's who need answer's
He/she says:
He/she says:
i answered as i talked to you
You say:
He/she says:
i can multitask lol
You say:
you're kinda like chat jesus
He/she says:
He/she says:
im chat god
He/she says:
You say:
do you do this in your spare time?
He/she says:
usually when im bored out my mind lol
You say:
You say:
i imagine this may be the same for me
You say:
from now on
He/she says:
otherwise i am a counselor
You say:
He/she says:
lol yeah it can become addicting
You say:
your hobby is your proffesion
You say:
You say:
oh wait
He/she says:
your the only other person i have chated to on here other than a woman yesterday
You say:
He/she says:
He/she says:
my profession is my relief of boredom
You say:
woman on woman?
You say:
He/she says:
He/she says:
she was a nice lady
You say:
i bet she was wicked old
You say:
or very dumb
He/she says:
lol wicked old
You say:
and was planning to kill the president
He/she says:
no just an irate grandson
You say:
He/she says:
You say:
so she was
You say:
You say:
You say:
whenever i type "HAHA" i accidently say HAGA at first
He/she says:
it happen's to poeple your age it is okay as you get older and develop more you learn not to do it
He/she says:
You say:
I see what you did there
He/she says:
you follow the logic?
You say:
My retaliation will be swift and unmerciful
You say:
He/she says:
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
i see you retaliation with my own
He/she says:
haiku style
You say:
when does WALLe come out?
He/she says:
you type and i see
He/she says:
i laugh at you
You say:
Great answerer?
He/she says:
no harm was done
He/she says:
june 27 i beleive
You say:
You say:
you are but a minion to me
He/she says:
You say:
You say:
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
no i am sorry
You say:
Dark Knight
He/she says:
here it will be out june 21
He/she says:
He/she says:
He/she says:
here in dallas it will be out june 28
He/she says:
what about the suck movie called dark knight?
You say:
You say:
you take that back
You say:
or i will threaten your life
He/she says:
i have already seen it
You say:
He/she says:
i am sorry
He/she says:
you may threaten away
He/she says:
but i stand by my statement
You say:
You say:
i thought it came out in July
He/she says:
it does
He/she says:
I also prescreen certain movies
He/she says:
He/she says:
like i said i can multitask
You say:
Your like actual Jesus too!
He/she says:
july 17th
He/she says:
no just God
You say:
You say:
i find that a tad hard to believe
He/she says:
I am sorry alot of poeple don't beleive in me
He/she says:
but that is okay
You say:
so tell me God
You say:
what's it like having a penis!?
He/she says:
anything you would like to know
You say:
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
well i beleive you would be better at answering that wouldn't you ?
He/she says:
we are not playing chess
You say:
if you were god...
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
i am God
You say:
He/she says:
but that does not mean that i know what it feel like to have a penis
You say:
You say:
you are not god
You say:
He/she says:
I am not your interprtation of God
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
therefore no ownage
You say:
5 syllables!
He/she says:
You say:
God would know
You say:
I'm not saying he has to have one
You say:
He/she says:
I do not read mind's
He/she says:
If i did then wow
You say:
but you've blown mine
He/she says:
talk about invasion of privacy
He/she says:
why is it so impossible for you to be talking to God?
You say:
You say:
you're god
You say:
tell me
He/she says:
You say:
He/she says:
but the impossible is always possible
You say:
You say:
you are the most reduundant speaker alive!
He/she says:
Thank you !
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
i love it when i live up to poeple's expectations
You say:
i love it when you wallow
He/she says:
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
You say:
You say:
vertical lolZ!
He/she says:
love it!!!!!
He/she says:
who said that
You say:
who said what?
You say:
that's what she said?
He/she says:
no what he said
You say:
know what who said?
He/she says:
love it!!!
He/she says:
who said that
You say:
He/she says:
i know since i can't remember
You say:
for amusement
You say:
i shall post the second answer i got
You say:
as opposed to this one
You say:
All conversations are public.
You asked:
How do I know if you even exist? Or me for that matter?
Connected in chat session (12 seconds).
The other user says:
Because I love you silly.

The other user left the discussion.
You say:
Whacha thinka dem apples?!
He/she says:
He/she says:
well you are loved
He/she says:
and that was a good answer
You say:
He/she says:
i think so anyway
You say:
beat yours by a LOOOOOOOOOOONG shot
He/she says:
i know!!!!!!!!!!!
He/she says:
He/she says:
im jealou s
You say:
me too
You say:
i'm so jealou s
He/she says:
wow no one ever told me that when i ask something
You say:
i know
You say:
*creepy look*
He/she says:
You say:
He/she says:
is for horses
You say:
is for dogs
He/she says:
You say:
He/she says:
uh i didn't know that how so ?
You say:
He/she says:
good deal
He/she says:
cool beans
He/she says:
He/she says:
He/she says:
i'm off here hon
He/she says:
it was nice chatting to you

The other user left the discussion.

Still ongoing!

Edit: Okay finished. Just kinda abandoned her.
Are you all still asking questions? Because, you see, it's far more fun to answer them...
I hadn't been using this for long before I got the overwhelming urge to do it properly. Behold!

You are connected to another user!

Question from a page titled :
Stumpedia - Instant Answers

Wrestling is real not fake!!!

that a claim or a question?
professional wrestling is verifiably fake! this has been recognised for years, as far back as the influential theorist Roland Barthes in the fifties, and yet further!

im 7 & ive been watin wrtling for 2 weeks and dey actualy hit ech other wih chairs

this doesn't diminish it as a form of entertainment - it can do that quite well enough by itself. wrestling, in essence, shares far more with the theatre (or perhaps with the music hall) than with any kind of competitive sport.

bu dey bleed blood

In fact, in order to perform the illusion of a 'real' fight, wrestlers must co-operate together, not attack each other. Ever seen a movie, kid?

blood can be faked.

The considerable athletic ability required to perform their moves safely - for the moves must LOOK dangerous, even if they are fabricated - is considerable. With this in mind, the conclusion inevitably suggests itself that the closest parallel to wrestling is another cultural activity that likewise combines performance and sport - yes, I speak indeed...

...of dance.

wrestlers are dancers basically.

i saw wwe the othr day and the edge maked the undertaker bleed

wen the under taker got fired

I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with the figures you describe. it has never been my custom to patronise the ballet

(you don't patronise WWE, of course; it patronises you. )

does that mean dance


as I said, wresling is best described as a form of dance

all that tight spandex

i want to marry trish. she sexy

Who is this Trish? Friend of yours? Good prospects?

I mean - is she eligible?

but im 7 so i need to wait until im 64 my mama said

you don't want to go marrying frivolously, son, you'll end up with an old ugly bat who'll bite when she gives you head

believe me, I know.

64 is a very good age to marry. you listen to your mama.

This Trish, she's in WWE?

a fine choice. Many men would give their right arms to marry a dancer

yep i cnt wait until im 64
only a few more years left

when you get there...

it will seem like it has taken no more time at all

when you are 64, it will seem to have happened so quickly...

...believe me.

i tink i hav to wait 1 year until im 64

becoz if im 7 now then 6 is after 7 so its next year

it's a little more complicated than that, lad, but you'll figure it out in due course

now, unless you have any further questions, I must be off. Lady Snapcase will not appreciate my being tardy, and I will need some time to dress appropriately

i will make you best man at my wedin

bye cool guy

That would be an honour, and this has been a pleasure. Good luck, and godspeed!
Read at your own risk.

All conversations are public.
You asked:
how do i beat level 4?
Connected in chat session (15 seconds).
The other user says:
for what game?
You say:
You say:
i lost :(
He/she says:
couldve been more specific
You say:
the game
He/she says:
you suck
I have no imagination

All conversations are public.
You asked:
MY GOD! I just lost my eye-hand cordination and i have no control of my hands! What to do?
Connected in chat session (6 seconds).
The other user says:
How did you type this
You say:
my nose
He/she says:
well that seems to be working out for you
You say:
good point
He/she says:
You must become a man of a nose
He/she says:
get a nose implant
He/she says:
so it's long
You say:
i'll go do that now
He/she says:
Good man
I've been sitting around waiting for questions, but nothing so far
I just tried to convince a person to watch 2g1c and this:
All conversations are public.
Their question:
Does prostate stimulation make me gay?
Connected in chat session.
You say:
yes... Very much so. But don't feel bad. I heard vin diesel might be gay too
The other user says:
You say:
oh cheer up
You say:
There are cures you know
He/she says:
Like what?
You say:
oh... Like special drugs our beloved leaders are funding. Then there are some home treatment you might try
You say:
Like meditating
He/she says:
Treatment for gayness?
You say:
You say:
studies show them to be 100% effectiv
He/she says:
Good to know. Hey I played golf with Vin Diesel last weekend. Maybe I'll call him up. Thanks for the help!
You say:
yes yes...
now go away you ******.
He/she says:
Eat dick ****face.
You say:
im not the cocksucker who likes to get fingers in my ass

The other user left the discussion.


nr 1
All conversations are public.
You asked:
Bas rutton is awesome. It's not a question, it's a god damn statement.
Connected in chat session (13 seconds).
The other user says:
stop abusing the search system :/

The other user left the discussion.

nr 2

All conversations are public.
You asked:
Bas rutton is awesome. It's not a question, it's a god damn statement.
Connected in chat session (13 seconds).
The other user says:
penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis
You say:
All conversations are public.
You asked:
Why do striders shoot from their pen0r?
Connected in chat session (15 seconds).
The other user says:
cause you touch youself at night.

The other user has left chat.

How come nobody lol'd at my Cash Cab one? I worked hard on it. :(
This took a strange turn:

Their question:
what ismy middle name
Connected in chat session.
You say:
The other user says:
holy ****in shit
He/she says:
You say:
**** yeah!
He/she says:
how the ****
He/she says:
no ****ni seriojusly
He/she says:
is my name on this or somethin
He/she says:
how the hell
He/she says:
does it say that t oyou or somethin
You say:
Its a secret >:D
He/she says:
thts nuts
He/she says:
ur freaked me out
You say:
Whats your first name?
He/she says:
u know it
He/she says:
theres no need
He/she says:
You say:
Im going to guess either Sean or John
He/she says:
You say:
You say:
is it an irish name?
He/she says:
You say:
You say:
I only guessed Thomas because that was my middle name lol
He/she says:
was? u get it changed?
You say:
I deleted it
He/she says:
He/she says:
You say:
You go on www.namechange.gov and look up your name and delete it
He/she says:
He/she says:
He/she says:
i could delete my mates name
He/she says:
and he would just die?
You say:
or you could change his name to yours, and he will fuse with you and you will gain all his strength
He/she says:
He/she says:
this sounds like an evil scheme
He/she says:
will i gain his penis length also?
He/she says:
He/she says:
will he gain mine in stead?
You say:
No, you become one person, he wont exist anymore
You say:
and penis length averages out, so it
He/she says:
He/she says:
u sound like a pro at this
You say:
I have fused with many large penis'd men
Holy shit...

All conversations are public.
You asked:
Why is tollbooth willie slightly obsessed with bananas
Connected in chat session (9 seconds).
The other user says:
What would your fruit of obsession be if you were stuck in a tollbooth, days blending into weeks, into months, into years? Hmm? Would you find solace, perhaps, in an avacado? Or grapefruit?
He/she says:
I think not, my friend.
He/she says:
I think not.
You say:
He/she says:
Good day to you, too, sir.

All conversations are public.
You asked:
Why is tollbooth willie slightly obsessed with bananas
Connected in chat session (9 seconds).
The other user says:
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
He/she says:
I thought you meant the real tollbooth willie.
You say:
He is the real tollbooth willie
You say:
he told me that other guy is just a prick
He/she says:
He lied. The other guy is a prick, but he was tollbooth willie back in 1995.

I typed out what is already displayed before you type in the question section and got this:

All conversations are public.
You asked:
Get real time answers from people in real time. Type your question here and get connected instantly! There may be somebody online who can help you.
Connected in chat session (36 seconds).
The other user says:

The other user left the discussion.

Also, this one proves that some people take the internet too seriously:

All conversations are public.
You asked:
Fact of the day: It is better to die for the emperor than live for yourself.
Connected in chat session (6 seconds).
The other user says:
live for yourself , unless u wanna die for some fag for "honor'
He/she says:
its like dying for ur country , you phail
All conversations are public.
You asked:
When will the world end?
Connected in chat session (6 seconds).
The other user says:
when you get laid

i LOLLED when i read
All conversations are public.
Their question:
how stoned are you to actually be on this peice of shit?
Connected in chat session.
You say:
I'm baked out of my mind
The other user says:
You say:
I think it was laced with coke or something too.. I'm fcking tripping
He/she says:
cocaines one hell of a drug
You say:
Your telling me... shit
He/she says:
im pretty sure ive got laced weed
He/she says:
one time
He/she says:
a while ago
He/she says:
i started running for no reason and fell on my ass
You say:
I'm listening to Justin Timberlake - and he's a ******.. WHAT THE ****
He/she says:
im hawt for him
You say:
it IS hot..
He/she says:
You say:
In Alaska.. I'm ****ed
He/she says:
dont go burnin no holes in the ice
You say:
I just pushed my friend in.. He's been holding his breath for like an hour now.
He/she says:
call up mythbusters, they should be able to bust this myth
You say:
They are too stupid. Except Kari Byron, I'd wreck the hell out of that ass.
He/she says:
not as much as the weird walrus guy
You say:
dat gy iz fun-e
He/she says:
ohh yerr

He/she says:
he makes me hawt
You say:
I make me hot, too
He/she says:
wouldnt that be gay?
He/she says:
ew homo
You say:
u homo
He/she says:
yes i am
You say:
You gay for Tollbooth Willie?
He/she says:
i like teh wiminz normaliez
You say:
but waddabout willeh?
He/she says:
im too gay for him
He/she says:
he cant handle my gaping vagina
He/she says:
-whistles star wars theme-

The other user left the discussion.
I typed out what is already displayed before you type in the question section and got this:

All conversations are public.
You asked:
Get real time answers from people in real time. Type your question here and get connected instantly! There may be somebody online who can help you.
Connected in chat session (36 seconds).
The other user says:

The other user left the discussion.

haha, that was me :cheese: watching top gear so didn't have much time for a response and it confused the hell outta me

All conversations are public.
You asked:
VEGETA! What does the Scouter say about his power level?!
Connected in chat session (44 seconds).
The other user says:

You say:

The other user has left chat.
All conversations are public.
You asked:
Why must Van Halen kick so much ass?
Connected in chat session (29 seconds).
The other user says:
they dont kick ass
You say:
Do too.
He/she says:
Nu uh!
You say:
He/she says:
You say:
He/she says:
:( ok then
He/she says:
they are better than me :(
You say:
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
but i still dont like them
You say:
You say:
ur a don't like them
You say:
He/she says:
Nop a few songs but meh
You say:
Listen to little guitars.
You say:
He/she says:
K will do
You say:
Good day to you.
You say:
And van halen > you
You say:
He/she says:
Good day to you sir :D
He/she says:
yes i kno :(
He/she says:
You say:
VH > all, unfortunately...
He/she says:
You say:
Though my questjion wasn't answered
You say:
this turned out good
He/she says:
i kno i failed you :(
You say:
and that statement is bullshit
You say:
He/she says:
He/she says:
You say:
u fail
He/she says:
is not
You say:
I say so
You say:
so it must
He/she says:
i say it isnt
You say:
He/she says:
Nuh uh!
You say:
uh huh!
He/she says:
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
You say:
You say:
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
Lol O_O
You say:
You say:
well then
He/she says:
You say:
You say:
He/she says:

Kind of no point to it, but still fun. :)

People don't tend to be very nice...

All conversations are public.
You asked:
Why is there a guy dancing, representing an "I" in this website's logo?
Connected in chat session (40 seconds).
The other user says:
**** u fagget ass pussy bitch

The other user left the discussion.

All conversations are public.
You asked:
Why is there a guy dancing, representing an "I" in this website's logo?
Connected in chat session (42 seconds).
The other user says:
duh, cus ur a closet fag

The other user left the discussion.



Just farkin around.

All conversations are public.
You asked:
how do I shot a
Connected in chat session (7 seconds).
The other user says:
shut up or ill fart in your cerial.

The other user left the discussion.

The other user left the discussion.

All conversations are public.
You asked:
how do I shot a
Connected in chat session (12 seconds).
The other user says:
first you have to get bitten by a radioactice spider
He/she says:
and then you squeeze the palm of your hand, web should protrude to shoot form your veins
You say:
You say:
You say:
You say:
that other guy wants to fart in my cerial
You say:
but you're cool
He/she says:
no im not

The other user left the discussion.
All conversations are public.
You asked:
Where in the **** am I?
Connected in chat session (44 seconds).
The other user says:
dont ask st00pid ****ing questions you piece of shit yo mommas a bitch

The other user left the discussion.
You say:

**** man I got owned.
All conversations are public.
You asked:
Why does god allow Vegans to live?
Connected in chat session (8 seconds).
The other user says:
cause we're awesome like that.
You say:
damn you
He/she says:
thank you
You say:
andd your non eating of animal products
You say:
He/she says:
You say:
He/she says:
You say:
He/she says:
no u?
You say:
He/she says:
You say:
You don't have to be so mean
You say:
He/she says:
You say:
He/she says:
want a hug?
You say:
From you?
You say:
You say:
He/she says:
*hugs you*
You say:
You say:
You say:
I got a hug from a vegan...
You say:
I'm going to take a shower now.
You say:
You say:
He/she says:

I was reading the last post as i did this, fyi. ;)
Their question:
was wondering if anyone knew there waldo was...
Connected in chat session.
You say:
If I tell you, you're not allowed to tell anyone. Ever
The other user says:
You say:
I am waldo
He/she says:
*circles you* ave that!
You say:
He/she says:
bwahahaha! try escaping now!
You say:
He/she says:
You say:
See you then
All conversations are public.
You asked:
why do i touch myslef
Connected in chat session (8 seconds).
The other user says:
shut the **** up you stupid douch
He/she says:
go play with your 20 year old friend
He/she says:
He/she says:
He/she says:
get a life
He/she says:
what a ****ing douche
You say:
dont be so mean........ it turns me on
He/she says:
your a guy get over it

The other user left the discussion.

Same question.

All conversations are public.
You asked:
why do i touch myslef
Connected in chat session (38 seconds).
The other user says:
because its fun
You say:
especially with you
He/she says:
im a dude
You say:
i know
You say:
He/she says:
just kidding im a chick
You say:
wait what....?
You say:

The other user left the discussion.
Wow! this is cool!

All conversations are public.
You asked:
What constitutes a subversive repetition within signifying practices of gender?
Connected in chat session (23 seconds).
The other user says:
dude thats not your problem, your problem is that u ask ****ed up questions

The other user left the discussion.
You say:

All conversations are public.
You asked:
Can one understand lesbian sexuality not only as contestation of the category of "sex," of "women," of "natural bodies," but also of "lesbian"?
Connected in chat session (14 seconds).
The other user says:
The answer to that question is easily: maybe.
You say:
I've read this thread title wrong 2x
potential for hilary
potential for humanity
So Ive been answering questions for a while and I forgot to to save the logs, but twice I've been asked if I was god followed by the question:

"Do you know captain stern?"
Wow! this is cool!

All conversations are public.
You asked:
What constitutes a subversive repetition within signifying practices of gender?
Connected in chat session (23 seconds).
The other user says:
dude thats not your problem, your problem is that u ask ****ed up questions

The other user left the discussion.
You say:

All conversations are public.
You asked:
Can one understand lesbian sexuality not only as contestation of the category of "sex," of "women," of "natural bodies," but also of "lesbian"?
Connected in chat session (14 seconds).
The other user says:
The answer to that question is easily: maybe.
You say:

I answered your second one! Also, hi! I'm new to these forums and saw this thread and had to start answering questions.

All conversations are public.
Their question:
How do you kill Adam West?
Connected in chat session.
You say:
With a giant rubber shark.
The other user says:
You say:
You throw it at him, while he's trying to escapein the Bat-Coppter.
He/she says:
Does it get stuck in the rotors?
You say:
No, 'casue he's trying to climb the rope ladder. Robbin is flying.
He/she says:
So the giant rubber shark hits him
He/she says:
While he's climbing the rope
He/she says:
And he falls to his death?
You say:
You say:
No, then Adam West karate fights the shark.
You say:
Then the shark dies.
He/she says:
He/she says:
So how does Adam West die?
You say:
What....you can't kill Adam West.
You say:
All conversations are public.
Their question:
Connected in chat session.
You say:
on nom nom
The other user says:
He/she says:
He/she says:
I Love You
He/she says:
Marry my pl0x
You say:
gb2 4chan

The other user left the discussion.

****ing site won't load.

EDIT: Got it started, it pretty funny.

Will be doing this drunk sometime.

All conversations are public.
You asked:
why the **** don't you get off talking to people about me behind my back and over my head?
Connected in chat session (35 seconds).
The other user says:
You say:
you said I'm bringing heat on you? I gotta listen to people because of your ****ing shit and you're ordering me out? you better get your own ****ing army, pal
He/she says:
He/she says:
I can 'arange' an army to fight in the name of anon if that is nessacery and right
You say:
get this throught your head, you jew mother****er, you! you only exist out here because of me! that's the only reason. without me, you, personally, every ****ing wiseguy shell around would take a piece of your ****ing jew ass! then were're you gonna go? don't ever go over my ****ing head again, you mother****er you!
He/she says:
oh... yeah I'm sorry

The guy obviously hasn't seen Casino.
I answered your second one!

really!? so what happened? you were un-registered but viewing these forums, saw this thread, joined the question site in the OP, then decided to come join the forums here & comment about it?? easily maybe for sure! ;)

lol, i believe you! welcome to the forums, it is a funny place!
my question has been loading for 5 mins...wheres my god damned answer :/
really!? so what happened? you were un-registered but viewing these forums, saw this thread, joined the question site in the OP, then decided to come join the forums here & comment about it?? easily maybe for sure! ;)

lol, i believe you! welcome to the forums, it is a funny place!

Well I've been reading these forums for years, just never got around to making an account. I'm lazy lol. Thanks for the welcome!
These forums are absolutely not fun. Serious business.