Power supply to a Radeon 9800 pro?


Aug 10, 2004
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Sorry to be asking yet another question on the radeon 9800 pro:o but I've only got a 250watt power thing in my computer and in the specs for the Radeon 9800 pro 128mb its says you need at least a 300watt power supply thing, would it be ok with a 250 watt power supply or do i really need to buy a new power thing? :(
how do u find out what ur power supply is.

i wanna get the 9800 to
Took off my case and it'll be written on a sticker on that box with a fan and where your power cable goes.
dunno - they seem to run okay in sffpc's - they dont have too powerful psu's do they? as long as you dont have loads of hdd's fans etc you might get away with it.
Upgrading to a new PSU is quite cheap (in computer terms) but I can see how you wouldn't want to after forking out for a 9800pro. If you don' have a lot of stuff in your PC you could get away with it.

You could always send the card back if it didn't work.
I think i could get away with it as the graphics is the only thing i've upgraded since i bought it. ok thanks.