Power Supply


Jul 23, 2006
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Hey guys. I just built a machine with all the specs in my sig...i add a few new things like a PCI Firewire card, a TV input card, a USB PCI card...stuff like that. Everynow and then i can't get my computer to register my DVD-RW drive or my keyboard, usually it can't find just one at a time, but there have been instances were it won't see both. I can fix it by unplugging the machine and then plugging it back in after a few seconds. I have a 400Watt powersupply? Is that too low? Is that the problem do you suspect? I had an old ASUS(P4p800 i think) and i remember replaceing the Powersupply helped with disappearing harddrives and mice problem...what do you guys think?

A 400watt power suppy should be fine but can you check what the specs are? There should be a sticker on the power supply that tells you. List the Amps for the +3v, +5v and +12v rails plz.

If it was just your DVD burner that was not showing up from time to time I'd say use a different molex power plug for the DVD burner but you say the keyboard also doesn't register sometimes. Is your keyboard USB? Have you tried different USB ports?
yeah different USB ports...no effect. I'm not sure what's going on, but now that i'm playing Doom3 and GuildWars, i also get this wierd effect were the system also completly halts and freezes for about 5 sec...then the game resumes. Core Temp checks out as normal... what sorta utility(free) can i use to check temp and power supply?

My PSu registers as...

+3.3, +5, +12 on the volts... it's says 400watt max Output...
Did the power supply say how many Amps it has on those 3 voltage lines?
+3.3V @ 30A
+5V @ 35A
+12V @ 22A

You could grab SpeedFan to look at what temps your PC is reporting. MSI also has a program on their CD to monitor temp and fan speeds (Core Center).

Is the air coming out your PC really hot or just warm? You can touch the heatsink too. If it's just warm you are fine, if it is almost burning to the touch then it is too hot.
it doesnt say anything about amps on your power supply at all??? next to the +3 +5 +12 ...etc
3.3 @ 28A
5 @40A
12 @ 17A

What's too hot for my PC? I don't know, if my P4 - 3.Ghz hits 120F i get worried...what's too hot for AMD?
um, the Amps i posted above are written on the side of the PSU, the SpeedFan utility posted above is calling it....

12.46v, 3.18v, and 5.04v. No AMPS are posted in the program, fan speed is at 100%...but i only have 1 fan and then the CPU fan hooked up. Current temps are 34C and 22c(not sure which is SYstem and which is CPU) those are both Idle's speed.

Update: i just ran the CounterStrike Source Video Stress test and the two fluxing temps top out at 39 and 35C...that's after running the test three times in a row at 1280x768 with all the bells and wistles pumped up...Powersupply never seems to fail or change it's volt readings.
No monitoring program will tell you how many Amps you are using. +12.46v is quite a bit higher than what it's supposed to be at (+12v) but that is still within operating conditions. Do you have a surge protector or UPS (surge protector with a battery)?

Most CPUs can take temps up to 75-85C (167-185 F). Motherboards often will shut a PC down if temp exceeds 70C (158F)

Your temps atm are very cool for a CPU. 22C (71F) is probably the case temperature and 34C (93F) must be the CPU or northbridge chip.
yeah i've got my mobo to shutdown if i hit 55C so that's not it...i'm really stumped, Counterstrike Source and StarWars Empire At War don't freeze...Doom3 and GuildWars does...i'll hit the net for patches for my mobo.

NO DICE. I'm tired of the game freezing on my, no updates for GuildWars exists...but i don't know where else to turn. Oh, i also got this wierd blue screen error after the freezing started i only caught a few lines of it before my pc rebooted but the error clearly stated that nv4sp.dll(my nvidia card driver) caused an "Infinate Loop" error...anythoughts?
Since the powersupply's ouptut 400W max, not RMS, I'd say that yes, it is insufficient.

What brand is it?
here's a look at what's going on with my CPU's stuff during the freeze, the large spike were it bottoms out is a freeze up, the other fluxs are normal...what do you guys think?

Do you have any local PC store where you could buy a good Powersupply and swap it with the one you have just to test it? Then return it.
Maybe a store that does not have a restocking fee on returns.

Have you tried to run memtest?
That would rule out any memory errors.
running memtest now. Yes, i'll go buy another PSU. But i need to get something like 550w or better, and i didn't wanna spend the money until i was SURE it's what i needed. I still don't understand why DOD:Source and HalfLife2 don't cause the same problem as Doom3 and GuildWars...
yeah i just got a new 550w PSU from CoolMax...the problem remains. I suck! I don't know what the hell to do.

I'm going to start pulling parts and crap out of my machine. See ya guys in a few weeks.