Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition

and god said "Let there be chaos!!!":


but without the usual things that make chaos fun like violence, psychotic behaviour and a shotgun blast to the face

more info on the game:

"Players scour the streets for converts, training them into a work force to feed, shelter and join a paramilitary resistance against the growing forces of the Antichrist."


it's an rts ...

it would have been far more interesting if they made it like GTA could have been good had they not taken the subject matter so seriously (who knew the end of the world would be so serious?) ..they should have made something tongue in cheek like Postal or Bad Day LA (looking forward to it). definately would have played it if I could play as a Preacher wearing a white suit, a 10 gallon hat, sporting a thick texas drawl and a pair of silver six shooters and spewed lines like:

"And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious
rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall
lay my vengeance upon them" BLAM BLAM BLAM

this looks about as much fun as Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge
But see, that's a ****ing awesome idea for a game.

Left behind after the rapture. God abandons Earth and the resulting power vacuum sparks a conflict between Satan, loads of different factions led by rogue angels or formed by the left-behinds. Mother****er. That's such an awesome concept.
An RTS that involves Jesus? Ooh. And it's in a city environ. And you "recruit" from the civilians.

How can this not be good? Although, there's gotta be multiplayer. I'd be the Devil!

-Angry Lawyer
ya but this doesnt sound like that game:

"Players scour the streets for converts, training them into a work force to feed, shelter and join a paramilitary resistance "

it seems like it's a game behind the real game of the conflict between jebus and the devil


Jesus to the EXTREME
Inter-reality community criticises Christian response to Earth crisis; aid relief effort labelled "so ineffective as to be nonexistent."

Jehovah doesn't care about atheist people!

Seriously, I love the idea of Earth, the Earth reality being ruled by God but it only being one such reality and one such God, and there's some huge community of different worlds, different Gods and religions on a galacto-political Edcrab's stories which place the Combine oppression of earth in a wider, intergalactic context!
Man, now that's a picture and a half.

Still, think about it. When you play Civilisation 4, and you research a new religion, it doesn't mean you personally support that religion? And when you play DoDS, and you join the Nazi team, it doesn't mean you hate Jews.

The game, if any good, could be fun for us Secular folk too.

-Angry Lawyer
ya I know ...but it sounds far too preachy

they want to give me this


when I really want this:


or this

"praise the lord!"

But, if the Rapture has been, doesn't that mean God's left you behind because you're not good enough?
Not exactly a peachy situation, if you ask me.

-Angry Lawyer
yes but you can still be redeemed ..that's the whole point of the game
Not if you research flamethrowers and start being indiscriminate with you you point them at :shh:

-Angry Lawyer
so you're allying yourself with the forces of evil I see is the tool of the devil you heretic!!
more info on the Left Behind game:

Associated Press said:
The Christian best selling Armageddon page-turner Left Behind is getting converted to the PC. Christened Left Behind: Eternal Forces, the game will be unveiled at E3. The story involves a battle between the Tribulation Forces and the demonic Global Community Peacekeepers lead by the Antichrist. According to the game’s fact sheet, players engage in “physical and spiritual warfare: using the power of prayer [BORIIING] to strengthen your troops in combat and wield modern military weaponry [launch missles on the unbeleivers, incinerate their bodies and rejoice at their eradication from god's green earth, all in the name of the lord ...cuz isnt that what jesus taught? you must incinerate your enemies in his name?] throughout the game world.”

Hillary Rhodes at the Associated Press’s ASAP writes, “now you can market an exciting, conflict-ridden game to the Christian community, enticing them with something that, if packaged differently, might come across as potentially harmful to wholesome Christian youth. But on the other hand you have … something that’s potentially harmful to wholesome Christian youth (or any youth for that matter).”

watch the video

I will only consider buying this game if the Anti-christ is a playable character
Imagine being a video game creater:

"Alright guys, we're going to start making an action game!"


"How before you all get excited, I have some potentially bad news... it's a christian game."

"where you fight using the power of prayer"

Gamespot did a piece on it. They also have the trailer up. Scary shit. Oh Sterny, we're gonna be LEFT BEHIND!!!!1!
Shakermaker said:
Gamespot did a piece on it. They also have the trailer up. Scary shit. Oh Sterny, we're gonna be LEFT BEHIND!!!!1!

bah I'll just kidnap a priest, force him to hear my confession at knife point (I'll gut him beforehand so he dies slowly) then I'll go straight up to heaven, suckers! ...or at least that's the plan.
CptStern said:
bah I'll just kidnap a priest, force him to hear my confession at knife point (I'll gut him beforehand so he dies slowly) then I'll go straight up to heaven, suckers! ...or at least that's the plan.

Entering heaven by force. Interesting idea. There will be a lot of cheeks to slap.
Oh, and you're assuming God is a Catholic .... Hmmm, I would hedge my bets if I were you. I'd take a priest, rabbi and imam hostage.