Pre Black Mesa:RP, Stories of the marines

Medico ran back to Kiwi. "Soldier" he said "breathing OK?" He could see he was and he called up to Dash. "DASH, GET BEHIND THAT ROCK AND DON THAT SUIT, THEN THEY WON'T SEE YOU IN THE WOODS". He drew his Sig and continued to fire.
"Due respect sir, but if i wanted to be called soldier i would have joined the army. I think I'm OK, but I'll feel alot better when I nail that B*stard who got me!" He repiled to Medico.

He got back on his feet and crouched down, waiting for medico to signal for him to advance.
Medico spotted a sniper and called up to Dash to take it down and then signaled for Kiwi to advance up to the next rock and he pulled the trigger to his Sig. He moved up to the next rock and fired again. He then had an idea. He chucked a smoke grenade 30 metres ahead of him and waited for it to combust. He advanced and pulled the trigger again, advancing under the smoke and then he threw a frag grenade into a small pit a little while up ahead.
Using the cover supplied by medico's smoke grenade, advanced toward the enemy position, snapping off bursts toward the enemy positions.

He pulled a frag from his webbing and launced it toward the enemy foxholes.

He waited for the frag to explode and then advanced further toward the enemy positions.
Dash used Kiwi and Medico's firing to rush into the woods unnoticed, he then spotted the sniper and shot him down. Dash said very quietly over the radio,"Theres alot of them in the woods, they must be defending somthing very important, and were is the reinforcements?"
Medico grew tired of this, he decided to finish this once and for all!
"Kiwi, Broken arrow, on the woods, and where the hell is dash?"
" This is 2nd Lt. Sanderson, alpha squad. All availible air units, request immedeate broken arrow at grid 195,067. Over."

" Lt. Sanderson, This is Spooky 1. Aknowlagin' you request and moving in for immedate attack, ETA 40 seconds. Get your heads down, over!"

with the air support inbound Kiwi stowed his raidio and redied his rifle.

"Sir, we got a spooky incoming! I Think I saw Dash moving into the woods as ordered sir, but if he wants to stay alive he better move."

He fired a few more bursts toward the enemy position and prepared for the storm of firepower about to rain down.
Dash was attempting to sneak around the enemy reanforcements when he accidently stumbled down a hill and crashed into a mine shaft. Then Blackness. While he was unconcious, the airstrike was about to occur.
Medico yelled to Kiwi "Guide em in son, make it go progresively deeper in the woods, got a spare radio lying about?"

Medico threw a White Phospherous grenade into the woods to keep the enemy at bay for the next few seconds and hunkered down to wait.
Kiwi grabbed his back up raidio out of his back pack and tossed it to Medico.

Pulling his own out from his webbing he contacted spooky 1.

"Spooky 1, come in, this is Lt Sanderson. I want you to try and sweep the wood inward from the WP grenade. Over"

"this is Spooky 1. Request acknowlaged. Over and out."

Then, a pair of F15s screamed overhead, followed by spooky 1.

Spooky 1's full armament opened up. Miniguns blazed, 20mm cannon roared and the woods disintergated under the storm of bullets.
Name: Josh "Bran" Smith
Age: 24
Hometown: Alabama, U.S.A
Position: Special Operations
Rank: Lieutenant
Bio: Growing up in the back woods of Alabama, Bran (don't ask where the name came from, it just stuck) developed a great love for hunting and the outdoors. By the end of his teen years, he had become expert with hunting rifles and shotguns. It wasn't until his dad was killed in the war that he decided to join the military.

He slowly regained consciousness... He was flat on his back and was aware of shouts in the distance, and he heard the thundering of airplanes raining down hell from above. It was then that he notice a twig snap being his head. Just as an enemy was stepping over what he though was a corpse, Bran grabbed his ankle and snapped it with ease. As the enemy fell, he rolled into a squatting position and quickly grabbed the bastard's shotgun, shooting him in the back as he fell. He then swiveled on one knee, shooting an immense pain up his leg,
but he was able to mate the butt of the weapon with another enemy's chin, sending a squirt of blood across his face.

When he decided the area was clear, he stuffed his pack with ammo and rations and stumbled in the direction of what sounded like friendly shouts. He made it about 100 yards, but the pain became too much and he fell face down, unconscious.
(out of charater: as 3 of our guys are back at base, 2 are incapacitated and medico seems to be asleep i'd better do somthing)

Spooky 1 had ripped the woodland apart, and the enemy had been shredded too.

Kiwi looked up from his cover to servey the damage. there wasnt much left. The enemy AA position was burning and the forest floor was a mix of wood splinters, body parts and blood.

he spoke into his raidio again "thanks spooky 1. We owe you one. Over"

"no trouble Lt, any time. over and out."

"This is 2nd leuitenant Sanderson. Request immedate EVAC from grid 195,067. We may need medical attention"

"This is Warbird 4. we have medics on standby and are moving to you position. ETA, 15 mins. Over and out."

He began to cautiously advance from his position, hoping to find Dash in one piece, weapon held at the ready.
Medico popped his head up. He was knocked unconsious from the concussion wave of the first bomb blast ( :P ). He surveyed the area and saw a small group of bogies with their hands in the air. Medico watched as Kiwi went to find dash and he began to cuff the prisoners. He walked out and watched as a Helicopter came and landed. He threw the prisoners on to the helicopter and called out to Kiwi "Hurry up and find him or leave him, we gotta fund that plane. He cocked his MP-5 and reloaded his Sauer and kneeled in wait.

(Ova, did u just control MTG_Maros char?)
Kiwi came across a mine shaft. he slung his rifle, drew his sidearm and pulled out a torch from his webbing. he flicked it on and played it around the shaft. then he saw Dash, crumpled in a heap, but he didnt appear too badly hurt.

"sh*t man, what the hell happened to you?" he asked the unconsious Dash.

Kiwi grabbed Dash, picked him up and began to make his way back to the waiting helo.

he turned on his mic "Sir I found Dash. He's K.O.ed but he seems OK. I'm bringing him your way now."

Then he heard moaning from a short distance away, but couldnt identify it's source.

" I hear something or someone sir. Can you come and check it? Over."
Medico bolted over and did his standard check on Dash. He seemed OK,few cuts and grazes and a broken ankle from the fall, but OK none the less. He walked over to Kiwi for his moans and groans.
I haven't read the whole thread so I don't know if anyone has pointed this out and it may sound assholeish of me but there weren't marines at BM. They were the Hazardous Envioroment Combat Unit.
ríomhaire said:
I haven't read the whole thread so I don't know if anyone has pointed this out and it may sound assholeish of me but there weren't marines at BM. They were the Hazardous Envioroment Combat Unit.

Of the united states marnies special forces so :p (mature arnt I?)
Dash regained his conciousness only to be in pain. He saw ware the airstrike occured,demolished everything.
With Dash having regained concousness Kiwi jogged over to the source of the moaning.

He found a man in US uniform, he had the rank badges of a lieutenant and his dog tags said his name was "Josh Smith". He was gripping a shotgun, one like some of the enemy had been using, and looked pretty beaten up, but he was still breathing.

Kiwi flicked on his mic "Sir, I've got a guy who looks like one of ours down here. He's pretty beaten up but he's still alive. I think you need to come and take a look."

Took the shotgun, it didnt seem that he had any other weapons on him, just to be safe. He raised his rifle and waited.
Name: Duke "gizmo" Gear
Age: 20
Hometown: New York City, U.S.A
Position: Spec Ops Weapon Designer
Rank: Private
Bio: Duke joined the army because he thought he could use some of his weapon designs. Though only a private he is quite capable of defending himself as he took karate from the age of 4. He prefers to stay at base but will go on a mission if need be.

If you need me I just arrived at base
Dash began to ask, " Sir should we find out what they are hiding?"
Suddenly a radio in someones pack began to ring. A strange voice came through and it said "to medico teleporting new weapon into area from S.W.F it is a E.I.T.H.S an enemy identifying and tracking handheld sonar. It is being teleported to grid location 195,067 now" there was a flash and an enemy soldier could be heard to say what is this?
Medico jogged down to where the US Soldier was. He recognised this man, he was an important figure in the NCIS. He looked over to Kiwi, "He's Navy" He exclaimed and he set down to work on the agent.
Kiwi lowerd his rifle and checked the surrounding area. Nothing. Spooky 1 had done a good job. Then he turned to ask Medico

"Sir, are we treating this guy here or are we gunna drag his ass back to the helo and get looking for that downed bird?"
Medico called up to Kiwi "This is one from the downed bird, he's a millitary agent, but yea, lets drag his ass out of here."

He began to drag the agent to the Helo. All of the most major wounds were ok for now.

He pulled the NCIS Lt. on to the chopper and kept moving

The similarities to MTG_Maro are coincidental...

am I the guy you're dragging?
(in reply to OvA's post: yes it is you that medico is dragging back to the helo [well, I thought is was anyway] as i already droped dash off)

"Well if he's here that bird cant be far. I guess I'll have to go and find it and any survivors. Sir."

Kiwi didnt wait for a response, re-loaded his M16 and moved off in the direction that the wounded man appeared to have come from

"I'll let off a smokie if I find anything." he called over his sholder to medico
Kiwi arrived at the crash site. It was one hell of a mess. there were burt bodies, twisted metal and blackend earth all over the place. it looked like that navy guy was the only survivor. He was one lucky b*stard. there was nothing recovarable left.

"there's nothing here sir. I'm gunna head back to the helo as I'd like to get the hell out of here before any more bad guys show." He said into his raidio.

with that, Kiwi turned his back on the horror of the crash site and jogged off toward the helecopter.
(OK, time to poke this with a sharp stick until it does something.)

Kiwi Arrived at the waiting helecopter and climed aboard.

He looked over at Dash and the Navy Guy. "You guy's ok?"

Then he turned to Medico. "Sir, I really think we should get the hell out of here now. There's nothing at the crash site and I dont want to be hanging around if any enemy reinforcements roll up."