Pre-Load Codename Gordon NOW via Steam

Pretty fast, within 10 seconds at 5% :)
But then again, it's a flashgame :p

Holy shit, Steam is fast these days, downloading with 2 Mbit/250K it used to be 40K :)
heh, pre-loading an ickle flash game, Hope this is good when it comes out, it looks pretty good :naughty:
Hehe I'm done :naughty:

I thought Codename: Gordon was the working title? I thought it was going to be called Half-Life 2D? Or was that too confusing 'OMG HL2 is out! OMG!!1!!one!!!'?
Sweet. I thought they might do this as a way of pumping us all up for HL2 coming out of E3. I wonder if binks will be far behind....
hope its released tonight...although because its 'pre loading' it will probably be tomorrow.
I bet it'll be released right when E3 ends.
I cant wait for all the cs kiddies to start saying OMG WTF CODENAME GORDONE!@!!!!1111 whwtf is half lyfe tew ouT!11 nevar heard of tayt 1!!!11

It's interesting to see steam deliver content that isint half-life related.. I like it shows how versatile the tool is :naughty:
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
OMG WTF CODENAME GORDONE!@!!!!1111 whwtf is half lyfe tew ouT!11 nevar heard of tayt 1!!!11
i truly believe that if you ever type something that horrendes again you just might burn in hell. ;(
Pitbul said:
i truly believe that if you ever type something that horrendes again you just might burn in hell. ;(

(10 char idiot limit)
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I cant wait for all the cs kiddies to start saying OMG WTF CODENAME GORDONE!@!!!!1111 whwtf is half lyfe tew ouT!11 nevar heard of tayt 1!!!11

It's interesting to see steam deliver content that isint half-life related.. I like it shows how versatile the tool is :naughty:
Don't ever do that again.
I think they are ASKING for someone to try to crack the preload and find out the HL2 story.
Qwiggalo said:
It says it's going to be released after HL2 is.

No. That is not what it says.

It says "Pre-loading is complete. When the game is officially released, you'll be able to play it immediately."

I.e. when Codename: Gordon is released, the content you've pre-loaded will be unlocked.
Er, no. Where does it say that? Nowhere I can see. Again: I bet you anything that it'll be enabled as Valve wraps up E3. They should try something dramatic like that anyway. :)
hey whats the point of this pre-loading anyway? i'm guessing the game is now loaded on my computer but i have to wait for the "release" to be able to play it? why? i mean if it's on my computer, the game is done right? why not just release it when the game is available? seems kind of pointless to me. what am i missing?
Apparently, they expect it to take a heavy toll on the bandwidth... and this is a way of spreading it out a bit.
Because if they just release a game everyone will try to DL it at once and eat Valve's bandwidth. This way the load is spread over a few days time. When HL2 is finished there will probably be a few days during which people can download it before release.
cool, just one question...

is it safe to download my 664.22MB video and Codename gordon at the same time?

My noob mind thinks that they will get mixed or something,thus corrupting these files.

(Im currently downloading them
and I have DSL)

Slik said:
cool, just one question...

it safe to download my 664.22MB video and Codename gordon at the same time?

My noob mind thinks that they will get mixed or something,thus corrupting these files.

(Im currently downloading them
and I have DSL)

The worst that could happen is that you might download each of them slower than if you did it one at a time... no corrupting...
Thats retarded... Here have a little game! BUT DON'T PLAY IT 'TILL WE SAY YOU CAN! That's basicly what they are doing... feels liiiiikkkee CHRRRRIIISSSSTMMMAASSS!!!!!! lalalalala

And what do you mean they expect a heavy toll on the bandwith? I mean if they released it right now the same thing would happen, dl. There's no difference only that you can't play it for some damn reason. Hey, let's all try to crack it and play it today!

Edit: oooH! OOH! I think i cracked it!!! Holy crap... that's a lot of crap to decode... lots of holy crap... EXAMPLE:
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i was wondering when this was coming out, they had better unlock it soon
Steam News Page said:
Codename Gordon takes players through dozens of levels

I thought there were only like 8 levels?! If they added a ton and that's why they took so long then that's awesome!
Am i the only wierdo here? i mean, everyone likes to ignore me. Gimme a wierdo community PLEASE


Codename Gordon has SCENARIOS prolly about as long as 2 HL1 levels each. Oh, and by dozens they mean 6. LMAO they are trying to make it sound like there's a ton but a dozen is 6 and in the video it said 6. AHAHAHAHA Get the mini scam?

I'm starting to think y'all hate me.
WaterMelon34 said:
Am i the only wierdo here? i mean, everyone likes to ignore me. Gimme a wierdo community PLEASE


Codename Gordon has SCENARIOS prolly about as long as 2 HL1 levels each. Oh, and by dozens they mean 6. LMAO they are trying to make it sound like there's a ton but a dozen is 6 and in the video it said 6. AHAHAHAHA Get the mini scam?

I'm starting to think y'all hate me.

A dozen is 12..
The only video I've seen of it was before September 1 last year... when it was supposedly going to be ready... :p

So there's quite possibly more than 6 levels, 7 enemies, and 3 guns now!
Why the heck are you guys spazzing? its not like its hl2 or anything. just wait patiently and play the damn flash game when it comes out. It was explained quite clearly what the purpose of preloading is, and it is also obvious that this is a nice little test for valve to do for its preloading system (along with CS:CZ, but who bought that?)
This Halflife2D preloading sounds to me like a big stage test for the real thing!! :naughty: Can't be long anymore!
*runs excited around the room shouting:weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* :bounce:

edit: huh? got beat! Damn! :|
Ideally pre-loading should use limited bandwidth. That way the impact on the network will be minimal, and you will still get the game as soon as it comes out. That said, I can't see C:G having a *huge* effect. :p
From the forums, in response to queries about the release of C:G.


Registered: Apr 2004
Couple days.

so, looks like a couple days and we'll have it.
I DON'T have a steam. Does anyone know where to get it from ?
DreamWraith said:
From the forums, in response to queries about the release of C:G.

so, looks like a couple days and we'll have it.
we already have it, does he mean it will become active in a couple days?