Pre-Load Left 4 Dead 2 Demo Now - Delayed till 28th

Hectic Glenn

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Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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If you have pre-purchased L4D2 you will be eligible to play the demo on 27th October, this applies to both Steam & 360 players. To be ready for the 27th pre-load the demo now and it will be available immediately on Tuesday.[br]A reminder of the dates the demo will unlock for everyone else:
Xbox 360 LIVE Gold members AND PC players (who haven't pre-ordered) can play the demo from 3rd November. Lastly, all Xbox 360 LIVE members will have the demo available from 10th November.
Delay till 28th, latest Update: Please wait for more info - current source
Demo preloaded and waiting for Tuesday :D.
only maps 1 and 2 from the parish :/
I was hoping they would give us at least 3 this time around...
Search through the sound files located in the common/left4dead2demo/l4d2 folder.
It gives a few things away like the amount of weapons in the demo, looks like there is going to be an adrenaline needle which can be used to give players adrenaline for a short time? Or maybe poison zombies with it or something.

Possible cool spoilers.

Lots of melee weapons, a big selection of guns and weaponry. I also just found the animation files, for some reason the plane crash sound effect from Dead Air is in here?
Looks like there is a race car somewhere in it including a river barge, a plantation explosion, a tanker explosion, overhead flying jets and segments of the bridge finale exploding just like shown in the recent leaked trailer.
Also, from a look at the maps folder, it looks like The Parish is the 5th and final campaign? The maps hold the abbreviation c5m2 (c5m1_waterfront and c5m2_park are the 2 maps included in the demo) unless this stands for something else.
It also appears that there is definitely an intro video like L4D1 as found in the Media folder.

After looking in the expressions/survivor folder it appears that all 4 L4D1 character files are included in the demo as well as the 4 new survivors, obviously L4D2 can be combined with the first for awesome modding? :D

That's all I can be bothered to search for and talk about for now, I did find the new survivor and infected sound effects but none of them can be listened to because the codecs havn't been downloaded until the demo's release. Oh well, still looks awesome :)
After looking in the expressions/survivor folder it appears that all 4 L4D1 character files are included in the demo as well as the 4 new survivors, obviously L4D2 can be combined with the first for awesome modding? :D

I'd say it's more likely that you'll be able to play the original L4D from within L4D2, ostensibly to allow server admins to run both games interchangeably.
People asked Chet about that constantly, picking away at the cross support and he always kind of said 'yeah we're working on it', almost with little faith they could do it. Seems like they may have found a solution which would be fantastic.
I'll wait for the public demo as I've not pre-ordered this game yet, as I'm trying to decied between Modern Warfare 2 and this
Search through the sound files located in the common/left4dead2demo/l4d2 folder.
It gives a few things away like the amount of weapons in the demo, looks like there is going to be an adrenaline needle which can be used to give players adrenaline for a short time? Or maybe poison zombies with it or something.

Possible cool spoilers.

Lots of melee weapons, a big selection of guns and weaponry. I also just found the animation files, for some reason the plane crash sound effect from Dead Air is in here?
Looks like there is a race car somewhere in it including a river barge, a plantation explosion, a tanker explosion, overhead flying jets and segments of the bridge finale exploding just like shown in the recent leaked trailer.
Also, from a look at the maps folder, it looks like The Parish is the 5th and final campaign? The maps hold the abbreviation c5m2 (c5m1_waterfront and c5m2_park are the 2 maps included in the demo) unless this stands for something else.
It also appears that there is definitely an intro video like L4D1 as found in the Media folder.

After looking in the expressions/survivor folder it appears that all 4 L4D1 character files are included in the demo as well as the 4 new survivors, obviously L4D2 can be combined with the first for awesome modding? :D

That's all I can be bothered to search for and talk about for now, I did find the new survivor and infected sound effects but none of them can be listened to because the codecs havn't been downloaded until the demo's release. Oh well, still looks awesome :)

Dude, you really don't know about the adrenaline??? Where have you been for the past 6 month? Anyway... it gives u a short boost in speed, removes melee fatigue, and you don't get slowed when hit by zombies... Yeah, only 2 maps included... Most likely c5m1 mean "campaign 5 map 1". About the other files... Valve rocks in leaving old/scrapped/unused files in their games... Just go through l4d1 files... You have a ton of Counter-Strike(Not even the source engine version) crap left among the game files... So, either some of these files were recycled and used in other things, or they were just left there as junk...
I think they made it look like crap, and if I hadn't seen and read other things about L4D 2 I whould be all over that boycott.
whens the last day to pre-order/download the demo....i want to buy it on PC so should I do it now or when the game is $25 1 month after release day
I didn't know about it either :(

Well then, now you know it ;)

whens the last day to pre-order/download the demo....i want to buy it on PC so should I do it now or when the game is $25 1 month after release day

The last day to pre-order it is one day before the game gets released, that means November 16th. The game won't be $25 one month later... L4D1 is now cheaper then when it was released, but its still $30. And it's been a little over a month to get a price drop... Anyway, this game is awesome... I don't think it's expensive...
whens the last day to pre-order/download the demo....i want to buy it on PC so should I do it now or when the game is $25 1 month after release day

The pre-purchase lasts right up until the games release.
To claify, is this just for the demo or for the full game as well? I would think the latter (to avoid 2 preloads); but it was a little too fast...
To claify, is this just for the demo or for the full game as well? I would think the latter (to avoid 2 preloads); but it was a little too fast...

This is for the demo. There should be a different pre-load for the full game later.
I shall pre-order this very soon then...thanks for the info guys. theres just too many good games this fall and even with the delays in many games its still going to be expensive for a lot of people
I'll wait for the public demo as I've not pre-ordered this game yet, as I'm trying to decied between Modern Warfare 2 and this

What's to decide? One developer has turned its back on the PC gaming community by screwing them over with respect to dedicated servers and the other is Valve.
Yeah, if you're choosing between those two things, definitely L4D.
Argh! It's so hard to choose which one to pre-order. This or Modern Warfare 2
Did you not just read the 3 posts above you? We are the voices of reason. Follow us.

At least your L4D2 isn't censored. You have no reason not to get this game over MW2.
Pre-load L4D2. It is cheaper, and you get to wait for MW2's price to fall from ridiculous levels.
Anybody know exactly what time the demo will be available? Can't seem to find the info.
I'm late, I know, but I was wondering: why do only those who have pre-purchased the game get early access to the demo? I mean, it's not like they need to try out the gameplay, they'll have the game right away when it's released. OTOH, there are people who will want to try the game before they'll order (like me). Why not try to convince those people early on?
1. It is a reward/incentive for preordering - I'm sure any marketing guy would tell you that they would prefer an early sale with a small discount to only a probable sale later on.

2. Generates news and hype increasing the number of non-preorders willing to try the demo the following week.

3. Any unexpected game-breaking bugs only effect people who have already paid their money instead of affecting people who are still unsure if they want to buy or not.

4. Spreads the server load (both for Valve content servers & dedicated servers) instead of one huge preorder + non-preorder download/server rush.

Out of all of those the last one is probably the one that factors into the early preorder demo the most.