Pre-Purchase The Orange Box, Play Team Fortress 2 Next Week

Sod it, I was only gonna get TF2 and EP2 but might aswell get everything. Aint got EP1 either so was gonna get that too. TF2 beta sold it to me.
Damn, I would so pre-order right now if I wasn't getting it already. I want the TF2 beta lol.
Huh? no black box? ;(

Ah! what the hey it's only $45 :D with free peggle ;)
Do you have to get the Orange Box if you want to play TF2?... Or can I buy each game separately?
In uk that is probably about 25 pounds = bargin.

Bit annoyed that i have hl2 and ep1 again but probably pass it on to someone else.
Decisions, decisions.

I want Ep2. I'm interested in Portal's story and the general gameplay, though I think I may get bored with it, so I am undecided about it yet. I have no interest in TF2, and I own HL2 and Ep1. So probably not a good idea to buy now, I should wait for Ep2 standalone I suppose...
Seriously 22 pounds for this is ****ing criminal. Where did VALVe get the games? Off the back of a lorry!?
Do they use slaves to code the games for them? HOW IS THIS SO CHEAP!?
Well, considering I don't have cash, I need to hope I can get this for XMas from someone. :p

Have fun for all that will play it!
Haha, so lemme get this straight...if I pre-order now, I get Peggle Extreme? That game frickin' rocks and I really want I don't want to be screwed over. :-/
For ?25 I'd still say it's worth it. It would cost me double that for the 360 version so I think I'll stick with PC (also pc gets free peggle and a beta as well). My PC may run it like **** compared to my 360 but I think it's worth it overall.
It was about ?25 punds through paypal ... Sucks for me without a CC :/

When will the TF2 beta client be released?
Aww man, I can't play the orange box or fortress forever until the school semester is done. Oh well, I guess it will be my reward.
Dear Valve,

Please oh please can you change the Steam purchase system to display the exact amount of tax to be charged prior to the credit card information page. It sucks to not know how much you're paying for something, especially if that something is being bought using someone else's card (e.g. an older sibling or adult). This information is obviously calculated at the time of purchase, so making these costs known to the buyer at the point of sale is not difficult.

Thank you for your consideration,

A Steam user and Valve gamer

Seriously 22 pounds for this is ****ing criminal. Where did VALVe get the games? Off the back of a lorry!?
Do they use slaves to code the games for them? HOW IS THIS SO CHEAP!?
22 pounds before tax. (Can someone fix the pound sterling sign, it's lame how a lot of people using this site are brits and can't even post the sign for their own currency.)

P.S. Seeing as a lot of people here are from the UK and will probably buy this regardless of how much it costs, how much tax do we get charged?
You know what I found in the TF2 GCF?

Seriously 22 pounds for this is ****ing criminal. Where did VALVe get the games? Off the back of a lorry!?
Do they use slaves to code the games for them? HOW IS THIS SO CHEAP!?

It is about ?27, same price at retail.

Dear Valve,

Please oh please can you change the Steam purchase system to display the exact amount of tax to be charged prior to the credit card information page. It sucks to not know how much you're paying for something, especially if that something is being bought using someone else's card (e.g. an older sibling or adult). This information is obviously calculated at the time of purchase, so making these costs known to the buyer at the point of sale is not difficult.

Thank you for your consideration,

A Steam user and Valve gamer

22 pounds before tax. (Can someone fix the pound sterling sign, it's lame how a lot of people using this site are brits and can't even post the sign for their own currency.)

P.S. Seeing as a lot of people here are from the UK and will probably buy this regardless of how much it costs, how much tax do we get charged?

well it came out in the end about $52.10 and by using a calculator I payed ?26.7ish. Same as retail.
Thank God, I've been waiting patiently for over a year!

Peggle Extreme, here I come! Platinum, baby!!
So I can't buy the Black Box retail anymore? Why are they "forcing" us to buy games, that most of the people interested in Ep2 already own, again, if we don't want to purchase via Steam? I don't think I ever complained about Valve's politics, but this is not a nice move.

You're annoyed that you get 2 games thrown in for free?

The Black Box was 10$ cheaper than the Orange Box. So they're not there for free.
Can anyone verify they got peggle with the pre-order? Or do you get it later? I really love the game, haha...
It's a watered down, HL2-themed version of Peggle.

You don't get all the features.
I know it is, I just wondering why it was in there, and why it said "preload"

True, but the reason it's there is probably because it's just left over from when they were developing it for the 360.
You can give away duplicate games in package, as gifts to friends. Though you don't get a rebate on the package, at least Valve are getting better at marketing and alternative solutions.
Hey guys, I figured out what the url is for the next video posted to steam.
Hopefully this should be the Meet the Engineer vid.

Right now the link just brings you to the main game listing, but if you replace the AppId with a valid number (986) you will get a page (RACE 07 Trailer) which means this should work as soon as they post the vid. (985 is the Meet the Soldier)

(I'm really bored.)
The Black Box was canned because the retailers didn't want to versions on the shelves. You can buy Ep2+portal+tf2 through steam.

It's just another smart move by Valve, have the Orange Box with the TF2 beta tempting people to buy the Orange Box even though they have hl2 and ep1. Besides, the price of the Box is pretty good even for just the 3 new games.
Preordering as soon as I decide which account to put it on.
Hey guys, I figured out what the url is for the next video posted to steam.
Hopefully this should be the Meet the Engineer vid.

Right now the link just brings you to the main game listing, but if you replace the AppId with a valid number (986) you will get a page (RACE 07 Trailer) which means this should work as soon as they post the vid. (985 is the Meet the Soldier)

(I'm really bored.)

...That link actually brought me to the Engineer video! What the hell. :O

edit : Heh, that was rather poetic.
Hey guys, I figured out what the url is for the next video posted to steam.
Hopefully this should be the Meet the Engineer vid.

Right now the link just brings you to the main game listing, but if you replace the AppId with a valid number (986) you will get a page (RACE 07 Trailer) which means this should work as soon as they post the vid. (985 is the Meet the Soldier)

(I'm really bored.)

Umm the link works for me. I just watched the vid.
Meet the Engineer is now in the media list. I'm downloading now ;)
I just pre-ordered the orange box..I can't wait until October 10th. Episode 2 will be first though
I'll finish Episode Two before I even bother installing TF2 or Portal.