Pre-slug Combine


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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What did the Combine look like fore evolving into slugs? Whenever I try to picture it I end up with a neater version of the Flood fron Halo in my head (the elite version).
isn't the idea of the slug-like advisors being the true combine still just a theory? i believe that they are, but you never know..
I always liked the idea that the advisors might be just another race “assimilated” (for lack of a better word) by the combine. A lot further up on the food chain then humans no doubt, but ultimately slave to an even higher power. In any case there is so little of them in the game that we lack any substantial constraints to pin much of a theory down to.
The only things I would say we could take as facts are…

1.) They wield power in the combine.
2.) Breen communicates to them (or one of them) directly.
In Raising the bar, it notes that the advisors are indeed combine.
Is This Tea, how the hell ya doing. I don't remember seeing you in a while. As you can see I'm still very obseced with vortigaunts.
Your best bet for pre-atrophy Combine are the slug warriors pictured in the concepted creatures part of Raising the Bar.

-Angry Lawyer
I'm imagining something like the Halo Elites but maybe more amorphous.
ríomhaire said:
Is This Tea, how the hell ya doing. I don't remember seeing you in a while. As you can see I'm still very obseced with vortigaunts.
:thumbs: Rock on.
Samon said:
In Raising the bar, it notes that the advisors are indeed combine.
I just checked that out and noticed that they state the design was partly inspired by Frank Herbert. Pretty cool.
Is This Tea said:
I just checked that out and noticed that they state the design was partly inspired by Frank Herbert. Pretty cool.

Does this mean your back to stay :D ?
Maybe… As long as we’re all having fun. Aftermath will hopefully be out in a few months and we can all shoot the sh#t about that.
Is This Tea said:
I just checked that out and noticed that they state the design was partly inspired by Frank Herbert. Pretty cool.
I doubt it. More likley they were influenced by David Lynch's art teams interpretation of the words of Frank Herbert.

They were probably in turn influenced by the failed french attempt to make a Dune movie in the 70s whos art style was developed by H.R. Giger
Automatic Kafka said:
I doubt it. More likley they were influenced by David Lynch's art teams interpretation of the words of Frank Herbert.

They were probably in turn influenced by the failed french attempt to make a Dune movie in the 70s whos art style was developed by H.R. Giger
Man… Sting is in that…
But yeah I was thinking the same thing but I’m hesitant to stray too far beyond the wording in Raising the Bar which states “Frank Herbert” and not Dune the movie.
I imagine that the Combine aren't excactly one race but a vast collection of them ruled under a despotic kingdom ala The Zerg or Covenant. The slug thing that's the Advisor may just be of the the top players or the original warring race thats on top of a pyramid scheme.
It's a Combine Overseer, it says so in the little book that came with the Collectors Edition. Maybe someone can quote a part from Raising the Bar about them?

Note: I actually never thought about how the Combine looked before they were sluggish.
I'd like this opportuninity to say: Automatic Kafka, i love your avatar.

Bear in mind that even though the entire model is in-game, and it's only a slug, perhaphs it's only that bit to conserve space or something? You only see it a few times, and only on a monitor, so there's no real need to make an entire model. Perhaps it's an intelligent antlion :D

But the neater version of the halo flood sounds ok.
Maybe they are not actually fat. Maybe they are like the brain bugs in starship troopers. Maybe all that body mass is infact some kind of communication organ that allows for some kind of universal translation.

Maybe that species was absorbed into the combine collective because of that very usefull trait.
So is it a known fact that grub-like thing we saw in HL2 is part of the Combine's upper command, or could it simply be a lacky of a greater power who has been assigned duities concerning Earth? Additionally, we're not even sure if they're actually called the Combine since that's a nickname given to them by humans on Earth (possibly in reference to the way they combine what seems to be machinery with human bodies to form the soldiers we fought in HL2?).

In fact, though, I imagine the Combine's highest leadership to be something a very efficient giant brains. So, if the Combine are giant grubs, then I'm with Automatic Kafka and the Starship Trooper idea.
Automatic Kafka said:
I doubt it. More likley they were influenced by David Lynch's art teams interpretation of the words of Frank Herbert.

They were probably in turn influenced by the failed french attempt to make a Dune movie in the 70s whos art style was developed by H.R. Giger

Think more along the lines of "God Emperor of Dune". I can see where they'd get fat slug combines from that.

The novel, God Emperor of Dune, places us in a very different universe to that of Children of Dune. Leto Atreides II still lives and rules the Empire three thousand years later, owing to his decision in the previous novel, to merge his human body with sandtrout. Leto is now much further along in his journey to becoming a worm, retaining only useless flippers for arms and legs, he moves about on a mechanical wagon; the one physical remnant of humanity Leto has retained is his human face.

BTW: The failed 70's version you're referring to was the work of Chilean film maker Alexandro Jodorowsky.

Jodorowsky, while a naturalized citizen of France, has never identified with any particular country or culture