Predator or Alien Vs Predator mod

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Aug 2, 2003
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I've mentioned this a year ago but maybe some workless mod team will pick up idea and just make it :) (there are many ways to overcome the legal issues) look at this beautifull pics, i would like to see this on Hl2 :)
or this one :) these are screens form Morrowind predator mod
meh, i was wondering when these would start with the AvP movie on its way

I guess your the first... this week :p
lol but i was first year ago hehehe, and i was motivated by natural Selection gameplay, cause i am playing this game with Aliens and marines models :) and it's so cool that i wish to see a mod for Hl2.AVP with NS like Gameplay, action with planning or RTS elements like in NS :/ but this Idea is so away from making it. :(
H2HSnake :: make an origional mod with aliens and other creatures in it dont steal an idea already created and saturated by so many films you will only get flamed :(
good looking movies do not automatically translate into a good mod. and an avp mod with NS style gameplay is NS.
Man a Predator mod would be great. I've never thought of that. Are the AvP games really bad for PC? The only one I've played was for the Jaguar 64 bit console.
farfege: yes, there is 2 avp games for pc.
Imo a mod which is based on 2 seperate games(+there was some strategy for ps2? + jaguar ones = 4), and total of 6 seperate movies(7th coming) is bad.
Come to think of it, it might be the most unoriginal concept ever ;)
Not that i dont like predators or aliens, but i would love to see something far more original in terms of concepts.
H2HSnake said:
maybe some workless mod team will pick up idea and just make it :)

har har har
workless mod team, that's a good one!

the internet is serious :-[
Heh teddy not trying to change topic but, when is Dystopia gonna get updated looks coooool just not been updated in a long time :)
geez i wasn't trying to make it original You Pyode-amedha( lol )! there's not a chance of original game about AvP.It's just an idea for Alien or Predator hardcore fans or just fans :) cause the multiplayer for AvP original games sux, then i thought that mod on Hl2 engine would be great.And no ! Ns gameplay and Avp Theme is not NS :) gameplay itself do not create a game.But it seems that there will be more AvP fans after AvP movie (still don't know if they'll do this movie right, if they'll not screw it up).The best game is the hunt of Kainde-amedha!!! :flame: tear their skulls from their bodies,kill hundreds of them with Bakuub or Ki'cti-pa ! that's fun, only the best survive!
lol, i am not good in english, i just wanted to say that if Avp mod had Ns similar gameplay it wouldn't be NS, according to of what Ghost said.I wonder of any chances making this mod if i'll start making Player models to it :).What program should i use Maya or XSI?.

And please speak only if you're AvP fan or You like this theme, cause i know already all against posts from a year ago thread lol :)
Oh yea i'll make a Predatorhunting game lol like Deer Hunter 2004, you travel on different plantes and hunt different creatures lol Predator - Hunter 2004 lololol hmm or maybe , Predator appears during the Battle of Grunwald in 1410 lol , he looks just like the barbarian knight lol noone would see the difference lol ok enough.Soon i'll post first models, it appears that it'll be a FACEHUGGER or for those who want me to be original Leghugger that's oryginal... :/
Ok are you just spamming now or something?

Pretty sure this thread has run its course, you've got a couple of minutes before i close it.
Oh btw, I wouldn't use that Morrowind mod as any kind of example. They ripped a ton of music and sound from the AvP game, aswell as the films.

It's as illegal as it comes and has NO rights to even exist.

Not to mention its as crap as they come.
It's inevitable that there will be a game that actually has rights to the characters coming out soon. You could save a lot of time by just waiting 'til after the movie comes out.

Otherwise, why bother risking the legal issues? Just invent your own aliens or hire others to invent them for you.
Why not make and Alien mod were you play on the home planet and take part in the Queens domination. Maybe even going to other planets and taking them over.

Or same kinda thing with Predator. I am sure as a hunter he has for more prey than humans or aliens. Or how about comming up with a Predator city were you can walk around and interact with. Walk around town, getting payed to take on special hunts and buying equipment from smith's around town. :burp:
I doubt those who hold the rights will care if anyone makes a mod out of the alien or the predator. You wouldn't earn any money on it and as long as you keep off the ripping it'd be pretty safe.

This idea sounds extremely cool for the source-engine. If there's any team out there who is working on an alien/predator-project who needs a concept artist with a burning passion for this universe, contact me at [email protected] or [email protected] .
roger that.. this idea with predator town is quite nice hmmm, but i thought about fighting mp game, battles between races. For example there is few predators on the map and lots of marines or aliens and it should be some kind of last man standing or team death match.I am not going to ripp off music from AVP, if i am going to ripp something from originals it will be the idea of war between these species.And maybe the look of the player models, i just want it to look like original concept (i am talking about the marines, but it's not necessary hmm actualy, they can differ form originals and still looks cool)And if it goes to predators, there's a lot of resources in Predator or AvP comic books how predator will looks like :),Comic books that's definately where i am going to search the concept.But first before i'll start something i must make same models :/ that's not easy
then i'll think what's next.BTW predator mod in morowind rocks! models are awesome, and the feeling of beeing predator is great too, especially slashing oponents with doublebladed spear :).Crazy Harji if it will go well, i'll contact you.first i must begin something :)I'll make it since it's almost my dream,even if I'll have to make it alone and for 2 years lol.
actually conquering(according to Yakuza) will be in this mod, alens must conquer marine base, and vice versa.The problem was implementing predator, but now i think it will be easy, the key in implementing predators is collecting trophies,collecting heads of killed players :) that should have sense.Conquering marine base as a predator does not make any sense,Predator hunt for trophies, aliens collect hosts for the embrios, o gosh there's a hundreds of options for the gameplay :/ too many, and it doesn't make sens to talk about this now while there's no guarantee that this mod will be alive :).
Here is a nice example of gameplay from Gordon'sFreeman " man, id love to make a map for HL2 sort of like a Co Op where real people play Marines and tones of alien NPCs come from the walls and you have to get in the APC and get to a drop ship, while aliens jump out of no where and try to nip ya head off, and like, you have to get a power cell thing to power up the drop ship, and it takes time, and you have to keep the aliens at bay!!!! omg!!!

Ill do it "
Yes, Multiplayer would be good if we could keep the playercount low. having 20 predators versus 20 marines sucks, it'd be something along the lines of 4 predators max versus a slightly larger number of marines, maybe 7-8 or 10 max.

It could have different gamemodes like Marines vs Aliens , Aliens vs predator, predator vs marines, or marines vs predators vs aliens. There could also be special modes with like cops versus one (slightly tougher and more agile ) predator, sort of like in Predator 2 with different maps with lots of areas for the Predator to hide in.

The aliens in all gamemodes would be allowed to be about the double amount, or infinite amount.

The maps should vary alot, between modern day cities or jungles to futuristic spaceships and planets. I have tons of ideas.. I saw your e-mail too, H2HSnake, maybe if we could get more people interested we could do something out of this. :)
i am sure that there's a few people who wants to make sucha thing they just need a proof of something really going.I'll start modeling ,you can start concept art :) maybe a small website will rise soon :) and still i am aware of legal issues and still i am sure that there are many ways to overcome this.Star wars galactic mod for battlefield is alive :) because they've changed the title now the mod is called galactic conquest.:) the most importand is to get HL2 SDK tools there are a tons of AvP fans out there who will help :).As i said before, first we need to start something :).Can i change a size of a Hl2 standart skeleton? for a predator purpose .
(quick idea - throw your spear with a secondary fire and pill the alien or marine to the wall, then come closer and ripp his head off using wrist blades :) sounds really nice to me :) )
Ok it ain't gonna happen. do you understand this?

Fox will stop you. Saying they wont is silly talk cause they've done it a number of times before.

Oh and saying "well so n so is doing it" isn't much of an excuse neither. It's like saying, oh well so n so stole a car and got away with it so why can't I.

go have an original idea instead of copying other people's work, that of which you've no rights to use.

It ain't yours, End of story.
We need to stay away from the Alien Versus Predator title, that's what made Galactic Conquest almost being sued by lucasarts, for instance. We need something that has nothing to do with any of the movies, an unrelevant title but a game that is set in the same(or similar) universe.

After all, the Predator is originally property of John and Jim Thomas, and the alien is property of Hans Rudi Giger.
CrazyHarij said:
We need to stay away from the Alien Versus Predator title, that's what made Galactic Conquest almost being sued by lucasarts, for instant. We need something that has nothing to do with any of the movies, an unrelevant title but a game that is set in the same(or similar) universe.

After all, the Predator is originally property of John and Jim Thomas, and the alien is property of Hans Rudi Giger.
you would still be using something you dont own.

Come up with something original, not copying someone else. Anybody can go out and make a mod of some current movie, lets see some effort into new idea's

And dont give me the old "all idea's have been done" line neither, i'll lock this thread quicker than this mod has an unoriginal thought if you do :p

Been decided to just lock threads like this in future.

Please come up with an original mod idea.
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