Predict the future


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Based on current events. It doesn't have to be serious, but it doesn't have to be funny, either. Just go whacko.

I predict...
Japan will declare war on Greenpeace, and be flummoxed by the lack of a target and blow up Greenland instead.

OK, that's me done for the moment.
Let's see. I predict that I'll fall asleep tonight and wake up tomorrow, then go over and pwn my friends in DotA at the daily lan party.

hehe I'm gonna win this prediction contest.
I predict Im gonna make a really lame post in two seconds

EDIT: yup there it is
Yeesh, can't you guys take anything seriously? Or, if not seriously, funny?
That by the Year 2015 the world we not be what we know.

China will have risen and fallen as our world power.
America will have engaged in a breif Civil War, one that lasting effects.

And about 12 island nations will no longer have any land.

Oh, and Mars will have had a human step foot on it.
It all depends which aspect of the future you're talking about.

If its about end of days, as some people have started... I believe it will go down very near to how it is described in the bible. And if you say its unrealistic? Its actually very dead on to how current world events are now.

I've never been one to quote scripture, but here it is... Especially since its so vivid.

(Zec 14:12 KJV) And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.

Nuclear War?

(Rev 8:10) And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

Nuclear fallout, contamination of water sources?

And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. (KJV)

There's alot of stuff in there too that is uncannily similiar to the current events surrounding israel, with the many nations poised to attack, and israel obliterating them. This has already been mildly experienced with the previous wars against israel in modern times, and is surely going to happen again.

That's my belief anyways.

Call me a religious nutjob if you will... but you already 'know' that big stuff is likely to happen in the middle east, and this is where events are centered in the bible. So when nuclear war starts happening centered around israel... don't have a stupid expression on your face :cheese:
Raziaar, with biblical "prediction" you can fit anything you like to them.
It's easy to trim the limbs off a jigsaw piece and make it fit the puzzle, however the picture will not be accurate.
short recoil said:
Raziaar, with biblical "prediction" you can fit anything you like to them.
It's easy to trim the limbs off a jigsaw piece and make it fit the puzzle, however the picture will not be accurate.

I'm not asking you to believe it :D
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
I predict Im gonna make a really lame post in two seconds

EDIT: yup there it is
Post one time: 10:27am
Post two time: 10:28am
Hence, YOU SUCK!

I predict that you may, or may not, be involved in some pagan ritual or religious conversation involving people who may or may not be alive....

I'm so damn good at this horroscope making business.
Some random guesses:

- China will become the most powerful force both economically and militarily (not sure if that's a word) with a monopoly on the manufacture of parts necessary for electronics and later on the first emerging applications of nanotechnology (eg molecular computing). Japan may go into a decline. The EU will become somewhat like Scandinavia: a great place to live but not that important on the world stage, whereas Britain will become increasinly more turbulent/active/crazy. Russia will go far with some of the last remaining big oil reserves. :O

- Islam will grow and grow and end up competing for control in South and Central America. Religious war, perhaps not in a literal but more in a figurative sense, will break out in these places. Both religious will come to be associated with violence and terrorism even more than they are today. :(

- Total oil crisis will mean that Russian and other less-used oil reserves will be hot property. The western economy might be forced to rely on sugar-cane gasoline while the latin american economy gears itself towards providing for the west in a symbiotic relationship where niether could survive without the other. D:

- There will be a period of increasing globilisation, corporate control and evil-ness starting now and lasting well into the 2020s. But the coming generations will backlash against that in a kind of new punk/hippy movement and that, coupled with shortages in the earth's waning resources as already mentioned, will break globilisation's back. Corporations will become more limited and less globe-spanning.

- During the aforesaid 'increase of globilisation' period, large corporations and governments will implement first the technology frameworks to survey the internet and police it. Control will be extended. Internet standard will change to a Semantic Web (wiki it) and checks will be put on all ISPs, restricting what requests can be sent to DNS servers as those in power see fit. The internet will become more versatile and thrive, but will also become more centralised and lose its sacred freedom.

- Increasing polution will mean a rise in acidity of rainwater, smog in the air and crap in the sea. The potential for engineered viruses, smart algaes and nanotechnology to clean up such mess may be counteracted by the potential for those same technologies to 'go rogue' or be used for evil. In the future it may not be a good idea to go outside without a very heavy raincoat and a filtration mask.
Going for school tomorrow, when i get home ill eat something good and spend some time with my PC then ill sleep and wake up for school again on wednesday, then ill go to school and be bored and go home and sleep and go to school on thursday and sleep and go to school on friday, then its weekend YEAH!!!. Ill buy some goodies and spend time with my PC and then ill sleep and wake and sleep until its sunday then ill be bored due to school the day after, ill sleep and wake up again and go to the boring school and sleep and go to school on monday and sleep and wake and go to school on thuesday and wednesday and thursday and friday then its weekend again and ill play some Silent Hill 2 or 3 and some Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2 and on saturday ill watch Alien Resurrection and then ill go to bed really late after watching the latest episode of Lost and The O.C then ill wake up on sunday and be bored of going to school on monday again, then ill go there and try to have some fun but i wont and ill go home and sleep and think of the next day and go to school and come home, go to school and come home, go to school and come home and once again go to school. Then again its weekend, ill try to have some more fun than last weekend, school again and when the weekend comes ill be mad but without reasons, then school week again and the next week ill have really fun. After 3 months of school im bored as hell and ill think of the summer holiday and be glad its soon here, even if its few months left but its better to think about that than go to school.
Garfield_ said:
Going for school tomorrow, when i get home ill eat something good and spend some time with my PC then ill sleep and wake up for school again on wednesday, then ill go to school and be bored and go home and sleep and go to school on thursday and sleep and go to school on friday, then its weekend YEAH!!!. Ill buy some goodies and spend time with my PC and then ill sleep and wake and sleep until its sunday then ill be bored due to school the day after, ill sleep and wake up again and go to the boring school and sleep and go to school on monday and sleep and wake and go to school on thuesday and wednesday and thursday and friday then its weekend again and ill play some Silent Hill 2 or 3 and some Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2 and on saturday ill watch Alien Resurrection and then ill go to bed really late after watching the latest episode of Lost and The O.C then ill wake up on sunday and be bored of going to school on monday again, then ill go there and try to have some fun but i wont and ill go home and sleep and think of the next day and go to school and come home, go to school and come home, go to school and come home and once again go to school. Then again its weekend, ill try to have some more fun than last weekend, school again and when the weekend comes ill be mad but without reasons, then school week again and the next week ill have really fun. After 3 months of school im bored as hell and ill think of the summer holiday and be glad its soon here, even if its few months left but its better to think about that than go to school.
I predict that no one will read that!
About a month ago, I was thinking it would be cool to have glow-in-the-dark food (like glow-in-the-dark candy bars, glow in the dark Oreo cream...) and now they have those glow in the dark pigs.

Following this trend, they'll start making raspberry cream Oreos (possibly with a little bit of mint cream in there too).

Also, the universe will implode and my physics professor will be living in a parallel dimension.
Spanish will overtake English as the most spoken language in Arizona, New Mexico, and southern California
RakuraiTenjin said:
Spanish will overtake English as the most spoken language in Arizona, New Mexico, and southern California

It hasn't already?
Glirk Dient said:
It hasn't already?
Not yet, I can see it fully happening in two decades. It's not necessarily a bad thing so long as everyone CAN speak English for government purposes, and they're legal citizens to protect US workers.

Actually by some treaty when the US bought Arizona, I forget its name, but elections have to be bilingual. US actually has no official language for common usage.
dekstar said:
I predict that no one will read that!
Damn he's good!!! :O

Raziaar said:
teh bilbe nuclear war blah blah blah
Ya that's interesting, huh? And check this out:
Revelation 8:3 said:
Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne. 4The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel's hand. 5Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake. That golden censure almost looks like a mushroom cloud.... D:

And yes, I know you can slap any story to a biblical one, but that doesn't stop it from being a fun waste of time. :E
i predict that i am going to have a lot of success in life...and i pray to god that this prophecy is true
Sulkdodds said:
- Islam will grow and grow and end up competing for control in South and Central America. Religious war, perhaps not in a literal but more in a figurative sense, will break out in these places. Both religious will come to be associated with violence and terrorism even more than they are today. :(
Try Africa.

Islam would never be able to overtake Catholocism in Central and South America.
You say so, but how do you know?

Personally, I predict that all your predictions will be wrong.

RakuraiTenjin said:
Islam would never be able to overtake Catholocism in Central and South America.

Well I didn't say 'overtake'...
RakuraiTenjin said:
Try Africa.

Islam would never be able to overtake Catholocism in Central and South America.
It did once.
in few years time, a virus of some kind and more wars going to terminate at least 3.5 billion people on this lovely planet....... the reason is America wants to control the oil of Arebia after the death of King Abdul-Alla (current king of S.A)...
Sulkdodds said:
- Total oil crisis will mean that Russian and other less-used oil reserves will be hot property. The western economy might be forced to rely on sugar-cane gasoline while the latin american economy gears itself towards providing for the west in a symbiotic relationship where niether could survive without the other. D:
Is that necessarily a bad thing? I see it as a way to strengthen ties between North and South America. =/

- There will be a period of increasing globilisation, corporate control and evil-ness starting now and lasting well into the 2020s. But the coming generations will backlash against that in a kind of new punk/hippy movement and that, coupled with shortages in the earth's waning resources as already mentioned, will break globilisation's back. Corporations will become more limited and less globe-spanning.
I predict IF there is an apocalypse in the next 7 years i will still be alive and driving round in a matte black volvo 740 diesel estate fitted with a supercharger from a large 4x4 with airscoop (sticking out the bonnet of course), NBC sealed with water and air filtration, large food stocks and of course arms/armour.
When the diesel runs out i'll run it on vegetable oil, which i have of course looted from tescos (now a fierce battleground for the last tins of tesco value rice pudding)

Yes, i have thought about it far too much to be healthy :)
I predict that Sulkdods will have my baby and we'll name it Ikerous and it'll grow up to be the world's number one ranked mime.
Ikerous said:
I predict that Sulkdods will have my baby and we'll name it Ikerous and it'll grow up to be the world's number one ranked mime.

\o/ :naughty:

French Ninja said:
Is that necessarily a bad thing? I see it as a way to strengthen ties between North and South America. =/

I have thought. It wouldn't be necessarily a bad thing but consider the state of coffee and sugar industries right now (Fair Trade campaigning against it): large companies are able to exploit producers and pay them extremely low prices because they sure as hell aren't going to get anything else. It could end up the same: if lots of different countries produced oil the US could simply say to each one in turn 'if you don't accept our prices then we'll go elsewhere'. I mean, it would be a little crazy because the US themselves would be desperate but still, I wouldn't trust such a scenario to encourage happiness between North and South America. But hey, who knows. Maybe I'm just pessimistic.
the near future:

the gaming market will collapse when gamers come to the realization that after all these years they've been playing the exact same game over and over again but with different graphics ...this leads to a period of relative calm until the start of the Gamer Riots of 2007 in which EA is burned to the ground and it's ceos are tarred feathered and horse whipped in public
Jack Thompson will be shot 238 times by an irate Sims player

UT2013 will be released on jan 1st 2007, Half-life2.5 will be released October 2013, opps sorry Dec 2013, wait a sec, sorry Sept 2015

gas will cost $28/litre, most highways will be deserted and all Suv's will be converted to affordable housing

Pat Robertson will run and win the next presidential election ..he'll be promptly assasinated with a few days of taking office. His killer is overheard saying "seperation of church and state" over and over again

somewhere at some point a shrill voiced mother wil be heard screaming "wont someone please think of the children!?!"
CptStern said:
EA is burned to the ground and it's ceos are tarred feathered and horse whipped in public.
Jack Thompson will be shot 238 times by an irate Sims player

A bright future then :D
Solaris said:
It did once.
South America


Percent Muslims are of South America

Percent that is for the world Islamic population

Central America


% of population:

% world population:
Antarctica melts even faster, and coastal cities that can afford it are put on wheels and driven further inland.
2018: Evil communistic aliens from Mars will invade Earth.