Predictions about the winning Dota 2 international team


Space Core
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
Post em here.I think LGD or IG,althou DK and CLG are preety badass too.Ehome and Na'Vi are making a return,and may save some tricks up their sleeve for the main event,but we'll see.
Your predictions?
I agree. The Chinese teams have looked superb so far, especially IG and LGD. I would pick one of those two to win it as well.
Chinese teams looking tough, I'd say mtw could still be worth keeping an eye on though.
I'm rooting for Na'Vi because Dendi and Puppey are Mouz-level kinds of entertaining. DK has also been impressive with their play. Everyone has, but the other two teams in the running haven't really caught my attention as much for whatever reason.
And so navi are killing all,i do think they will take it in the end ! :D

Oh well, the games were fantastic. On to The International 3!
You fool Stigmata, this is Valve. There can be no further International tournaments.