Preload Phase 3 Begins


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Phase 3 of the Half-Life 2 preload began today, with users downloading models this time around.
The third phase of the Half-Life 2 preload begins to Steam account holders today.[br]This will allow users to download the majority of the models of Half-Life 2 in encrypted form. No purchase is required to pre-load Half-Life 2, but is required to activate the game. The moment the game is made available, those who have pre-loaded and purchased Half-Life 2 via Steam will be ready to start playing right away.
You can view the original post here[br]If you're having troubles with preloading it, take a look at this thread.
it's only 11 hours late :)

Idk why Chris didn't do it... he must have seen it :p
It's not 11 hours late, it's 4 hours late. And I guess Chris_D must've been in bed.

EDIT: Actually it's more than 4 hours. Hmm. Time flys when you can't sleep.

It's still later that it should've been. Tut.

(only kidding)
Feath: good point... I'm East Coast US, and it's 12:30am here, so 3pm was 11 hours ago. but they're west coast, so it's only 7 hours late :)
well at least it got done right? :P
not like the /me command or the attachments opening in the same window etc.. where it goes months on end
the attachments opening in the same window is a reasult of the latest vB build.... although one would think they could add a "target=blank" in there or whatever.
yeah, already finished it. This is a small one compared to the other two. It only took approximately 20 minutes.

+edit: I looked into the Steam folder and this one is 458 MB.
I wonder how large it is. It shouldn't be quite as huge as the last two I think, model files are likely to compress better than textures or sounds.
there seems to be several physics guns in the weapons folder, like phygun, superphysgun and some others.
wohoo. 3rd preload.

btw, how do you guys know that its late, and when the next one is due?
i cant resist highlighting spoilers.

just how many are there going to be ? :O (preloads)
noluck said:
i cant resist highlighting spoilers.

just how many are there going to be ? :O (preloads)

4 i heard of so the next 1 might be the last
It's only worth to download it if you are buying it over Steam, right?
if u download it now when u go buy hl2 all u have to do is put in the cd-key to activate it. saves u waiting for 4 cds to install.
is that true? I'm glad they did that if so, i can buy it and as soon as i get home play on it, YAY
how many % is HL2 loaded now after third phase?
I heard it was 86% after second...
Contrary to popular belief, I'm not chained to my desk 24/7 so that's why I missed it ;)

To be honest it was my first "night off" for weeks :O

Cool news though :)
/me restarts Steam
Personly I think Chris_D is a bot.... :)
Have downloaded 3. preload though :D
Chris_D said:
Contrary to popular belief, I'm not chained to my desk 24/7 so that's why I missed it ;)

To be honest it was my first "night off" for weeks :O

Cool news though :)
/me restarts Steam
Would have been up hours earlier but I forgot I'm suddenly allowed to post news :p
Sprafa said:
can someone tell me what's left?
Maps and the core files.

In each preload announcemnet they've said "majority of..." so there might be more sounds, models and textures coming too.
Its so exciting dont you think? This means if they carry on at this rate we could possibly see the game in October. omg we have waited so long for this and now its finally here almost. :bounce:
Chris_D said:
I r not bot

Chris_D is a ChatBot™ v1.4b that won't be released to the public until 2005/06. It is currently being developed by Valve Software.

ChatBot™ 1.4 does intelligent posting, mildly humorous replies (beta) and is capable of answering PM's.


zencat said:
there seems to be several physics guns in the weapons folder, like phygun, superphysgun and some others.
I wonder if those will be the different upgrades?

3rd preload. W00t.

Wow, this is it guys... This is really it. Half-life 2 is right around the corner. :D

(Man there are lots of juicy spoilers with this preload! All those model names!)
Must... Resist.. Preloading...
the closer it gets, the less I can stand the waiting

I just hope I don't die in a horrible screeching burning busting accident before I get to play HL2

I hope not afterward, also - but I really really hope not before
hahah the new Bink Vid seems really smooth to previous ones.
u gotta love this guy's grammar :rolleyes:
there will be a limited DVD collectors edition. problem is, everyone seems to want it :(
im not entirely fussed how I get it, whether it be on DVD or 4 CD's just as long as theres enough copies to go round everyone that wants it. which appears to be the whole of the gaming community and some. lol.
zencat said:
there seems to be several physics guns in the weapons folder, like phygun, superphysgun and some others.

I thought those files were locked / encrypted. How did you manage to open them?
supermeerkat said:
I thought those files were locked / encrypted. How did you manage to open them?

There's a free app called GCFScape by Nem that lets you open up a .gcf file and have a look around. Valve is ok with it because you need it to access the files if you're into half-life editing, so it's not illegal. The files in the HL2 .gcfs are still encrypted, so you can't actually open them, you can just look at the filenames.