President Abraham Lincoln was buttbuttinated by an armed buttailant


May 5, 2004
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The Clbuttic Mistake: When obscenity filters go wrong

a selection of the nonsense phrases created by automatic software designed to remove offensive words from articles posted on the internet.

The phenomena, known as ?The Clbuttic Mistake? after a mangling of the word ?classic? that is believed to be the first identified instance of the problem, can be found on tens of thousands of websites.

The error is caused by poorly programmed anti-obscenity filters ? similar to spell checkers ? that automatically replace words considered rude or offensive with more acceptable variants. ?Butt? replaces ?ass?, ?breast? is substituted for ?tit?, and so on.

Rudimentary versions of this software do not just replace obscene words, but also alter longer words which contain banned letter combinations, so "assassination" becomes "buttbuttination", "passenger" becomes "pbuttenger", and "passerby" becomes "pbutterby".

The American Family Association had programmed its filter to replace the word "gay" with "homosexual", causing an article about sprinter Tyson Gay's triumph at the US Olympic trials to begin: "Tyson Homosexual was a blur in blue, sprinting 100 meters faster than anyone ever has."

Further on in the piece the runner was referred to as "the 25-year-old Homosexual"

the first thing that came to mind was .... i really hope someone doesn't hit wikipedia with a "find and replace".
Holy Crap, this made me giggle like a school girl.
If you see Dr. Breen, tell him I said: butt you!
"Next I'm going to check if the breastles of the famous Chinese 'swordsman novels' have been registered as trademarks by foreign companies,"
Holy ****. :LOL:
I would really like to download a program with this on it, I would have a good hour, maybe two of laughing my butt off at butt, poop, and breast words.

title= Breastle
Oh lol! needs that filter so bad
Ive seen about this before, but that part about Tyson Gay made me lol quite a bit, that was a new one to me :LOL:

I'd like to ask all of you to buttume the position.
Resistance is futile! You will be buttimilated. :borg:
When I was 15 I got sbreastches on my right hand.
Tyson Homosexual buttists in breastle win.

Jimmy, did you do Bobby's buttignment for him last night? You know every student has to do their own buttigment by themselves.
Well he certainly isn't getting ahead in life :cheese:
I bet he wished he had someone to lend him a hand.
Tyson Homosexual buttists in breastle win.


I feel bad for Tyson. He probably was teased his whole life growing up...and now this. I lol'ed anyway at how stupid this is
For his parents, 'Gay' meant happy.

Imagine growing up, witnessing the drastic change in meaning of his last name 'Gay'.
"John put the homosexual in his mouth and lit it."
Every single one of you is a small bundle of firewood.