Pretend to be a time traveller!


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
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Some of you will already have seen this. But it's so ace that if you haven't, you need to before it's too late.

Courtesy of Dresden Codak...

DC said:
Guys, it's time for

Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day

You must spend the entire day in costume and character. The only rule is that you cannot actually tell anyone that you are a time traveler. Other than that, anything's game.

There are three possible options:

1) Utopian/clich? Future - "If the Future did a documentary of the last fifty years, this is how badly the reenactors would dress." Think Star Trek: TNG or the Time Travelers from Hob. Ever see how the society in Futurama sees the 20th century? Run with it. Your job is to dress with moderately anachronistic clothing and speak in slang from varying decades. Here are some good starters:

- Greet people by referring to things that don't yet exist or haven't existed for a long time. Example: "Have you penetrated the atmosphere lately?" "What spectrum will today's broadcast be in?" and "Your king must be a kindly soul!"

- Show extreme ignorance in operating regular technology. Pay phones should be a complete mystery (try placing the receiver in odd places). Chuckle knowingly at cell phones.

2) Dystopian Future - This one offers a little more flexibility. It can be any kind of future from Terminator to Freejack. The important thing to remember is dress like a crazy person with armor. Black spray painted football pads, high tech visors, torn up trenchcoats and maybe even some dirt here or there. Remember, dystopian future travelers are very startled that they've gone back in time. Some starters:

- If you go the "prisoner who's escaped the future" try shaving your head and putting a barcode on the back of your neck. Then stagger around and stare at the sky, as if you've never seen it before.

- Walk up to random people and say "WHAT YEAR IS THIS?" and when they tell you, get quiet and then say "Then there's still time!" and run off.

- Stand in front of a statue (any statue, really), fall to your knees, and yell "NOOOOOOOOO"

- Stare at newspaper headlines and look astonished.

- Take some trinket with you (it can be anything really), hand it to some stranger, along with a phone number and say "In thirty years dial this number. You'll know what to do after that." Then slip away.

2) The Past - This one is more for beginners. Basically dress in period clothing (preferably Victorian era) and stagger around amazed at everything. Since the culture's set in place already, you have more of a template to work off of. Some pointers:

- Airplanes are terrifying. Also, carry on conversations with televisions for a while.

- Discover and become obsessed with one trivial aspect of technology, like automatic grocery doors. Stay there for hours playing with it.

- Be generally terrified of people who are dressed immodestly compared to your era. Tattoos and shorts on women are especially scary.

And that's it. Remember, the only real rule is staying in character and try to fit in. Never directly admit you're a time traveler, and make really, really bad attempts at keeping a low profile. Naturally, the dystopian future has a little more leeway. And for the record, I've already tried out all of these in real life, in costume. It is so much fun you want to pee yourself.

I've set the tentative date for December 8th. Who's in?

(also the Facebook group is here:
Honestly you drone on about this on Steam Chat then make a thread about it. Yawn.

jks <3

It's an awesome idea. I quite like the Dystopian future option. Pretend to be some sort of intergalactic time agent from the future, gruff and holo-bearded.
Oh haha, pretend to be a time traveler! That's HILARIOUS! What a great prank to play on the unsuspecting public, that you're a time traveler.

I bet it'd be funny to act like you were from the future and make vague references to upcoming events, trying to steer the course of history away from what may yet be. It'll be a gas when people laugh when you tell them that time is of the essence and every effort and resource must be made to stop a chain of disasters that occur over the next six years.

It'll be funny when you walk out into present-day 2007, dressed in acid-washed jackets, plaid pants, platform shoes and a backwards baseball cap and use slang like, "Big tickle," "Mint," and "Now you're on the trolley," because you think that's the common vernacular.

And won't it be fun if you pretended to be stuck in this goddamned era because your tachyon slinger broke, and now you spend your days as an "average citizen" working a regular job and going home to post on the internet, because nobody believes you that in 2011 there will be no more whales on Earth?!

**** you guys. God damn it, **** you guys.
I just imagined doing this, and I lol'd. I wish I could get the clothing/act together in time to do it...but I've never done ANYTHING like it.
Lmao! Darkside's description of it just brightened my day. It would indeed be hilarious.
Darkside, you do realize this is an invitation for the people in white outfits with happy pills.
I'm doing it, Victorian style.

dont forget your chastity belt, corset that doubles as a torture device and having zero rights as a woman I'll help you along

"bloody 'ell woman where the hell is that key? I'm hungry go make me a sandwich"


.... I'm pretty sure Hollywood's version of the victorian age is a lot more romantic than it was in real life ..what with the famine, the deplorable standards of living, the lice that was pretty much in everyone's hair under powdery wigs that smell of stale sweat and dirt

So what do you think, will I fit in, in 2007?
lol, you would have to go up to people with the line "say, thats a nice bike"

Goddamn it. Why has Halloween been and gone. Just got the best costume idea ever.

Wear a policeman outfit, go up to people and say you "like their clothes", stab them with a foil finger then go into a room and swap clothes with them. Preferably a woman.
Goddamn it. Why has Halloween been and gone. Just got the best costume idea ever.

Wear a policeman outfit, go up to people and say you "like their clothes", stab them with a foil finger then go into a room and swap clothes with them. Preferably a woman.

Great Scott! :O

I'm going to pretend it's 1997 again.

Goldeneye and Mario here I come!

EDIT: I'd be 14 again! :D
I don't go out enough for this to be useful.

Good in theory though.
Sulkdodds said:
Stand in front of a statue (any statue, really), fall to your knees, and yell "NOOOOOOOOO"

I will dress as a caveman and start smashing cars

and grabbing womans
****! I forgot about this day.

Two members here should be especially concerned. D:
Step into a phone-box and start shouting at it whatever number you want to ring (in the future, everything is voice activated).
I think it's gone... and no-one really did anything...
What are you talking about? It's still six days away.

Me and my friends are doing it a bit later so people can get back from uni.
Omg! So it is! Urgh, should read more carefully.
I might do this with my friends sometime, it seems hilarious and fun, particularly if you get a little drunk first.