Previously Discussed Half-Life Theories


Party Escort Bot
Dec 13, 2004
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As is evident from the number of threads about the situation, specifically this one, I decided that a thread listing all previous theories could be used as a basis for any newcomers with a theory or idea to present to us. From an immediate search, the only topics that covered this were Darkside's thread and the one referenced earlier.

As is the time of year, many newcomers and new threads are being produced, all with ideas and theories of their own. This is often healthy for the community, leading to a good discussion about the matter. However, it is often that many of these theories are repeated or rehashed, and this can lead to annoyance, anger and much flaming about the "noobyness" of someone.

I felt it necessary, therefore, that a database, of sorts, should be erected to hold any already discussed ideas so that anyone with a "new" idea could easily check to see whether their idea has already been discussed, but also so that everyone can think about each theory for themselves. Because, as with many shrouded things, different ideas stem to try and answer questions people will often answer, and conflicts will arise.

After a quick search through the forums I couldn't find any topics covering this except for Darkside's rant against Gman theories and the "myths" thread that this thread came from.

I would appreciate it if anyone with a link to a thread containing a/many theory/theories along with their discussions. Useful titles to the links would be nice, and any threads with spoilers in them should be labelled.

Please refrain from commenting/discussing/spamming in this topic. Only links to appropriate discussions.
Thank you.

I hope this thread might help newcomers to organise their thoughts.


GLaDOS Theory
The nature of GLaDOS and her possible death *spoilers*

Combine Chopper's Crazy Super Technology
The nature of the Combine's Infinite ammo

GLaDOS and Chell are The Combine
GLaDOS and Chell being the Combine *spoilers*

The Borealis Cargo
What might be inside the Borealis *spoilers*

The G-Man and Aperture Science
Is the G-man an aperture science employee? *spoilers*

Dr. Magnusson is the G-Man
Nutty theory about the G-Man being Dr. Magnusson *spoilers*

Lamarr's Future
A discussion of the possibilities of what might happen to Lamarr *spoilers*

Breen = Advisor
A theory that Wallace Breen might be an advisor of the combine. *spoilers*

Alyx's value to the G-Man
How important Alyx is to the G-man and what her relationship with him involves.


G-Man Theories
I believed a section should be dedicated to the ridiculous ideas of who the G-man might be. Anyone with any further suggestions, please feel free to post them.


G-Man =
The Combine


If you do have a theory not mentioned, please think about it first.
Please also note that there is a thread with all factual information about the Half-Life universe: Laidlaw

Many thanks to DerbyDriver1985 for the thread idea.

That's exactly the kind of comment I was hoping to avoid. The section that is of importance is in the centre of the text.

If it's possible, I'd appreciate anyone coming across a theory based thread to post a link here. And any link to the G-man ideas (the more ridiculous the better). And I don't mean you to suggest them straight off, an already created post, otherwise we could be here all day listing the different characters in Half-Life.

"Omg! G-man is a Vortigaunt! Lolz!!"
Thanks, Druckles, you've taken the time to create the thread mine should've and would've been, were I not lazy and severely annoyed by noobs :LOL:
Cannot... edit... post...

Would appreciate it if anyone could continue posting links to theories.
Previously...on DRAGON BALL Z

But seriously, this thread is important. I can only hope it gets expanded and stickied. You need to throw some Adrian theories in there as well.

G-man = Magnusson
Previously...on DRAGON BALL Z

But seriously, this thread is important. I can only hope it gets expanded and stickied. You need to throw some Adrian theories in there as well.

I agree, this should be stickied.
I personally think it should be stickied too.
This thread has a lot of information.
A lot of information yes, but to be stickied no.

Why not? It would be a good step toward people starting threads about theories already discussed. In turn, they can post their thoughts on that relevant thread covering the theory accordingly.
There are lot's of new threads about those theories, so if updated, yes.