price of gaming pcs

Admiral Kill

May 8, 2005
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With the coming release of the VISTA O.S. will the price of current gaming rigs (Alienware, Northwestern, etc.) go down or stay the same?
Stay the same, really the only reason stuff would change is for 2 reasons...

a. MS might want more money for the actual OS...i highly doubt this will happen because MS is starting to compete more with Apple now. I also suspect that the price will be low because MS will want the "Killer" product launch that ME, XP, and 2k DIDN"T get.

b. Everyone goes 64-bit in a rush and stuff becomes expensive. Again, this won't happen because most people already produce enough support for AMD class processors which have been 64-bit for years now(okay maybe not YEARS, but long enough).

I suspect that VISTA will come out, people will upgrade, and then for the rest of the year we'll be answering questions on troubleshooting MS Vista...
a new OS has never dropped prices of pcs, but still its better to build your own anyways.
Just... don't buy one of those. They're so pointlessly expensive.
so does a new OS drop any prices related to pcs, such as parts?

It might encourage sales to be sure the hardware stores get a piece of the pre-os launch upgrading frenzy.