Priest talent changes announced!


Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
If you're wondering 'What's a priest to do with gaming, and what with talents?' then you shouldn't be here. You shouldn't even be on a gaming forum if you haven't heard of World of Warcraft. Because I'm ofcourse talking about everyone's favorite healbot*. For all you priests out there, here are the talents.

* Priests may or may not want to be called that way.
don't see them helping holy spec'd priests being as good at pvp as some priests wanted the review to do, but meh, wake me up when they properly fix non-mega-epixx fury warriors :/
Boogymanx said:
Disc\shdw looks relatively good for PvP to me.

yes, but some priests were adamant about making the holy tree viable in pvp too :P Not that they were entitled to it i suppose
Doesn't really affect me much since I never tried a priest. Not because I don't like them, but because my internet connection is so terrible that I would really suck as a priest what with my delayed heals and all.
Can you imagine a ToEP/ZHC/Arcane Power/Beserking Buff mage with the Infused Power buff from the priest's 31 point discipline talent?

yea... :x
Myup. Buffs don't really say anything about skill, I've seen mages with epic sets getting beaten by 59s and 60s without epics.
They must have been /afk then.

Itemization is about 80% of everything in this game.

No matter how hard someone tries or knows their class, a full blue warrior will not beat a full epic'd warrior. Even if the full epic warrior was half retarded.
Ok, here's a suggestion...considering the large population of people playing WoW on these forums how about making a WoW sub thread (like BF2). This seems like it doesn't deserve a thread of it's own, no offence :)
If you know hwo to play the priest class right, you can be exceedingly deadly. I enjoyed playing my priest a lot (and my main was a rogue).
i got a 58 priest and i loved the pvp, in shadow though. i got no opinion on the new talents because i dont play it but priests are great fun when you arent tasked to healbot.
I have a 60 end game raiding priest and my oh my.. Im a happy chappy :D

just got the problem of deciding wether to go to the bottom of the disc tree or get some of that new holy goodness