Prima Strategy Guide

Originally posted by AcneBrain
It's been discussed a couple times before. Sue me.

Has anyone purchased this?

Amazon has it in stock.

Wouldn't this mean the game is pretty much finished?

I've been wondering that, too.. however, they also have the "Behind the Scenes" book supposedely available and shipping, so, my guess is they don't actually have it in stock and they never updated that product
Hopefully it will help me past those biozeminades..
post by shuza:
I've heard rumours that this isnt actually Half Life 2, it is actually half life 1, under a different name, and it has a few new enemies named 'biozeminades' which can make themselves look good, and you have to kill them with spray paint. Apparently, the half life 2 e3 video and trailer were made with frame by frame animation (so it is not the game) by Yago Zebadiah, who is from France. However, this half life 2(1) is still looking good, and i hope that the biozeminades are as good as people say they are

Taken from a user p/review from

I'm confused why this strategy guide is already available ... Are they cooperating with valve or what?

gabe: we give you story you give us teh share of y00r b000k
prima: d33l!

someone buy it for god's sake!

It's only 17 bucks.

Babbages has it releasing on 1/24/2004, so i'm not too hopeful. Still, it's interesting.

Suprise ship on Black Friday?

ugh, i wish.
Originally posted by jimbones
I'm confused why this strategy guide is already available ... Are they cooperating with valve or what?

gabe: we give you story you give us teh share of y00r b000k
prima: d33l!


yes the prima folks have been following Valve closely through the development of HL2.
Someday in the future:

1: Soo waddaya think of HL2?
2: mmmh I liked the book better..

it's always like that..:cheese:
Hmmm, wierd....

Remeber that ages ago Prima published the Half-Life Dreamcast Strategy Guide? It was released (well, here in UK anyway,) and I even saw it on the shelves. However, if you remeber, the DC version of HL was canned, so all those guides went to waste.

Doubt that'll happen with HL2 though, at least I hope it won't...
Originally posted by AcneBrain
Wouldn't this mean the game is pretty much finished?

Of course the game is pretty much finished !!!!
In August the game release was still planned for 30th september, so I suppose at this time the game was already "pretty much finished" (or Gabe Newell was cheating us and I don't think so)

I think Valve is not currently working on the story but on the code, so a guide book can be released without any difficulty...
i've never really read a strat. guide... are they typically released before the game ships? if so on average, how long before? i mean... is it really plausible for a strat. guide to come out months before the game? does that ever happen?
Originally posted by Jesse Cliffe
I've been getting questions about the release of Condition Zero, and wanted to put out an update. We're done with development on the English version and have submitted a replication master to Sierra for manufacturing. Right now, we're doing some additional work on the foreign versions and are hoping to have those wrapped up and submitted to Sierra this week. Sierra has not confirmed retail release dates for the product but we're hopeful it will be available shortly.

So.. yep. That's the latest word on CZ
I see it, I really do!

BTW, I think the whole HL2 being delayed due to language localization turned out to be a rumor
But it came directly from a badly-translated Japanese article! How could it be a... Oh.
I thinks that whole hl2 delay is due to a translation error. The game is already out under the name of: Return of t3h biozeminades (proper english translation for : zweite halbwertszeit der biozeminaten!)

btw Valve is really a german company..

Now, loads of people are gonna buy the guide, buy the game (when it finally comes out), and eMail VALVe with questions of: "But where were all those Biozeminades the review talked about?"
Calm down guys its just a kids book to learn their ABC's. H stands for Headcrab the thing thats make you an alien , G stands for Gordon who saves you arse from headcrabs.
Er....If it is a strategy guide, technically, it would GUIDE you through the game. Thus they have a version of the game that would tell us whats going on........ermm....SPLOOGE?
I'm guessing this isn't gonna be availiable, a month back I considered trying to order this and ti had 2-3 days on the uk site, now it says 3-4 weeks, which basically means that people have tried but amazon ain't been able to get it from prima.
it's not out yet, amazong jsut doesn't update there stuff.

Last year, when Morrowind came out (well, befor eit did) they said the release date was 2/21/02. On 2/21/02 it changed to "Ships within 24 hours". Then it changed on 3/1/02 to "temperoroly unavialable".

Thne sometime in june it was actually released.
SidewinderX143, not to gett off topic, but could you tell me about the Unreal 2 Multi Player. Is it any good?
There is a link on Amazon to "correct" information. So when I click on it this is what I get:

Enter your catalog corrections or updates

ISBN: 0761543627
Half-Life 2 : Prima's Official Strategy Guide

Publication Date

Current publication date: February 2004

So, as some have said, looks like it's an Amazon issue of not updating. Feb 2004 is the new date according to that page.

I sent them an email.
you could've jsut pmed....

but w/o breaking the NDA, it's fun, if you get U2 on xbox, you get it on XBL. :D