Prince of Persia: a movie starring a white dude playing a brown dude


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
white dude:


brown dude (persian)


..oh and lots and lots of exploshens ...


Jerry Bruckheimer has been busy as of late with his Pirates franchise and his countless hit TV shows but still he has been working hard to get other film franchises off the ground. The IESB can exclusively report that his upcoming film, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, has found a director and a release date!

Yes, that?s right, Michael Bay is directing Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time for a Summer ?09 release.

so the same guy responsible for patriotic pap such as Pearl Harbor and Armageddon is directing PoP ..well I guess it's not exactly shakesphere so they can afford to get someone whose films can be best described as all style no substance
I don't see how a white dude playing a brown dude is any worse than the opposite.
there are no brown dudes in hollywood silly ..
Not Michael Bay, for Christ sake, why can't he have an accident.
Well there are actors in Hollywood that are of middle eastern origin.
Take this guy for instance


ya but most rednecks would mistake him for italian with a name like Tony :)

and not since Omar Sharif has there been a middle eastern leading man

Grey Fox said:
Not Michael Bay, for Christ sake, why can't he have an accident.

agreed ..perferably one with lots and lots of explosions
pirates of the caribean was decent,didnt watched second

but since the only thing that michael bay do is to show explotions and people saying "cool lines" all over again them my hope is zero

sometimes hollywood looks so dumb
Well Prince of Persia's story was pretty darned simple (because it was essentially just a repeat of Arabian fary tales). I kinda do have to wonder why they even are going to make a movie out of it.
Well Prince of Persia's story was pretty darned simple.
Exactly. Bay is a decent enough director/producer to make this kind of movie.

The Ubisoft games are shit compared to the original anyway. The movie might aswell be shit too.
This movie was going to suck with or without Bay, at least with him on board we now know how much itll suck.
I'll back you on Armageddon, although I'm not going to exactly defend it for an Oscar. Pearl Harbor....well you're on your own there.
Haha, Bay, **** yeah. To be fair, for every shitty Pearl Harbour or Armageddon, you'll get a Bad Boys II or The Rock. I want to know how he's going to fit car chases into this one.
Yes. Yes it was. There's no middle ground here. The film blew.

It was decent popcorn entertainment.

Pearl Harbor just sucked all around, way too boring to watch.
It was decent popcorn entertainment.

Pearl Harbor just sucked all around, way too boring to watch.

Bad Boys 1 and 2 was decent popcorn entertainment, The Rock was decent popcorn entertainment. Armageddon was shitty popcorn entertainment.

But hey, if you get enjoyment out of it, good for you.
Now see I found Bad Boys 1 a little too bland (2 I'll watch just because they threw any pretenses of reality out the window and just went as wild as possible). Didn't think it was a bad movie, but I personally wouldn't hold it above any of Bay's other work.
Now see I found Bad Boys 1 a little too bland (2 I'll watch just because they threw any pretenses of reality out the window and just went as wild as possible). Didn't think it was a bad movie, but I personally wouldn't hold it above any of Bay's other work.

Yeah, you're probably right. I enjoyed it, but then I watched II right after and it kind of blew it out of the water. Plus it has Henry Rollins.
Bad Boys 1 and 2 was decent popcorn entertainment, The Rock was decent popcorn entertainment. Armageddon was shitty popcorn entertainment.

But hey, if you get enjoyment out of it, good for you.

Ew, Bad Boys 1 & 2 were just stupid.

But then again, I hate the two main stars.
and what about Kal Penn ;)



he's definately not a leading man. There's no summer blockbusters with titles like "Kal Penn in Killed by Death" or "Armageddon 2: This time it's Payback starring Kal Penn as Commander Rick and Brad Pitt as the evil russian cosmonaut bent on conquering the sun"
Speaking of Bay, well I found this old article
It used to be that a summer blockbuster had to have brutal violence, sexy women, breathtaking action sequences, adrenaline-pumping high-speed chases?at a bare minimum, some explosions. But sitting through that penguin movie, I couldn't believe my eyes. Where were the big set pieces? Hell, this movie didn't even have sets! Has anyone ever heard of production values? It's one of the most vital aspects of the filmmaking art, and you don't get it by just showing up on an iceberg and filming whatever happens to be in front of you. Frankly, for real icebergs, they looked fake. This film is an insult to the great men and women who spend countless hours in front of computers creating incredibly realistic CGI icebergs.

wtf thats gotta be fake!

Thats what makes them so awesome.

them you will love this movie
We all know the films going to be crap regardless of the lead actor.
No, that movie is appaling on pretty much every level. Bad Boys II is just really silly, and knows it.

shut up you will love that movie,more stupid thatn that impossible,and you said you find stupid movies great soo...
Battlefield Earth can actually be pretty entertaining...but in small doses and for all the wrong reasons.
Does anybody else think that making PoP into a movie is just one giant excuse for another slow-motion (and err... backwards-motion) crapfest? As though Hollywood needs another.
Probably. But its not an original story anyway so theres really no loss. Its like making Dungeon Siege or Postal into a bad movie. It really has no impact on the brand or anything else.