Prince of persia.. no DRM


Dec 28, 2005
Reaction score
Saw an article earlier saying that Ubisoft is going to wise up include no DRM on their copy of Prince of Persia.

usually i pirate non-valve games to give them a try... see how they will run... rarely do i keep them or even play all the way through ( Mass effect bored the crap outta me ). I never pirate Valves games because they are some of the few actually worth paying for.

I dont have a lot of money to spend on games.. but this move by Ubisoft I feel should be rewarded because its a step in the right direction and because of that I might just go out and actually pay full price for a retail copy of the game, despite what little interest i have in the game.. ( or just buy on steam )

while many may not follow.. can i get an: "agreed!"
Discussion of criminal activity is not condoned on
It's still Ubisoft. They saved money on another pointless DRM license though.

Also, honestly I don't give two shits one way or another about pirates, but I'm not going to give you an "agreed," I'm going to give you an "lol" because "lol poorfags"

Coherent as ever, Darkside!

I wonder how much DRM licenses cost.
Which part is incoherent?

If you're wondering about the rage, I've said why in like three different threads.

The poorfag part is because whenever people say, "I don't have money to spend on games so I pirate them," I laugh. I don't care moral-wise.
The reason they are not putting DRM in is to prove that pirates will pirate the game no matter, and that they are using DRM as an excuse. A Ubisoft rep on the forums pretty much admitted that. So this will just be a one off by them, expect the rest of thier games to have even more aggressive DRM justified by the assholes download POP.
The reason they are not putting DRM in is to prove that pirates will pirate the game no matter, and that they are using DRM as an excuse. A Ubisoft rep on the forums pretty much admitted that.
Whu??? That sounds like complete hokum, whether it's because the rep misspoke, was taken out of context or is just a moron I don't know.

'Why does PoP have no DRM?'
'We're removing DRM on this release to prove the unsoundness one of several justifications that some pirates use, because we really do care that much about what pirates say and we think they will pirate the game just as much as they would if it had DRM.

...Of course, we don't know how much they would pirate it if it had DRM, so we can't measure the difference, lol, but shhh'

If what that representative says is truly representative of Ubisoft's stance, then what they're offering is no proof of a non-issue. How about they just do it for the right reasons, ie. because restrictive DRM is a slap in the face for consumers and is unfit for its intended purpose?
I wonder how much DRM licenses cost.
I've wondered this myself. You can assume it's a lot, because Sony DADC et al aren't in the business of selling liquorice and penny sweets. I've seen the figure of $200k bandied about in regards to SecuROM on GTA4, but that's possibly horseshit (not that I think that's an unrealistic figure, I'm just dubious that there's any basis for it).
Gotta say it's a pretty sly move by ubi in my opinion. This will get pirated and therefore all the other ubi pc games will have securom probably.
Gotta say it's a pretty sly move by ubi in my opinion. This will get pirated and therefore all the other ubi pc games will have securom probably.

I wouldn't say that.

"Oh noes that game got pirated heaps, needs DRM."
"Oh noes that game got pirated heaps."

/Plays legitimate version of Sins of a Solar Empire with latest patches pirates don't have.

'Why does PoP have no DRM?'
'We're removing DRM on this release to prove the unsoundness one of several justifications that some pirates use, because we really do care that much about what pirates say and we think they will pirate the game just as much as they would if it had DRM.

I think it's really a load of crap. Pirates are pirates, end of discussion. How about focusing on your customers instead?

The poorfag part is because whenever people say, "I don't have money to spend on games so I pirate them," I laugh. I don't care moral-wise.

Poor people make me laugh in general.
I don't pirate games because I'm too poor myself, but just because most games i do pirate aren't worth the money you would normally pay.

That, and I don't have to go out :)
Yahtzee will eat this game out and shit out a review.
And the process of the reviews creation will mimic his reaction of the game: A digested mixed game collaborated by several tasty games then shat out onto a dinner plate ready for another tuck in.

How bitter PofP has become.