Prison Break

Woah, you missed ALOT.

You missed him recruiting the puerto rican. Him going thru his insomniac bed fellow. Escaping guards numerious times workin on that 'present' for the wardens wife.

I've still never seen the first episode... But I'm sure I don't need to anymore :P
craig said:
Maybe ironic was a silly choice of words... I just meant it's _strange_. Take 'House' for example who is played by Hugh Laurie. I mean is it really nessecary for that charachter to be American? The guy who plays Lincoln Burrows does a very good American accent (as does the actor who plays his brother (again British)), but I think Hugh Lauries accent sucks.

Funny thing is that when auditions came out for House they kept getting bad auditions of by british actors. Bryan Singer was sick of it and when he got Hugh Lauries auditon he said, "See, this is what I want: an American guy."

He was unaware that Laurie was british.

There is also no such thing as an "American" accent. There is west coast, ebonics, southern, midwest, chicago, new york, among others but there is no real "American" accent.
And as most people say, the midwesterners have "no accent". Kinda funny how my living place is the neutral accent.

But I'm not sure who Hugh Lauries is.
DoctorWeeTodd said:
Funny thing is that when auditions came out for House they kept getting bad auditions of by british actors. Bryan Singer was sick of it and when he got Hugh Lauries auditon he said, "See, this is what I want: an American guy."

He was unaware that Laurie was british.

There is also no such thing as an "American" accent. There is west coast, ebonics, southern, midwest, chicago, new york, among others but there is no real "American" accent.

I'm sure there is. Generally the generic accent is the one the newsreader speaks on the news in both America and England fo so.
Many people in the world are considered by all, to have distinct accents... Austrailian accents, french accents, british accents, new york accents, etc...

Some of us in the united states, are generally accepted to not have a distinguishing accent at all... from all the other sub-american accents.

I dont have an accent. Sucks, cause the ladies prefer a guy with a nice accent. Heh.
So what should we call this "accent" not limited to one place? Where does it originate?

Generic American? Modern American? New American? (Americans in old films spoke differently.)
Well it's just 'Generic American' isn't it. Basically a flat, middle American accent.
StardogChampion said:
T-Bag needs bitch slapped.
GAH I HAVNT SEEN THE NEW like 2 hours left on the download :(

Watched, and now I cry. How are they gonna jet out? SHIT. He shouldn't have forgivn, whoulda just shanked.

PS where the HELL did that
come from!? h4x.

anybody notice how Michael got from that room, to the tunnel and dry? Hope they explain that little hole.
I just assumed the Razor was in T-Bags mouth the whole time. He is after all a kiddie fiddler (unless I'm mistaken?) and he doesn't have much in the way of friends in prison.
CyberPitz said:
I've just got done watching the newest episode *3* and my god, it's great! Good acting all though it. The story is pretty damn good as well. ALl in all, I've not been this excited to watch a next episode of a show since Smallville. Anybody else seen this?
They will get caught. Justice always triumphs
Moorree episodes. I'll be pissed if they postpone this series until May like rumored may happen. Anyway, yeah.

That razor in T-Bags mouth was rediculous. I'm sorry, but..seems odd. Too many "WTFBBQ" things happened in that episode. *Michael being completely dry whilst escaping his water prediciment.*
I don't think a razor is too rediculous. How hard can it be to get a razor in a prison?
StardogChampion said:
I don't think a razor is too rediculous. How hard can it be to get a razor in a prison?
And keep it there for long periods of time without ANYBODYI noticing, especially when you are getting thrown around and such? Meh, I figured somebody woulda seen it at least once.
thankfully, I can catch up in like 5 minutes on, and maybe watch the last episode.
CyberPitz said:
And keep it there for long periods of time without ANYBODYI noticing, especially when you are getting thrown around and such? Meh, I figured somebody woulda seen it at least once.

Yeah but you'll notice T-Bag didn't even use the razor till he was just about to be let free.
Anyone seen the latest ep yet? It was a pretty good episode I thought, the plan finally got going.

The bit with the agents was annoyingly predictable though. The moment the guy said he was going to be back in 2 hours I knew almost exactly what was going to happen.

Also, T-Bag needs bitch slapped.
yea now we have to wait till ****ing March to see the rest of the series...pisses me off dramatically
"Numerous articles today are citing the show's return as being moved up to March, but executive producer Paul Scheuring says the network may come back even earlier - "It's totally up in the air. We may come back in January, February or May. I think we're all going to find out in the next few days". He does hint that Fox seems to be leaning toward an earlier return for the show, but if the worst case scenario does happen (ie. a May return) then the network plans "the mother of all promotional campaigns to relaunch the show". Scheuring's ideal would be to come back late January/early February alongside fellow highly serialized Fox thriller "24"."
Ohhh, earlier! GOGO EARLIER!

I just can't wait until it comes back..I mean, it's such a great show..and the suspense EVERY EPISODE ends iwth just gets me even more excited, because the do such a good job with it. I of my favorites..

"We leave tonight....where's my brother?"
"Michael..we gotta problem..'
*Camera pans out to see L getting toated away...*

Just awesome.
I think that this show is better than Lost because it actually gives anwsers to the previous shows questions, and more suspense around every corner!
What other shows do you guys watch? I'm looking for some more stuff to watch.

Currently I "aquire":
Prison Break
Whose Line is it Anyway
Jay Leno
Conan O'Brien

Any more recommendations that I might like judging from that list?
Usually throughout the week I watch:

Boston Legal
Nip/Tuck, House m.d.
Prison Break
Desperate Housewives
Family Guy
Top Gear
Peep Show
My Name is Earl
I watch Prison Break, Lost, Smallville...omfg speaking of which, I havn't downloaded smallville i think for 2 weeks!