Prison type games


Dec 29, 2004
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I bet most of us watch Prison Break, great TV-show and it reminds me of the great game The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. I've completed this game once, and it's for sure the best thing i've ever seen on a computer, or console :D

So I'm wondering if there are any games like it, where your task is to escape from a well guarded prison. Not looking for any strategy or 2D game. I doubt there are anything, but just to be sure i'll ask you =)
Hmmm... All I can recall is a Sven Coop map where you had to escape from a prison...

Oh, and there are a few older games that had this specific subject in mind. You were a WWII captive, I think, and you had to escape from the clutches of a German POW camp. I'll look for a link.

EDIT: Hah, my memory still serves me well :D
Alcatraz: Prison Escape seems cool, but old :D

EDIT: no seems to suck, puuhh ;(

I'd love to start a game modification, where you must escape from a well guarded prison, you could communicate with everyone, in order to recieve hints of how to escape. :D
I think you'll just have to play Riddick through again. There's nothing else anywhere near that good out.
A number of games have a prison break sequence (Unreal 1, Deus Ex ... errr... Daikatana :P ). Just not many games are solely about it.
Splinter Cell 4's beginning levels are about inciting a riot in a prison and escaping with another prisoner.
Yeah, the Splinter Cell games are very sneaky, if that's what you're looking for.
I know lots of games has prison scenes. but im looking for one with alot of it =>
Try The Suffering, but I warn you. *Hint* It has little demon girls who play jump rope and WANT... TO ...... PLAY.....
The final level of the punisher takes place in a prison, does that count?
StardogChampion said:
Thief: Deadly Shadows. You normally infiltrate huge places instead of escaping, but if you get yourself arrested in the city you get put in prison and have to escape.

Came with my graphics card, and it's damn annoying.

It's neat how you can utilize traditional objects to your advantage (unlike traditional sneakers), but the guards are just so plain annoying. The AI that is.

Like, they don't do anything other than look for you, and they are VERY good at spotting you.

It might be realistic, but it definetly isn't fun.
Garfield_ said:
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. I've completed this game once, and it's for sure the best thing i've ever seen on a computer, or console :D

100% I agree.... I loved Riddick so bad that I played it 2 times in one month. :D

yeah, I m looking forward for RIDDICK 2 by 2008.....

2008 is the next chapter of chronical of riddick the movie
sinkoman said:
Came with my graphics card, and it's damn annoying.

It's neat how you can utilize traditional objects to your advantage (unlike traditional sneakers), but the guards are just so plain annoying. The AI that is.

Like, they don't do anything other than look for you, and they are VERY good at spotting you.

It might be realistic, but it definetly isn't fun.
The guards aren't that good as spotting you. The whole point is shadows. If you're in one and not moving then they can't see you unless they bump into you. There's also a bug when pressed against a wall they can't see you at all.
TollBooth Willie said:
Try The Suffering, but I warn you. *Hint* It has little demon girls who play jump rope and WANT... TO ...... PLAY.....
the suffering is a cool prision game but is not like riddick cuz the prision get invaded by monsters,but still is a very cool game
"Prison type games":

"hide the shiv"

"the soap on a rope bending over game"

"counting backwards from 1000, or what to do while in solitary confinement"

"the innocent game"

the "lets see how many appeals I can get" game

and the perenial favourite:

"how many guys named bubba will I have to slow dance with" game
CptStern said:
"Prison type games":

"hide the shiv"

"the soap on a rope bending over game"

"counting backwards from 1000, or what to do while in solitary confinement"

"the innocent game"

the "lets see how many appeals I can get" game

and the perenial favourite:

"how many guys named bubba will I have to slow dance with" game


Level one, at a truck stop with all the FRIENDLY truckers!