Private WoW server

Nat Turner

Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
I set up a World of Warcraft emulated server a few days ago with a friend (hosted at his house on high speed cable). I was wondering if anyone wanted to test play on it. The experience rate is set at 20x, I believe.

Anyways, if you want to play, do the following:

A) Make sure you're running client version 1.8.X (1.8.0 works perfectly)
B) Set up an account at (totally free, isn't connected to any subscription or whatever)
C) Edit the file in your WoW root folder to be 'set realmlist'

I'm a noob myself by the way, as I helped set up the server before I even started playing. Fun game. :D
Probably not legal but I am interested. Although I will definitely be doing research into this. Last thing I want to do is screw something up with my computer and/or account.
The Mullinator said:
Probably not legal but I am interested. Although I will definitely be doing research into this. Last thing I want to do is screw something up with my computer and/or account.
Don't worry, it doesn't screw with your account (because you set up a new one to play). Your computer maybe if you don't know what you're doing. :laugh:
Nat Turner said:


not quite...

in order to get the server going the original game has to be reverse engineered which is forbidden in the EULA, although i presume you just got a server setup package?

Anyway i might test it out, just to see if it works through this uni network

EDIT: ok maybe not, 8mb laptop gfx cards ftl :(
from one site that lists private WoW servers:

Is it illegal to play on a private server, if you bought the original game?

Grey area there. We've never had any problems so far, and users wouldn't be the first to get hit with a lawsuit. If we do have problems someday we'll make sure to warn you.
Yes, playing on or hosting a WoW server is against the EULA. Blizzard has recently been cracking down on these private servers and slapping them with a "Cease and Desist" notifications. For now, I'm playing a private one with about 160 players just until Late April when I'll subscribe.
I'm pretty sure it's illegal, same way BnetD was.

Your idea sounds interesting but being that it's hosted on your friend's cable, I doubt it can support a lot of users.
AiM said:
I'm pretty sure it's illegal, same way BnetD was.

Your idea sounds interesting but being that it's hosted on your friend's cable, I doubt it can support a lot of users.

In your Signature u forgot RICH
Illegal server emulation FTW!

And WoW over a cable connection with more than 20 players would get so lagged...

Besides, I know a guy that works a bit on coding a WoW server emulator, and he's not very impressed with the current state of the ones that are out there. Espeically that some fools try to sell the source code for them for like $300. Sad...
It is not illegal, as if it were it would've been shut down VERY quickly.

However, these serves are not the fullest nor fastest. Expect some serious latency issues.
Javert said:
It is not illegal, as if it were it would've been shut down VERY quickly.
... then why hasn't piracy been stopped?

If the servers are hosted in the USA, they are illegal under the DMCA.

EDIT: Even connecting to one might constitute bypassing copy protection...
Javert said:
It is not illegal, as if it were it would've been shut down VERY quickly.

However, these serves are not the fullest nor fastest. Expect some serious latency issues.
learn2read EULA

B. You agree that you shall not, under any circumstances,

(iii) host, provide or develop matchmaking services for the Game or intercept, emulate or redirect the communication protocols used by Licensor in any way, including, without limitation, through protocol emulation, tunneling, packet sniffing, modifying or adding components to the Game, use of a utility program or any other techniques now known or hereafter developed, for any purpose, including, but not limited to, unauthorized network play over the Internet, network play utilizing commercial or non-commercial gaming networks or as part of content aggregation networks;
Blizzard has shut down servers/website in the past related to WOW-server emulation. I'd put more effort into findng a decent free server, however I really don't need to be playing WOW right now....or any time for that matter.

I say for for Guild Wars, because you pay once and it's free after that (plus has really good reviews). I'd do it myself, except.....I don't need another World of Warcraft type game sucking my time/life away.
WhiteZero said:

Do I see a closure? Oh I'm sorry you must be using IE.

(Your sarcastic rhetoric aside, words and EULA's can only do so much. Can I say it's absolutely case-closed illegal? Can you?)
Ah I used to play on a private server, but I got bored to tears of the emptiness :(.
Javert said:

Do I see a closure? Oh I'm sorry you must be using IE.

(Your sarcastic rhetoric aside, words and EULA's can only do so much. Can I say it's absolutely case-closed illegal? Can you?)

it is when it's against the EULA retard. just because someone has gotten away with it so far doesn't make it legal.

if you're wondering why that site hasn't been shutdown's because it's a great resource for blizzard to track down servers. shutting that site down won't make the imulated servers not exist...shutting the servers down listed there will however.:borg:
phantomdesign said:
Blizzard has shut down servers/website in the past related to WOW-server emulation. I'd put more effort into findng a decent free server, however I really don't need to be playing WOW right now....or any time for that matter.

I say for for Guild Wars, because you pay once and it's free after that (plus has really good reviews). I'd do it myself, except.....I don't need another World of Warcraft type game sucking my time/life away.

Your better off playing WoW than Guild Wars. I have both games, but Guild Wars for me would have to come in second. The quests in Guild Wars tend to get very repetitive, and there's not that many features to get ahold of such as crafting or having a skill to make gold whereas WoW gives you many options. Though I like Guild Wars I just believe they could have made it better.
Kakashi623 said:
Your better off playing WoW than Guild Wars. I have both games, but Guild Wars for me would have to come in second. The quests in Guild Wars tend to get very repetitive, and there's not that many features to get ahold of such as crafting or having a skill to make gold whereas WoW gives you many options. Though I like Guild Wars I just believe they could have made it better.

The expansion will, it basically incorporates everything missing from the original. Trading houses, alliances and more will be in it :) And where do you get repetitive from? I believe blasting 50 charr to hell with a catapult isn't as repetitive as gathering 5 flasks of spider venom...only to go into a cave to get 4 gnarled such and such. Don't you agree?
Is it free? :E

I might go and do the irritating thing of reporting my social security number to the police if it is.
Kare Bear said:
Can anyone recommened a good wow private server:D

Mine! :D It's working perfectly so far with no lag and a dozen people playing.
Javert said:

Do I see a closure? Oh I'm sorry you must be using IE.

(Your sarcastic rhetoric aside, words and EULA's can only do so much. Can I say it's absolutely case-closed illegal? Can you?)
Wow you have some foolish logic there.

This is like saying that if you pirate Windows that it's not illegal because you havent got caught by Microsoft...
It's still illegal! You can still get your ass busted for it. Your just getting away with it!
*bangs head on desk*

But I guess if thinking that it's not illegal makes you feel better about breaking the law, then thats fine.

And wtf is this "You must be using IE" crap? The site shows up no matter what brower you use, slick... But your poorly thought out retorts asside...
I use FireFox.
Javert said:

Do I see a closure? Oh I'm sorry you must be using IE.

(Your sarcastic rhetoric aside, words and EULA's can only do so much. Can I say it's absolutely case-closed illegal? Can you?)

...And you're a tool if you'd rather believe that website over the EULA you accept everytime you install and/or install a patch for the real WoW game.

Edit/ I vote for this thread to be locked and deleted, only because this could end up with people having their accounts or IP's banned from the real game just because people are encouraging others to try it out.
I do illegal stuff online too... but atleased I'm not delusional enough to deny it's illegitimacy.
i.e. I've played "private" Lineage 2 and Ultima Online servers.

Anyway, back to playing my real WoW server... with it's patches, support, and thousands of players.
Its legality has nothing to do with the EULA. In fact, IIRC, court cases have decided that a EULA means almost nothing. That being said, it's still illegal under USA federal law for two reasons. Running a free server is illegal because it uses reverse engineering to try to reconstruct how Blizzard's private servers work... which is a trade secret and covered by copyright/patent law. There is no doubt that running a server is illegal. On the client's end, since the Blizzard servers function as copy protection and the person has to purposefully alter the client to bypass said copy protection he will be breaking law according to the DMCA when he connects to a free server... or even before, really, but just modifying the client for no reason can't be traced unless you use it to connect. It's just as illegal as any other form of piracy in which you attempt to get a nonfree product/service for free. You can try to rationalize it to yourself all you want... until you get a cease and desist letter from Blizzard's lawyer.
Unless they come up with an update that prevents it, then there is nothing they can do about it really.. even still you dont have to accept updates, and a seperate copy of the game could be purchased for use on private servers.

So I think blizzard wont bitch too much, people like to play on their server's, but if you want to you can try a private one if you can get the players together, and tbh they have raped enough wallets so far, in comparison to the freeness of guildwars.
OCybrManO said:
Its legality has nothing to do with the EULA. In fact, IIRC, court cases have decided that a EULA means almost nothing.
I'd love to see some documentation on that.
Seeings that an EULA is a legaly binding contract.
WhiteZero said:
Wow you have some foolish logic there.

This is like saying that if you pirate Windows that it's not illegal because you havent got caught by Microsoft...

And wtf is this "You must be using IE" crap? The site shows up no matter what brower you use, slick... But your poorly thought out retorts asside...
I use FireFox.
Not really, because in theory these people have been "caught" i.e. exposed. The fact that Blizzard has not been able to shut down these serves is not a lack of manpower, but rather some loophole that needs plugging. If Blizzard has been able to shut down obscure mods using their properties, this is certainly within their reach.
As for the power of EULA's, their binding is empowered only by a click and a "next" button. It is certainly evidence permissable in a court, but many of these servers act beyond our laws' reach. It seems my Devil's Advocate position caused you banging your head and smilies, so I still assume you wish to support your arguments the "teenage-forum-surfer" way. Fine.

And as for my sarcasm, it's supposed to point to the general perception of IE/FF, which you of all should well know. (ooc, ever used OLD FF?)

And as for the person up there who called me a "retard", that just shows your own lack of control so I didn't even bother quoting your reply.
It seems my Devil's Advocate position caused you banging your head and smilies, so I still assume you wish to support your arguments the "teenage-forum-surfer" way. Fine.
I fail to see how using emoticons and general emotes makes me a "teenage-forum-surfer"
Their ways to express your meaning better, since you arent physically there with the person to read their body language and tone of voice.
Way to try and widdle this down to stereotypes.

But again, you can use whatever you need to prove to yourself that your right in some pretentious way. This dosent change the facts. Whatever reason Bliz has for not shutting them down is irrelevant to the fact that it's still illegal, which has been the point here the entire time.
WhiteZero said:
I'd love to see some documentation on that.
Seeings that an EULA is a legaly binding contract.
Well, according to UCITA, you're right... but, in the case of many of the people here, EULAs aren't actual legally binding contracts... more like some weird pseudo-contract with limited power. Why? For one thing, minors can't enter into legally binding contracts. For adults in states where it has been adopted, UCITA gives companies frightening power over their consumers (while, at the same time, ****ing over small developers that aren't familiar with the law or can't afford a team of lawyers to draft a water-tight EULA). Luckily, AFAIK, only two states have adopted it: Virginia and Maryland. All other states in which it was considered have defeated it. So, everywhere else is subject to the old laws which protect consumers from things in agreements that don't follow reasonable, common practice for the industry. Also, IIRC, European law similarly protects the consumer. So, basically, you don't need to bother with reading the EULAs because it's either standard, generally-accepted stuff that most people already know about or it wouldn't hold up in court. That is, of course, unless you live in Virginia or Maryland.
OCybrManO said:
Well, according to UCITA, you're right... but, in the case of many of the people here, EULAs aren't actual legally binding contracts... more like some weird pseudo-contract with limited power. Why? For one thing, minors can't enter into legally binding contracts.
That dose makes sence.
Nat Turner said:
Mine! :D It's working perfectly so far with no lag and a dozen people playing.

Ok i just reinstalled,and im getting the 1.8 patch.
And to play a private server you deffinetly dont need to buy the game itself.
Just download it.

So Bliz dosent make dime-one from these.
It's illegal.
Servers have been shut down... 'nuff said.
EDIT: Proof
11. Ownership.

All title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and to World of Warcraft (including without limitation any user accounts, titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialogue, catch phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, animations, sounds, musical compositions, audio-visual effects, methods of operation, moral rights, any related documentation, "applets" incorporated into World of Warcraft, transcripts of the chat rooms, character profile information, recordings of games played on World of Warcraft, and the World of Warcraft client and server software)