"pro-life groups" (rant)


Apr 19, 2007
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God these people enrage me to an extent where I could jump in to the TV and smack them.

So I'm watching Fox News....I know you people hate Fox news,I admit
watching it to get mad and upset...that watching news for me:dork:

Anyway so I'm sure you heard about this pill that stops wemen'z from having their menstrual period.

So this stupid chicks starts blabbing shit about that the drug industry is waging a war on babies and that abortion is wrong because god doesn't make mistakes and so on....that abortion is making god mad...bla bla.
Why won't people understand that women should have the right to decide?
not friggin politicians or religious groups...**** this upsets me:hmph:
God doesn't make mistakes eh? Which god? Surely not all of them.

Come now if god designed the human being why does it contain so many flaws that can only be answered by evolution? Oh wait that's right he also designed us to believe that, tricky bastard.
i agree, instead of trying to outright illegalize abortion, they should set up some kind of program that speaks to young from their point of view etc etc, set up programs to help these woman. Rather then just go on some foxed up rant that won't help in any way outside of making them look like even bigger idiots.
What's funny is they are against these pills yet they have nothing against viagra and the such. It really is kind of sexist if you think about it. If god doesn't want your wang to work properly there surely must be a reason for it, no?
I really hate the names both groups have. Pro-life and Pro-choice, is there anyone who isn't both pro-life and pro-choice? (yes yes, Numbers, but apart from him)
You've never seen what happens during an abortion. Trust me you'll probably lose your lunch.
What's another option? It's pretty black and white tbh...either it's up to the woman or it isn't.
I'm pro- shut up and let people make up their own minds you mind washing pricks.

You've never seen what happens during an abortion. Trust me you'll probably lose your lunch.

I've seen a full autopsy in person, that was an interesting experience.

"Right now I'm trying to cut out the spine." - keyword trying it took the guy awhile.
I've seen a full autopsy in person, that was an interesting experience.

I bet, but still you haven't seen an unborn baby being ripped limb from limb on ultrasound, as it struggles to escape the suction tube.
Limbs? what is this ******ry? Kill the thing before it can develop that far silly womenz.

Example. You've been raped I totally understand the gravity of the situation but please don't wait 4 months to find out your pregnant, ugh!
I saw an abortion on a video for my Religious Studies GCSE. If women didn't have the right to chose abortion there'd be alot of unwanted, uncared for trouble makers in the world and we all know how much trouble they cause. However, I do think that adoption is an option that is frequently overlooked.
What a lovely site.....anyway, i think it's up to the "parents" to get the abortion before the fetus can feel pain etc. I don't understand why anyone would get an abortion after her second trimester.
/choses to avoid posting in the obvious debate about abortion that is already starting

Limbs? what is this ******ry? Kill the thing before it can develop that far silly womenz.

Example. You've been raped I totally understand the gravity of the situation but please don't wait 4 months to find out your pregnant, ugh!

Still, only 3% of abortions are from cases of danger to the mother's life or rape, the other 97% is for mere convenience. Some people don't understand that when you stick your cock in her hole that babies come out. Serioulsly, some people need to learn self control.
Don't most people get an abortion before it has the ability to try to escape from the..suction?
Legally you can't have an abortion after 24 weeks, which is when it is possible for the child to survive. So generally, the unborn child doesnt suffer. Most of the time abortions are left so late because the mother simply can't decide. Its a tough decision to take a life. Another factor is the NHS waiting list.
"pro-life groups"

oh oh is this one of those threads where you have to finish the sentence?

"pro-life groups ...need to eat tiny shards of glass and die"

hows that?
Legally you can't have an abortion after 24 weeks, which is when it is possible for the child to survive. So generally, the unborn child doesnt suffer. Most of the time abortions are left so late because the mother simply can't decide. Its a tough decision to take a life. Another factor is the NHS waiting list.

the majority of abortions are performed within the first 9 weeks ..it's rare that abortions (excluding medical reasons) are performed after 20 weeks (1%)

god doesn't make mistakes ? , what about miscarriages , birth defects , genetic disorders , down syndrome etc.?
Ha! yeah ... if only.
in any case what does this have to do with abortion isn't it just a means of birth control ?.
I should thank god for my poor eyesight shouldn't I? I don't need to wear glasses/contacts all the time but just the same.
Its funny, here in France you never see this pro-life groups fighting to end abortion. If you started to talk about how god demands it, you'll just be laughed at.

It's so good to live in a secular state contrie where all the god crap dosn't interfere with politics, education and life.
If someone ever tried to teach at school that god created man with Adan and Eve, you would cause chaos in France, mass strikes and protests would take the streets.

Its funny, here in France you never see this pro-life groups fighting to end abortion. If you started to talk about how god demands it, you'll just be laughed at.

It's so good to live in a secular state contrie where all thos good bs dosn't interfere with eryday life.
If someone ever tried to teach at school that god created man with Adan and Eve, you would cause chaos in France, mass strikes and protests would take the streets.

France still has racial rioting though.

I'd take abortion fighting over that anyday :D

Still though...I do envy you a little bit in that particular regard.
Abortion is a womans choice. In my opinion, it is okay up until the point where the fetus has developed and has become a separate consciousness.

Abortion is an issue that should stay out of politics.
I don't agree with abortion at all - the least you could do is give it up for adoption. And I don't care what some weeping woman says about why she doesn't do that instead, tough shit.
Having said that, it's noone's place to legislate the issue and doing so would only make it worse anyway. Banning things rarely has the desired effect and often has completely the opposite to that which was intended. As long as I don't have to pay for their abortions (which unfortunately I do), it's none of my concern.
Blastulas do not have a right to life. An egg or sperm cell does not have the right to life. A zygote does not have a right to life. Anyone who thinks otherwise is, quite frankly, irrational and slightly retarded.
Blastulas do not have a right to life. An egg or sperm cell does not have the right to life. A zygote does not have a right to life. Anyone who thinks otherwise is, quite frankly, irrational and slightly retarded.

Why? What, except for time, separates a zygote from you or me? If left alone those will become a living, functioning human being.
Why? What, except for time, separates a zygote from you or me? If left alone those will become a living, functioning human being.

No, if left alone without any resources from a mother it will die. It is an extension of the mothers body. A parasite.

There is no difference between a zygote and a skin cell or a tumor or a kidney until it is born.

A zygote is living, but it is not a person, much the same way a human egg is living, but not a person. A zygote has no conciousness, no hopes, no desires, it feels almost nothing, knows even less. Killing a zygote is no worse than killing an ant, and is orders of magnitude less important than killing a cow or another fully developed mammal.

What surprises me is that some people have no problem with killing single celled organisms like bacteria, or small multicellular organisms or even large, developed mammals like cows and pigs but raise hell over killing a tiny, undeveloped lump of cells.

It becomes slightly more understandable in the third trimester, when the foetus is more fully developed, but these cases are extremely rare.

If you want to talk about the suffering of the foetus, think instead the amount of suffering a mother, a living, thinking, feeling human being goes through with an unwanted pregnancy. The mother is wasting valuable resources, time, and energy and she is being psychologically damaged by an unwanted hijacking of her body by an unwanted pregnancy. The mother suffers, indeed. And if the baby is born and given up for adoption, we have to pay for it. Society suffers, and pays for the unwanted burden. The child suffers more when it is born; given up by parents that did not want it.

It is far more humane to quickly destroy the zygote before it fully develops than to prolong the pregnancy, totally alter the womans life and bring a child into the world that was not planned for or wanted.

The woman has thousands and thousands of eggs, and every month at least one is destroyed through menstruation.The egg that is fertilized is only one of these many thousands, the only difference being one of the millions of sperms her lover spared survived. Millions and millions of sperms die in a man every day, and many thousands of eggs in a woman will never be born. The fertilized egg is only one sperm, and one egg of these multitudes. Clearly, it makes much more sense to spare the unwanted burden, kill one more sperm and one more egg, so that another sperm and another egg may be born when duly desired. Nature is cruel, but crueler still is the unneeded suffering brought upon a family and society by an unwanted pregnancy.
Pro life are just scared.

It's hard to act rational when you're belief system is against the wall.
You've never seen what happens during an abortion. Trust me you'll probably lose your lunch.

Good ole conservative Alaskans had the decency to show us blown up photos on posterboards by the road as my Junior High/High school (forget which) bus drove by. Sure it wasn't live, but it got the point across.

The moral I learned was it was pretty grotesque and that I should not be around when someone gets an abortion.

Abortion to me is a non-issue. Most of the people that need them need to not be having sex. I would prefer a very strong campaign for protected sex. There isn't much of one in the States right now aside from middle school life/sex ed classes which if anything, further the problem of teen pregnancy.
No, if left alone without any resources from a mother it will die. It is an extension of the mothers body. A parasite.

There is no difference between a zygote and a skin cell or a tumor or a kidney until it is born.

A zygote is living, but it is not a person, much the same way a human egg is living, but not a person. A zygote has no conciousness, no hopes, no desires, it feels almost nothing, knows even less. Killing a zygote is no worse than killing an ant, and is orders of magnitude less important than killing a cow or another fully developed mammal.

What surprises me is that some people have no problem with killing single celled organisms like bacteria, or small multicellular organisms or even large, developed mammals like cows and pigs but raise hell over killing a tiny, undeveloped lump of cells.

It becomes slightly more understandable in the third trimester, when the foetus is more fully developed, but these cases are extremely rare.

If you want to talk about the suffering of the foetus, think instead the amount of suffering a mother, a living, thinking, feeling human being goes through with an unwanted pregnancy. The mother is wasting valuable resources, time, and energy and she is being psychologically damaged by an unwanted hijacking of her body by an unwanted pregnancy. The mother suffers, indeed. And if the baby is born and given up for adoption, we have to pay for it. Society suffers, and pays for the unwanted burden. The child suffers more when it is born; given up by parents that did not want it.

It is far more humane to quickly destroy the zygote before it fully develops than to prolong the pregnancy, totally alter the womans life and bring a child into the world that was not planned for or wanted.

The woman has thousands and thousands of eggs, and every month at least one is destroyed through menstruation.The egg that is fertilized is only one of these many thousands, the only difference being one of the millions of sperms her lover spared survived. Millions and millions of sperms die in a man every day, and many thousands of eggs in a woman will never be born. The fertilized egg is only one sperm, and one egg of these multitudes. Clearly, it makes much more sense to spare the unwanted burden, kill one more sperm and one more egg, so that another sperm and another egg may be born when duly desired. Nature is cruel, but crueler still is the unneeded suffering brought upon a family and society by an unwanted pregnancy.
That's the best possibly copypasta speech I've read all week.

Zygote, hehehehe.