Pro-Piracy Party Created


Apr 13, 2004
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At january 1st a new party was created in sweden, their only issue is to remove any copyright laws.

Whats scary is that out of about 4000 people, 66.9% can see themselves voting for them. You need 4% of the total voting populations votes to get into the parlament.,2789,755879,00.html

Sorry could not find a non swedish source.
That's not all bad. There are some pretty good legitimate reasons for being against copyright laws.
while im not for removing copyright laws completely, I think DRM should be illegal. it's ridiculous
I would not vote for them. How can they exercise all their politics with just being anti-copyright? What's their position in taxes? EU? Nuclear power? Foreign relations? Feminism? Who would they form a coalition with? Which of the seven parties would want to govern with them, party that has one issue on their agenda, and that is illegal? Copyright takes up a tiny, tiny part of politics. Good luck! :upstare:
Zeus said:
while im not for removing copyright laws completely, I think DRM should be illegal. it's ridiculous

Agreed. Maybe not now, but the next generation of DRM is going to try its hardest to **** us all in the ass

The_Monkey said:
I would not vote for them. How can they exercise all their politics with just being anti-copyright? What's their position in taxes? EU? Nuclear power? Foreign relations? Feminism? Who would they form a coalition with? Which of the seven parties would want to govern with them, party that has one issue on their agenda, and that is illegal? Copyright takes up a tiny, tiny part of politics. Good luck! :upstare:

The article is in swedish so I can't figure out their position on anything else; The_Monkey, do they really only have the one policy?
The_Monkey said:
I would not vote for them. How can they exercise all their politics with just being anti-copyright? What's their position in taxes? EU? Nuclear power? Foreign relations? Feminism? Who would they form a coalition with? Which of the seven parties would want to govern with them, party that has one issue on their agenda, and that is illegal? Copyright takes up a tiny, tiny part of politics. Good luck! :upstare:

I know, it will go likely go truly bad for them. They actually stated that they would not take a standing on other subjects to avoid what happened to F!.

Ikerous said:
That's not all bad. There are some pretty good legitimate reasons for being against copyright laws.

None that they have in mind, they actually call themselves the Piracy Party.
First Sweden, then the rest of Europe! Free games for all! \o/
Except Valve games. <3
Yeah I can't see this being a good thing.

If there was a proper party that laxxed (Not stopped completely) Piracy and mostly DRM laws, including limiting what companies can and can't do to people's computers (Looking at YOU, starforce), then I would consider to vote for them IF, and only IF they also had some decent laws on everything else. But focusing on just Piracy is a bit stupid.
Ikerous said:
That's not all bad. There are some pretty good legitimate reasons for being against copyright laws.

*Explodes in a cloud of LAWYERHATE*

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
*Explodes in a cloud of LAWYERHATE*

-Angry Lawyer

Lawyers unite against this terrible menace!
The swedish famous piracy agency, part of the pirate bay etc, is all good. But I'm not sure what to think of this.

Think they're going in dangerous waters with politics. But if they know what they're doing, why not.
I thought you meant like a literal piracy party (EG: They want Sweden to begin training naval privateers or something)

That sucks big time for Sweden though, and a lot of others, could hurt us too.
They do need more than just pro-piracy, and also to draw a line or they won't get backing from anyone who buys or sells.
Piracy laws infringe on the freedom of speech and expression, all for the "right to profit" or whatever, which is just made up BS. I'm very much against them.
Nat Turner said:
Piracy laws infringe on the freedom of speech and expression, all for the "right to profit" or whatever, which is just made up BS. I'm very much against them.
How so?
RakuraiTenjin said:

You should be able to send a digital file with any information on it to another person. That's freedom of speech. Copyright laws are meant to hold you liable for doing something like this.
Even if that information belongs to someone else?
If I create something, it is mine. No-one else should have the automatic right to be able to obtain or distribute it at will without my permission.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Even if that information belongs to someone else?
If I create something, it is mine. No-one else should have the automatic right to be able to obtain or distribute it at will without my permission.

Yes, if you create information, it is yours. If you sell it to someone on a CD, it is theirs too. They should be able to distribute it, because their right to free speech trumps your imagined right to profit.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I thought you meant like a literal piracy party (EG: They want Sweden to begin training naval privateers or something)

It's the communism of the 21st century, don't you know?
Nat Turner said:
Yes, if you create information, it is yours. If you sell it to someone on a CD, it is theirs too. They should be able to distribute it, because their right to free speech trumps your imagined right to profit.

That model only works for physical property, where the object is passed on. If the contents of that CD stopped working for the seller as soon as they sold it on, then it would be fairer.

Also, free speech? Distributing something created by someone else constitutes free speech how exactly? Which aspect exactly constitutes your speech?
I agree that it can't be distrubuted again but you are allowed to make a back up copy. CDs/DVDs don't last forever. So sometimes i would like to have a back up copy.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Also, free speech? Distributing something created by someone else constitutes free speech how exactly? Which aspect exactly constitutes your speech?

What he means is, 'my right to do whatever the **** I like'
The fact is if piracy was legal then alot of industries would calapse.
dammit, I was hoping there was some new American party supporting the rights of Pirates - th real pirates, the ones who sail around on the ocean.....

I would join a party for Pirates
Icarusintel said:
dammit, I was hoping there was some new American party supporting the rights of Pirates - th real pirates, the ones who sail around on the ocean.....

I would join a party for Pirates
Pirates got pwned by the US Navy.

There are real world pirates around Somalia but they get pwned by African warships whenever they go too far off the coast into international waters.
Legalising it would screw over the gaming industry, you know. Making games stops being profitable if people can distribute it as freeware. Hell, the whole software industry would go down the pan, and I don't fancy seeing my profession become something that doesn't pay at all.

-Angry Lawyer
There is no was in hell that these people would get into the parliment. I could bet my life on that. The Femenist-Party, the Health Care-Party and an odd party called the Juny-list haven't managed to get a good chance in the election this September, so the thought that a pathetic party like this could enter is laughable.
It's not necessarily all about getting voted in and actually removing copyright laws.

It's really about creating attention for yourself, and taking votes from others.

One great example I'll never forget is when this independant WRITE IN cantidate for Mayor wrote "For Free Cable TV" in the voting booth.. and believe it or not.. "For Free Cable TV" apparently took away enough votes from the main cantidates that everyone paid attention to it.. Get it? Nobody would actually vote enough for that guy to become Mayor.. but I think he made his point.. whatever it was..

Ross Perot tried to do the same thing. He definately got his point across, although he never had a chance of truly winning.
Well first off they need 1200 signatures to even start a party. I doubt they will even manage to do that.

EDIT: They've added some new stuff and apperently they've managed to get 1500 signatures via the internet, but it says that only about 25 were "confirmed" signatures.
I believe that copyrights should be in place only so far as to credit the MAKER, not the middleman (the corporation).
Nat Turner said:
You should be able to send a digital file with any information on it to another person. That's freedom of speech. Copyright laws are meant to hold you liable for doing something like this.
You haven't explained WHY you SHOULD be allowed to do so.

I fail to see your logic.
HunterSeeker said:
At january 1st a new party was created in sweden, their only issue is to remove any copyright laws.

Whats scary is that out of about 4000 people, 66.9% can see themselves voting for them. You need 4% of the total voting populations votes to get into the parlament.

I see it is a good direction to take, as long as the media was paid by the state. The tax rate would have to increase to compensate
RakuraiTenjin said:
Pirates got pwned by the US Navy.

There are real world pirates around Somalia but they get pwned by African warships whenever they go too far off the coast into international waters.
doesn't mean it's not still cool to be a pirate, cause it most certainly is cool