The Swedish General Election 2006

The final debate was pretty nice. I'm gonna vote on the moderate party, nothing tells me the left party will win. I think the alliance is what this country needs atm to kickstart financially, and will make it easier for me to get a job when I'm getting into the working market. At first I was into the environmental party, but they're too close to the social democrats imho.

The moderates doesnt have a great financial back record if I remember correctly, so its going to be interesting to see how it goes if they get power (which i think they will).
The difference between the parties is so small you probably wont notice much of a change no matter who wins.... But in two, three years the ecomony will go to hell due to the recession, and everyone will blame the right (if they win, which seems likely), just like they did in the 90's. It will be a cold day in hell before the right gets re-elected in 2010.

Atm it doesn't seem like there isn't any good option, the right is... right, and the left is crawling of populists and leninists.
Atm it doesn't seem like there isn't any good option, the right is... right, and the left is crawling of populists and leninists.

Whats so wrong with being right? It's better than wrong!
Whats so wrong with being right? It's better than wrong!
Good one :dozey:

I do not support the right's stance on health care, education or the job market, so that's not really an option.

By 23.00 today, we will know the results.
Jumping right in here without reading it, all I hope is that PiratPartiet don't get into the riksdag :( I hate'em, grr!
Jumping right in here without reading it, all I hope is that PiratPartiet don't get into the riksdag :( I hate'em, grr!

That would bea real eye opener for most politicians. :P

But I don't think we have to worry about that, the chances that they will get over 4% is next to 0.
By the way, what percent of the Swedish populace votes?
Wow. Thats a lot. We get around 65%. In the 1960s it was 90+%....
i voted for miljöpartiet (environmental party).. it was either them or the moderate party, and i think the blue alliance are abit too risky in their reasoning

That's a lot of spies for Numbers to report... unless he's one of them ... :O
well im to young to vote but im still satisfied on who will rule the country once i turn 18 (in 2 years)
Yeah, the privitizing(sp or w/e) of the healthsector will sure be good, I remember the Moderats posters "When you're sick you don't need a queue ticket... You need (health)care." My ass.. They should just write "When you're sick you don't need a queue ticket... You need all the money you can get."

I would deff. vote red if I could, I think the biggest problem is Göran Persson, he's very authoritarian and have no selfinsight and can't in any way criticize his own party or something they do.. I hope no matter the elections final result, that he resigns!
I doubt they will be able to change all of sweden in just 4 years, especially considering the right will not get local power everywhere. Considering what happened last time the right got into power there is a good chance they wont be reelected (assuming the preliminary results are right).

I'll add that if healtcare would not have been free in sweden in the early ninties I would either be unable to walk or my parents would have a colossal dept.
Take note that those are the actual counted votes and are likely to be less accurate then a general survery until the majority of the votes have been counted.
Interesting to see that the "Other" votes has doubled since last time (so far). I wonder why that is...

Edit: Hehe, the pirate party got 4.5% in the School Elections (past the 4% limit if they would be in the real thing).
Interesting to see that the "Other" votes has doubled since last time (so far). I wonder why that is...
Because of FI and SD?;) Certainly not because of PP! The majority of their 'voters' are probably around 13-14!:laugh:
(Not trying to be a jerk just kidding around)
Because of FI and SD?;) Certainly not because of PP! The majority of their 'voters' are probably around 13-14!:laugh:
(Not trying to be a jerk just kidding around)

FI will get around 1%. SD will get many votes though.

I'm not counting on PP getting over 4% though. I'm okay with whatever.
The right has won :( .

On the other hand Göran Persson just announced that he wont continue to lead the democratic socialist party. Many was getting tired of him, me included which is why I votet on the left party instead.
i just realized that is ruled by swedes :cheers:
I shouldnt worry, privatising a healthcare system takes longer than 4 years.
****, the wrong side won. And now the best Swedish politician in modern history says he will resign. This is the worst election ever! :( The Social Democrats got their worst result since 1914, and the Moderates their best since 1928. They have yet to count the post votes and the forein swedes vote, although I wouldn't hang my hope on the latter, seeing as the majority of them are probably fat tax evaders in Spain.

Hopefully the people will have realized their mistake by 2010.
****, the wrong side won. And now the best Swedish politician in modern history says he will resign. This is the worst election ever! :( The Social Democrats got their worst result since 1914, and the Moderates their best since 1928. They have yet to count the post votes and the forein swedes vote, although I wouldn't hang my hope on the latter, seeing as the majority of them are probably fat tax evaders in Spain.

Hopefully the people will have realized their mistake by 2010.

The people say otherwise; the right is .... well, right. :)