Prob Easy - Physics


Dec 3, 2004
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Ok I followed one of those tutorials and made a breakable platform with barrels on top - trouble is the barrels disappear or poss break. i clicked dont tak physics damage on each part and set the damage below which barrels shouldnt take damage to 100!!

What am i missing? This is probably an easy solution...
By chance, what tutorial did you go off of? One over at Interlopers?

I just did this one last night and may be able to help, but not sure yet...

what type of prop_physics did you use on your entities?

try prop_physics_overide on your barrels. you shouldn't have to set them up to "not to take physical damage" should be default on barrels.
I was thinking the same thing.

I did one last night where I created a platform essentially, and I made the 2 legs on the right side breakable (wood material) and then made the platform a physbox. I sat a couple of barrels on top of that and shot away and it worked first time.

I have a side question, any reason why when I was placing a barrel in one time, they were coming out big as hell and couldn't be resized? It did that for any entity I was doing too.

Anyways, back to the orginal question, try that setup and the barrels like Boss said shouldn't need to be toyed with.
Still not working... The entity I was using was just click the entity tool and select a prop_physics. Then selected the model of a barrel. If you give me an e-mail address I can send you the .vmf file if you that willing to help
ok try this.

in your world model. use prop_physics and then world model "models/props_c17/oildrum001.mdl"

see if that works.
ok i just recompiled my map and put in some oildrums like above just to check it out. i've shot it with the magnun, blown it up with a handgrenade and blew it up with an RPG and it doesn't break. so i don't know what is wrong with your version of hammer? :sniper:
thanks. got it sorted...dont know what the problem was...just started up a new map...worked as i did last time and there you have it...
The barrels do strange things if they touch or clip other objects or entities. I'm not sure if this was your problem, but be sure that the barrels are a few inches above the platform.