Probelms running offline mode?


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
There have been many cases were people haven't been able to play games in offline mode. However, when sending a email about this problem, I got this reply

Offline mode (HL2) not working: Steam or Programming problem

Customer (Entered by Nickp) 04/14/2005 02:47 PM

Hello Gabe,
I didn't know who to contact on your team about the offline mode, so if you do not have time to answer the Question is it possible to forward to another member of the Team?

There have been problems with the offline mode not working after computer re-start or shutdown, not even when the DVD is inserted. Initially, I believed that you might of disabled it because of pirates trying to find holes in the system. Before making any assumptions, I thought I should see if I could get a reply about this problem and whether anybody else has reported it?

Luckily I have an insanely fast connection, but I only have access to it during University Term Time, along with countless other people.

Discussion Thread
Response (JonH) 04/21/2005 01:15 PM

We are aware of the problems people are currently experiencing while trying to use offline mode. This problem is being reviewed, and we should have it corrected soon. Typically offline mode can be used by following the instructions below:

1. Start Steam online, be sure that 'remember my password' is checked
2. Be sure all game files are completely updated, you can check this by right clicking the Steam icon in the system tray and selecting 'monitor'.
3. Right click the Steam icon in the system tray, go to settings, uncheck 'Do not store account information on this computer'
4. Exit Steam, disconnect from the internet, restart Steam
5. Select the 'Start in offline mode'.

However this is not currently the case. Please allow a few days for a fix to be deployed in order to use offline mode.
Thanks, DEATH eVADER; The same problem's been bothering me for the past few days.