problem in the game; move, shoot, and run fast, 64-bit windows



I have found a problem with the game that allows me to move, shoot, and reload faster. I can run (shift) across the stage in seconds. Its kinda hard to control what im doing but over all i have a better advantage. The game seems to be a little glichy; some walls are kinda purple, lines in the background, black spots in the background, some lag but i think its from moving so fast my computer needs a second to process it all. I believe the error to be with windows xp professional 64-bit edition and my network (router/switch/hub). I have an Athlon 64 3200, 512 PC 400 DDR, and radeon 9700 all on a laptop. If someone else has this problem then please tell me so i can try to figure out the problem. Hexic the cheater :)
Wierd. Take a demo, and turn it into a video, so we can see how fast you are actually going. Your specs don't seem that high, mine are higher, and I am normal.
- Gordon
Use search.

Somebody else had this issue not too long back with CSS.

It's a common WinXP 64 bit issue.
Purple and black walls, windows etc. are a normal glitch. I get it whenever I change resolution without restarting the game.
I experienced this glitch, but without missing textures. I also have a demo. PM, E-Mail, or AIM me if you want it. Unfortunately, you need the CTF mod to view it.

I would randomly jump up all the way to the sky, then drop down and die. I would blitz across the whole map in a matter of seconds without sprinting. If you're the admin or a lucky person, you can check your console and see all kinds of red text errors.
Amish-Technology said:
I experienced this glitch, but without missing textures. I also have a demo. PM, E-Mail, or AIM me if you want it. Unfortunately, you need the CTF mod to view it.

I would randomly jump up all the way to the sky, then drop down and die. I would blitz across the whole map in a matter of seconds without sprinting. If you're the admin or a lucky person, you can check your console and see all kinds of red text errors.
Now that would be handy during clan matchs.
- Gordon
Pincus said:
Now that would be handy during clan matchs.
- Gordon

It happened to [GU]El Boricua in [BMC] (My Clan) V.S. [GU]. We were playing ctf_warpath for HL2 TDM. He would fly from his base to the middle of the map! Thankfully, we were winning while this was happening.
Amish, that happens to me when I bump into a physics object, and walk ontop of it, then it sky rockets me. I find this happens when it is laggy.
Yeah, with objects i've figured out a few bugs with them too, especially with physics objects and their speed boosts. (AKA: Flying like woah)
It occured to me while I was holding a box. However, the glitchy effect was permanent until either the server or I refreshed.
since the last steam update mine is acting similar but in a good way. my ping is 10 - 13 and my mouse is so sensitive, even adjusting the sensitivity in settings does not work but im not complaing, my gameplay has improved 1000%