Problem on steam?


Jul 7, 2005
Reaction score
Didn't really know where to put this, but, when I go to purchase anything on Steam, "This page can not be displayed" comes up. I am looking into buying Episode one, but just went there and found that it dont work. Anyone know how to fix this.
You got a firewall on or something?

Do the other steam games/webpages work ok?
I have this same problem. it's known to steam though and they have tecnitions trying to fix it... so they told me.

You can still order the game though... I'll quote the tech support...

Our developers are currently looking at this issue and we expect a fix to go live on Steam in the near future, however, I would recommend that you follow the instructions below to complete your purchases if you would like to ensure you receive the pre-order discount for Half-Life 2: Episode One.

1) Go to Start and "Run..."

2) Navigate to your Steam installation directory (by default this will be C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam)

3) Enter the following commands to bring up the purchase windows:

Half-Life 2: Episode One
steam.exe steam://purchase/79

Hope that helps.
I got this problem when I moved Steam on to a new computer, without installing it properly. This means it's not in the registry, so things like those commands outside of Steam won't be recognised.

Run the Steam installer and it should fix it.
Ok, I reinstalled steam and it works. Thanks guys.