Problem Posting


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
I figure this is the best place to post this, if not then feel free to get rid of it.

When im at home I am not able to post. I can type out the reply fine, but when i submit it, it looks as if it is proceeding (as in, the loading bar in IE moves as usual) but then when it looks like its done, it stops and does nothing. I just found out I could post from school so its not a problem on the site's side. However, I have tried lowering the security settings, firewall, all that. I even tried using Mozilla, but to no avail. Thankfully I can post from here so now maybe I can get some help.
If completely disabling your firewall doesn't solve the problem then it's likely that this will solve the problem.

At home, check your bookmarks/usual URL. The URL to our forums must include the initial "www." or it won't work.

Always use the forums by following this link:
Will do. Thanks for the quick reply.
The deed is done. Thanks chris, it worked. Didnt know about that. This thread has fulfilled its purpose.
Yeah, looks like it hasn't been fixed yet.

Basically Starmonkey wrote a script to completely disable a post coming through unless the referrer exactly reads

Unfortunately it also blocks :E

It's a quick fix so we'll sort it out so no one else has issues :)