Problem With Boolean


Nov 11, 2003
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Hi, I've got a problem with Boolean... For some reason whenever I subtract alot of shapes from one object, it stops "sealing" the hole that gets cut... For example, in the attachment, you can see that the bottom face is missing, and its about the 3rd time I've used boolean on that object...
I hope you understand what I mean, can anyone tell me how to fix/avoid this problem?
boolean never seems to work to well if there is a hole in the mesh somewhere try selecting all the vertexs in the model and doing a weld of 0.1.... tends to fix it with me :D.. if its only on a simple object like the one you have there you could easerly create some faces to sort it out. but its still really annoying when it leaves a hole

^ for max by the way
yeah, sorry. forgot to mention that I was using Max. I'll try that welding first

EDIT: whenever I weld it says that there aren't any vertices in range... but it still seems to fix my problem!

THX. :cheers:
never use bolean, it sucks ;) manual is a bit slower but it's correct the 1st time
to expand on simons comment:

boolenas hve a tendacy to distort the mesh and make UVW unwrapping (which is already the hardest part of te project) damn near impossible it tens to create a lot of un seen faces and vertices that you don't even see because theyre packed on top of one another. It is definatly worthe the extra time to maually create holes in the mesg or leve them to the skinner.
we have a qoute around here "BOO"leans dont ever use em. take the time to do it manually. it takes maybe 2-5 more minutes, and thiers no head ache involved.
I agree with most of the previous people, booleans can make things a bit messy. It is a lot cleaner to just make the holes or whatever you need manually. Even though this may take maybe 5 minutes extra, it would take that same 5 minutes just to clean the mesh after making a boolean. If you are going to be stubborn enough to still use a boolean, then add a Cap Holes modifier to the object and then boolean.
Ive acctualy got a problem with Boolian.. an MP5 im dooing,! were you acctualy cock the gun the rail (that the little lug slides backwards and forwards)

when i acctuly cut that rail or try to useing boolian it tends not to come out right. (not odd looking verticeise or any thing like that) it acctualy dosent to seem to want to work..?

If this dosent make any sence sorry i had a hard time trying to explain it, Mite have gotten my self confused whilst typeing :(
really just dont use it... its so much effot!
Need realy to know what the alternitave methord is and for some one to explain it please :)
cut faces/split polygons to form a hole shape on both sides, delete faces, then connect the dots to make new faces to form the hole (unless theres an "append polygon" tool in 3dsmax - i'm using maya :p)
cheers merc but thats still not realy enough think i need some sort of tutorial thing L(

This is what ive been trying to acheve....

And this is what im getting .?
i really wouldnt boolen that there isnt much point just cut the faces and extrude inwards done ... quick, easy and wont make a mess of the mesh
If you have the money and wish to use Boolean, i would suggest Power Boolean, go to and find it there. There is a demo version but after using it you can't apply any modifiers(this includes Edit Poly, and Edit Mesh) It is about 160$ a little bit hefty if you ask me. I bought it though because work requires it, but other than that don't use Boolean! :smoking:
Not realy what were looking for OKT but thanx all the same.

people are sugesting other options in 3DMAX instead of useing Boolean because it can some times screw around with Wip..

The reason im posting in here is to find out more about the other alternitives in 3DAMX to get the same results.

On reflection and trying to use the other alternatives i acctualy think theres a problem with the model im working on.!
How do you cut a round hole in a shape without using a boolean?
to create the effect you want Gooch, i would simple "insert vertex" in the placed where you want the extrude, then connect them, and allign the vertexes, then you go to polygon -> select the area of the shape, extrude -10 or -20 (depends of the volume of your model) (that's how i do it), it may seem like alot of work to learn, but i myself make that shape in about 1 or 2 min. tops, once you get the hang of it :)
hope you know what i mean :)
looks like ive sorted it :)
Cheers fellas

Hi simon m8 thanx again for your help :)
to be honest i would have been ok but there was a bloody problem with the model, I was dooing every thing i was suppose to be dooing but for some reason i wasnt getting any response.
But never mind now at least ive learnt something new ;)
If I wanted to make a hole in a cube, I'd do it like I explain below. I don't know whether it's a good way, but it works :D

(the numbers correspond with the attachments)
Create a cube, and convert it to editable polygon and delete two of it's side polygons.

On the place of a deleted poly, create a Shape>Circle. Make on with Steps (Interpolation drop down menu) 1. Clone it to the other deleted polygon. Attach the circles so it is one object.
Convert to editable polygon and delete the one polygon that makes up the shape. This leaves you with just the vertices. The attach the box too.
(the attachment shows how it looks while the circles are still spline objects and not a mesh)

This is just a mini tutorial so you'll have to figure this a bit out on your own, but it's not hard.
Ok, go to vertex level, select a corner vertex of the box and do rightmouse to let the Quadmenu pop up, select Create Polygon. Now go from vertex to vertex that you want in the polygon (it differs, but try to keep it a 3 or 4 vertex polygon) counter clockwise. Just form the shape of the hole this way. It's just a matter of seeing order in the chaos of vertices. This may not be so bad now with a simple hole, but it's harder with a complex object.

The result :)

I hope I've helped.


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